Archive - Press Releases on 2001Back

 HKU POP SITE releases year-end survey findings (27/12/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases survey findings on the future of Hong Kong and China (17/12/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases regular survey findings today, and forecasts all dates of release in December (11/12/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases regular survey findings today, and gives suggestions to the media on reporting such findings (27/11/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases regular survey findings today (13/11/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases survey findings regularly (30/10/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases survey on People's Instant Reaction to the Fifth Policy Address of Tung Chee-hwa (11/10/2001)
 Presentation of "Opinion Research Projects for Secondary School Teachers and Students" co-organized by HKUPOP and Hong Kong Teachers-Librarians' Association (19/9/2001) (Chinese only)
 HKU Releases Latest Survey on Mobile Phone Usage in Hong Kong(30/07/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases surveys on the Fourth Anniversary of HKSAR (29/06/2001)
 HKU POP SITE releases the latest survey on June Fourth Incident (01/06/2001)
 Seminar Two on "Opinion Research Projects for Secondary School Teachers and Students" co-organized by HKUPOP and Hong Kong Teachers-Librarians' Association (18/05/2001) (Chinese only)
 HKU POP releases ratings of Tung Chee-hwa,Anson Chan, and Donald Tsang 2001 (03/05/2001)
 HKU POP releases the Follow-up Survey of Budget 2001 (03/04/2001)
 HKU POP release Survey on People's Instant Reaction to the Budget (09/03/2001)
 Seminar One on "Opinion Research Projects for Secondary School Teachers and Students" co-organized by HKUPOP and Hong Kong Teachers-Librarians' Association (08/03/2001) (Chinese only)
 HKU POP releases ratings of Donald Tsang (15/02/2001)
 HKU POP releases ratings of Anson Chan (12/1/2001)