HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of CE
Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government, and those of the 2004 year-end and 2005 forecast survey (28/12/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases findings on people's expectation of CE's Policy Address and their ethnic identity (21/12/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's satisfaction with the current social conditions and the survey on Taiwan issues (14/12/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa and Principal Officials under the accountability system (7/12/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the most well-known political groups (30/11/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government (23/11/2004)
HKU POP SITE publishes a column article entitled "Exploring the Concept of Referendum" and releases the latest figures of people's appraisal of local news media's professionalism (18/11/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors (16/11/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa and Principal Officials under the accountability system (9/11/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the Legislative Council members in general, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force (2/11/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government (26/10/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest results of various subjective freedom indicators (21/10/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future (19/10/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa, Principal Officials under the accountability system and members of the Executive Council (12/10/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan (5/10/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity of CE Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government (28/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest findings of people's satisfaction with the current social conditions and the survey on Taiwan issues (21/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity of CE Tung Chee-hwa and Principal Officials under the accountability system (16/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the most well-known political groups (14/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the last Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (11/9/2004)
HKU POP and media conduct exit polls on September 12 (10/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 32th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (10/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 31th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (9/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 30th and 2nd summary of Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (8/9/2004)
Director of HKU POP, Robert Chung, releases further information regarding Sing Tao Daily's report today (Chinese only, 7/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 29th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (7/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future (7/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 28th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (6/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 27th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (5/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 26th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (4/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 25th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (3/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 24th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (2/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 23th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (1/9/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 22th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (31/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government (31/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 21th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (30/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 20th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (29/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 19th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (28/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 18th and Interim summary of Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (27/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 17th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (26/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 16th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (25/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 15th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (24/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures of people's appraisal of local news media's professionalism (24/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 14th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (23/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 13th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (22/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 12th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (21/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 11th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (20/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 10th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (19/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 9th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (18/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 8th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (17/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the Latest Ratings of the Top 10 Legislative Councillors (17/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 7th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (16/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 6th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (15/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 5th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (14/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 4th Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (13/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 3rd Legislative Council election rolling survey result (pdf format only) (12/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity of Principal Officials under the accountability system (12/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the 2nd Legislative Council election rolling survey result (11/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE Tung Chee-hwa and members of the Executive Council (10/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE and Civic Exchange releases the first round of Legislative Council election rolling survey result (9/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE, people's appraisal of the performance of the HKSAR Government and LC members in general (3/8/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases a new passage "From the Editor" and figures of people's satisfaction with the performance of the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison and the Hong Kong Police Force (31/7/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on subjective social and legal indicators (27/7/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest results of various subjective freedom indicators (20/7/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity of CE Tung Chee-hwa, Principal Officials under the accountability system and members of the Executive Council (13/7/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, and people's confidence in the future (6/7/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases (1) the latest popularity of CE Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government, and (2) results of the Handover Anniversary survey (29/6/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures of people's satisfaction with the current social conditions and their ethnic identity (21/6/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey on Taiwan issues (15/6/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity of CE and Principal Officials under the accountability system (8/6/2004)
June Fourth commemoration is good for society (5/6/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of the latest annual June Fourth survey (1/6/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases (1) the latest popularity of CE Tung Chee-hwa and HKSAR Government (2) a column article entitled "Inadequate Support Mechanisms in Taiwan's Democratic System" (25/5/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases (1) survey findings on constitutional reforms and (2) figures of the second multi-party opinion survey on political development (20/5/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases ratings of the most well-known political groups, and people's appraisal of local news media's professionalism (18/5/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity of CE, Principal Officials under the accountability system and Legislative Councillors (11/5/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on subjective social and legal indicators(4/5/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE, HKSARG and LC members (27/4/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, people's confidence in the future, and ratings of subjective freedom indicators (20/4/2004)
Statement issued by Director of HKU POP, Robert Chung, regarding the survey on the number of participants in the April 11 procession (14/4/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of Tung Chee-Hwa, Principal Officials under the accountability system and other members of the Executive Council (13/4/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases findings of a follow-up poll on the Budget (6/4/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of Tung Chee-Hwa, Donald Tsang, Henry Tang and HKSARG (30/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the survey results on public utilities in Macau (29/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of the top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan (26/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases survey findings on constitutional reforms (23/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey on Taiwan issues (18/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures of people's satisfaction with the current conditions (16/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the survey results on Macau people's opinion on the selection method of the Chief Executive (15/3/2004) |
HKU POP SITE releases findings of an instant poll on the Budget (11/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of the CE and Principal Officials (9/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of SAR and Central Governments, people's confidence in the future,
and ratings of political groups (2/3/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases for the first time people's appraisal of local news media's professionalism (24/2/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases ratings of the Legislative Councillors and people's appraisal of the news media (17/2/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest figures on the popularity of CE and the Principal Officials (10/2/2004)
HK-Macau comparative study: Macau people support their government more (4/2/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest popularity figures of CE, HKSARG and LC members (3/2/2004)
HK-Macau comparative study: Macau people visit the Mainland much more frequently, mainly for leisure and shopping (31/1/2004)
"HKU POP SITE" releases findings of a Policy Address follow-up survey (29/1/2004)
"HKU POP SITE" today releases last year's DC Election exit poll data (28/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest results of various subjective legal indicators (27/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest results of various subjective social indicators (20/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE will release tomorrow in its "POP Column" a bilingual article written by Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, entitled "Reliance on the Central Government cannot be overdone" (14/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases the latest ratings of Principal Officials under the accountability system and other members of the Executive Council, as well as the latest readings of 4 subjective freedom indicators (13/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases findings on people's instant reactions towards the Policy Address (8/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases a new round of survey results on people's trust in different governments and their confidence in the future (6/1/2004)
Prof. Joseph Man Chan, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Dr. Chung Ting-yiu, Robert, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong Survey Findings: New Year Day Marchers Have a Clear Goal of Fighting for General Election, and a Firm Belief in Democracy (3/1/2004)
HKU POP SITE releases initial estimation of the number of people attending New Year Rally (2/1/2004)