HKU POP SITE releases survey findings regularlyBack

Press Release on October 30, 2001

The Public Opinion Programme (POP) at The University of Hong Kong today releases, via its website called the "HKU POP SITE" (, the result of a follow-up survey on people's opinion on Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa's latest Policy Address, as well as his latest popularity rating. Starting today, the "POP Site" will regularly release survey findings for public consumption. The date of its next release is due on November 13, Tuesday, at 2 pm. People's satisfaction with the SAR Government as well as Tung Chee-hwa's latest popularity rating will then be released. Subject to monthly reviews, POP plans to release its findings on a fortnightly basis, each time with a forecast of its next date of release. As a matter of fact, since September 1996, POP had been publishing its survey findings regularly via its monthly newsletter, the "POP Express". Additional and frequent releases of "extra" issues of POP Express also evolved gradually. However, due to a variety of reasons, the monthly newsletter stopped press by September 1999, and by the end of 2000, the irregular extra issues also stopped press, their functions gradually taken over by the POP Site. In a way, the prospective increase in POP Site's activity is a continuation of POP's effort in publishing the POP Express.


The follow-up survey published by the POP Site today is, in fact, part of POP's regular policy address study since 1992. Every year, before and after a policy address is delivered, POP conducts surveys to gauge people's expectation, instant reaction, and matured opinion of the address. Follow-up surveys are normally conducted two weeks after the addresses are delivered. This year is no exception. Shall anyone have any question regarding the research design of these surveys, our team members will be happy to answer them, but we will not comment on the findings. Such an arrangement would be reviewed when we have more resources.