Popularity of Principal OfficialsBack

 Summary Table of Job Performance Approval Rate of Principal Officials
first survey conducted on 2-7/8/2002 ; on-line from 17/6/2003 ; latest survey conducted on 1-4/2/2005 ; latest release on 15/2/2005
 Popularity of Secretaries of Departments
first survey conducted on 10-15/4/1997 ; on-line from 15/2/2001 ; latest survey conducted on ; latest release on
 Popularity of Directors of Bureaux
first survey conducted on 24-26/6/2002 ; on-line from 4/7/2002 ; latest survey conducted on ; latest release on
 The suitability of Principal Officials designates
first survey conducted on 24-26/6/2002 ; on-line from 5/7/2007 ; latest survey conducted on 23-26/6/2017 ; latest release on 28/6/2017