Future Development of ReferendumsBack

This platform is set up to facilitate discussions on the development of referendums. All arguments welcome, number of words not limited. To facilitate rational and positive discussions, any submission which contains foul language or personal attack, or is judged to be irrelevant or useless to the discussion, or goes beyond reasonable length, will not be carried. Such a submission would be returned to the sender by email, so that the sender can publish it in other websites, media or forums.
This platform is expected to cease operation on 31 March 2005. Before that, all accepted submissions will be carried word by word, and also archived for historical studies. The vetting of submissions will be responsible by the POP Team, each submission requiring about two days. There will not be any editing on the publicized submissions. Any responsibility, legal or otherwise, generated from any submission posted in this forum shall vest entirely with its author. The copyright is completely open.
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Date : 18:23:41 29 Nov 2004 (Mon)
Name : 鍾庭耀
Email : [email protected]
Opinion : 本人代表其他研究組員,包括浸會大學政治及國際關係學系的陳家洛博士、中文大學政治與行政學系的黃偉豪博士、和中文大學社會學系的陳健民博士,呼籲各位盡快向我們提供意見,贊成反對不拘。只要是積極理性、不帶粗言穢語、不作人身攻擊、和與主題有關,我們都會盡量刊登。我們篩選稿件的方法,暫定如下:如果我們四人之中,有起碼一人認為來論帶有粗言穢語或人身攻擊、與主題無關、對探討問題沒有幫助、或篇幅實在太長的話,稿件便會原文送還論者。否則的話,我們將會原文照錄,以求集思廣益。我們希望社會各界能夠和我們一起交流思考,建立一個開放和包容的平台。