特區成立週年調查HKSAR Anniversary SurveysBack

 People's Ethnic Identity Before and After the Handover (27/6/2019)
 回歸後市民對中央政府對香港政策的評價 (27/6/2019)
 People's Evaluation of the Policy of the Central Government on Hong Kong After the Handover (27/6/2019)
 市民對中央政府的觀感 (30/6/2005)
 People's Feelings about the Central Government (30/6/2005)
 市民對回歸前後社會轉變的評價 (25/6/2002)
 People's Evaluation of Changes Before and After the Handover (25/6/2002)
 市民對香港回歸後整體環境的評價 (25/6/2002)
 Overall Evaluation of Hong Kong's Condition after the Handover (25/6/2002)
 市民回歸心情 (28/6/2007)
 People's Feelings about the Handover Anniversary (28/6/2007)
 市民對香港地區長官的評價 (28/6/2007)
 People's appraisal of the top leaders in Hong Kong (28/6/2007)