2012 Chief Executive Election Survey SeriesBack

ball Follow-up Poll of the Chief Executive Election 2012 (conducted on 27-30/3/2012; released on 10/4/2012; on-line from 10/4/2012)
ball CE Election Rolling Surveys Sponsored by Cable TV (10th to 11th Round) (conducted on 18-23/3/2012; released on 22/3 & 24/3/2012; on-line from 26/3/2012)
ball Survey on 2012 CE Election sponsored by NowTV News and Appledaily ( conducted on 19-20/3/2012; released on 22/3/2012; on-line from 22/3/2012 )
ball CE Election Rolling Surveys Sponsored by Cable TV (8th to 9th Round) ( conducted on 14-19/3/2012; released on 18/3 & 20/3/2012; on-line from 20/3/2012 )
ball CE Election Rolling Surveys Sponsored by Cable TV (6th to 7th Round) ( conducted on 9-15/3/2012; released on 14/3 & 16/3/2012; on-line from 16/3/2012 )
ball CE Election Rolling Surveys Sponsored by Cable TV (4th to 5th Round) ( conducted on 3-11/3/2012; released on 9/3 and 12/3/2012; on-line from 12/3/2012 )
ball CE Election Rolling Surveys Sponsored by Cable TV (1st to 3rd Round) ( conducted on 27/2-5/3/2012; released on 29/2, 3/3 and 6/3/2012; on-line from 7/3/2012 )
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 Seventh Round) ( conducted on 27-28/2/2012; released on 29/2/2012; on-line from 2/3/2012)
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 Sixth Round) (conducted on 25-27/2/2012; released on 28/2/2012; on-line from 28/2/2012)
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 Fifth Round) ( conducted on 20-22/2/2012; released on 24/2/2012; on-line from 24/2/2012 )
ball SCMP sponsored "Survey on the 2012 Chief Executive Election" (Second Round) ( conducted on 20-21/2/2012; released on 23/2/2012; on-line from 24/2/2012 )
ball SCMP sponsored "Survey on the 2012 Chief Executive Election" ( conducted on 16-17/2/2012; released on 19/2/2012; on-line from 20/2/2012
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 Forth Round) ( conducted on 13-16/2/2012; released on 18/2/2012; on-line from 20/2/2012 )
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 Third Round)( conducted on 6-9/2/2012; released on 11/2/2012; on-line from 13/2/2012 )
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 Second Round) ( conducted on 30/1-2/2/2012; released on 4/2/2012; on-line from 6/2/2012 )
ball 2012 Chief Executive Election Tracking Surveys (2012 First Round) ( conducted on 16-19/1/2012; released on 21/1/2012; on-line from 26/1/2012 )
ball Appledaily sponsored"Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Fourth round survey) (Conducted on 3-4/1/2012; released on 10/1/2012; on-line from 10/1/2012) (Chinese only)
ball Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Eleventh round survey) ( Conducted on 19-20/12/2011; released on 28/12/2011; on-line from 28/12/2011) (Chinese only)
ball Appledaily sponsored"Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Third round survey)( Conducted on 6-7/12/2011; released on 9/12/2011; on-line from 9/12/2011) (Chinese only)
ball SCMP sponsored "Survey on the 2012 Chief Executive Election" (Round 3) ( conducted on 28/11-1/12/2011; released on 8/12/2011; on-line from 8/12/2011)
ball Appledaily sponsored"Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Second round survey) (Conducted on 25-28/10/2011; released on 3/11/2011; on-line from 3/11/2011)
ball Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Tenth round survey)( Conducted on 17-19/10/2011; released on 31/10/2011; on-line from 31/10/2011) (Chinese only)
ball SCMP sponsored"Survey on the 2012 Chief Executive Election" (Round 2)(conducted on 11-12/10/2011; released on 17/10/2011; on-line from 17/10/2011)(Chinese only)
ball Appledaily sponsored"Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012"(conducted on 26-28/9/2011; released on 4/10/2011; on-line from 4/10/2011)
ball Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Ninth round survey)( conducted on 23-25/8/2011; released on 31/8/2011; on-line from 1/9/2011 ) (Chinese only)
ball Hong Kong Opinion Poll Centre sponsored Survey on Chief Executive Election 2012 ( conducted on 16-18/8/2011; released on 24/8/2011;on-line from 24/8/2011)
ball SCMP sponsored"Survey on the 2012 Chief Executive Election" (conducted on 21-22/6/2011; released on 3/7/2011; on-line from 5/7/2011) (Chinese only)
ball Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Eighth round survey) ( Conducted on 16-18/5/2011; released on 26/5/2011; on-line from 26/5/2011) (Chinese only)
ball Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012" (Seventh round survey)( Conducted on 14-15/2/2011; released on 4/3/2011; on-line from 4/3/2011) (Chinese only)