HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the 2006 year-end and 2007 forecast survey
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards ethnic identity
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases people's feeling towards different governments
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
POP SITE releases the International Survey on Ethnic Identity in Hong
Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Okinawa 2006 (27/11/2006) (Chinese
POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top Five Executive Council
Non-Official Members (21/11/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media (9/11/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government (31/10/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the findings of a Policy Address follow-up survey (26/10/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases survey results on people's most familiar political figures
POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media (17/10/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of an instant poll on Policy Address
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases findings on people's expectation of CE's Policy Address
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force
HKU POP SITE releases
the latest findings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues and their appraisal of past Chinese leaders
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on subjective social and
rule of law indicators (5/9/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top Five Executive Council
Non-Official Members (15/8/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest subjective freedom indicators
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases latest findings of people's appraisal of society's current conditions
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of onsite survey of July 1st Rally
(4/7/2006) |
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force
HKU POP SITE will release July 1 rally headcount figures tonight and the results of an on-site survey tomorrow night (1/7/2006)
Supplementary notes on using HKUPOP findings for handover anniversaries (30/6/2006)
HKU POP SITE will release July 1 rally headcount figures tomorrow and the results of an on-site survey in due course (30/6/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest results of the Handover Anniversary survey (29/6/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases latest
survey results related to the Handover Anniversary (29/6/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases latest findings of
people's opinions towards Taiwan issues and their ethnic identity
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the latest annual June Fourth survey
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the
Top Five Executive Council Non-Official Members (23/5/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media (11/5/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases
the latest findings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan as well as people's appraisal of past Chinese leaders
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on subjective social and legal indicators
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of CE
Donald Tsang Yam-kuen and HKSAR Government (28/2/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of an instant poll on the Budget
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the
Top Five Executive Council Non-Official Members (14/2/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of CE
Donald Tsang Yam-kuen and HKSAR Government (24/1/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest subjective freedom indicators
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future