
調查方法 / Survey Method  |  樣本資料 / Contact Information | 人口變項 / Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷 / Full questionnaires |

你知唔知今年有冇立法會選舉進行? (若被訪者答「知道」, 訪問員請追問: "咁係幾時舉行? ",如對方可答出於今年九月七日舉行 或 只能答出 "九月",都歸納為 "答對")
Do you know there is an election this year?

 | 數表/Table |


The camp you support gave out some instructions to the electorates on the allocation of votes, such as casting your vote to another list belonging to the same camp according to your ID card number or birthday, would you follow?

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