HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on
the 2007 year-end and 2008 forecast survey (31/12/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards ethnic identity
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the follow-up surveys on District Council Election and Legislative Council By-election
(21/12/2007) |
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases
people's feeling towards different governments and peoples (13/12/2007)
POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and
the Principal Officials (11/12/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the
final round of Legislative Council by-election rolling survey results for public consumption
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the
fourth round of Legislative Council by-election rolling survey results for public consumption
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the International Survey on Ethnic Identity in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Okinawa
2007 (27/11/2007) (Chinese only)
HKU POP SITE releases the
third round of Legislative Council by-election rolling survey results for public consumption
POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top Five Executive Council
Non-Official Members (20/11/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the final wave of District Council pre-election survey (16/11/2007) |
HKU POP SITE releases the
second round of Legislative Council by-election rolling survey results for public consumption
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and
the Principal Officials (13/11/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the
third round District Council election survey
(12/11/2007) |
HKU POP SITE releases the feature analyses of the first round LC by-election rolling survey for public consumption
HKU POP SITE releases the first round of Legislative Council
By-election rolling survey
result (9/11/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases survey results on people's most familiar political figures
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the
second round District Council election survey
(26/10/2007) |
HKU POP SITE releases the findings of a Policy Address follow-up survey
POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media (23/10/2007)
POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and
the Principal Officials (16/10/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of an instant poll on Policy Address
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the first round District Council election survey
HKU POP SITE releases findings on people's expectation of CE's Policy Address
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force
HKU POP SITE releases
the latest findings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues and their appraisal of past Chinese leaders
POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and
the Principal Officials (11/9/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on subjective social and
rule of law indicators (4/9/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top Five Executive Council
Non-Official Members (16/8/2007)
POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and
the Principal Officials (14/8/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest subjective freedom indicators
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases latest findings of people's appraisal of society's current conditions
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with Legco members in general, the Hong Kong Police Force and the PLA Hong Kong Garrison
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases survey findings on the suitability of Principal Officials designates
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE will tonight release the results of July 1 Rally headcount (1/7/2007)
HKU POP SITE will release the results of July 1 Rally headcount July 1 evening (29/6/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest results of the Handover Anniversary survey
HKU POP SITE releases findings on Hong Kong and Taiwan peoples'views on the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Handover
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards ethnic identity
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey result on political reform
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues
POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media (20/6/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases new survey on political reform (10/6/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases
people's feeling towards different governments (7/6/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the latest annual June Fourth survey
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top Five Executive Council
Non-Official Members (22/5/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases survey results on people's most familiar political figures
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Ho Hau-wah and the Macau SAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
POP SITE releases people's appraisal of local news media (17/4/2007)
Outline of presentation by Robert
Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, on "Opinion Studies and Education Policies" at a press conference held today regarding the launching of a new Cable TV education programme (12/4/2007) (Chinese only)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force
HKU POP SITE releases the Follow-up Poll of Chief Executive Election and the general public's appraisal of 3.15 CE Election Forum
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases findings of a follow-up poll on the Budget
HKU POP SITE wraps up findings of CE Election rolling poll
HKU POP SITE releases for the third consecutive day the daily tracking analyses of CE Election rolling poll (24/3/2007)
HKU POP SITE continues to release daily tracking analyses of CE Election rolling poll
HKU POP SITE releases daily tracking analyses of CE Election rolling poll
HKU POP SITE releases focus analyses of March 15 CE Election debate instant poll and CE Election rolling poll
HKU POP SITE releases
the latest findings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan
and their appraisal of past Chinese leaders(20/3/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases
the HKUPOP estimates 4,000 to 4,700 as the headcount of today's rally
(18/3/2007) (Chinese only)
HKU POP SITE releases
the Final Figures reported by Dr Robert Chung, Director of HKUPOP, regarding the Selection of Public Audience for the 3.15 CE Election Debate
(16/3/2007) (Chinese only)
HKU POP SITE releases
the Progress Update by Dr Robert Chung, Director of HKUPOP, for the Selection of Public Audience for the 3.15 Election Debate
(15/3/2007) (Chinese only)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues
HKU POP SITE releases
Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, published an
article on the progress of the public audience selection for March 15
Chief Executive election forum (14/3/2007) (Chinese
HKU POP SITE releases focus analyses of the First CE Election Forum Instant Poll
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, published an
article regarding the introduction of public audience selection
for the 3.15 CE election debate (9/3/2007)
(Chinese only)
HKU POP SITE releases survey on
First set of CE Election rolling survey wrap-up figures (9/3/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on subjective social and
rule of law indicators (8/3/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases findings of an instant poll on the Budget
HKU POP SITE releases survey on Chief Executive election for the
Third time (28/2/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future
HKU POP SITE releases survey on Chief Executive election for the first time
POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top Five Executive Council
Non-Official Members (13/2/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases survey on Chief Executive election for the first time (9/2/2007)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest subjective freedom indicators
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases latest findings of people's appraisal of society's current conditions and their ethnic identity
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on
the 2006 year-end and 2007 forecast survey (29/12/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and HKSAR Government
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards ethnic identity (21/12/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's opinions towards Taiwan issues (19/12/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future (14/12/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang and the Principal Officials
HKU POP SITE releases
people's feeling towards different governments (5/12/2006)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political groups