立法會選舉票站調查問卷<br>Legislative Council Election Exit Poll QuestionnaireBack
Main Questions 主要題目 |
Q1. Why did you come to vote today? (Ask for the main reason) 請問你今次點解黎投票呢? 【追問最主要原因】 |
Q2. Have you voted previously in different council elections? 請問你有冇試過係各級議會中投票? |
Q3. How long have you registered as a voter? 你登記左做選民幾耐? |
Q4. Which candidate list did you vote for in the Geographical Constituency today? 你今日係地區直選中選左邊張名單呢? |
Q5.Did you choose the list to support an individual candidate, a specific political party, the
whole combination of the list or is it under the consideration of tactical voting? 你既選擇主要係基於支持你選擇既個別候選人、個別政黨、整份名單既組合定係配票既考 慮呢? |
Q6. Why is the candidate/list attractive to you? Please tell me the most important reason. 候選人有乜野吸引你? 請舉出最主要原因。 |
Q7. Did you make your choice on the candidate』s political stand or economy/livelihood
policies? 你既選擇主要係基於名單中候選人既政治取態定係經濟民生政策? |
Q8. How did you get to know this list and its candidates? [Ask for the main way] 你從乜野途徑識呢張名單及其候選人? [ 追問最主要途徑] |
Q9. When did you decide to vote for this list? 你幾耐之前決定左選呢張名單? |
Q10. Which candidate list did you vote for in the 2004 Leg Co direct election? 你係2004 年上次立法會直選中選邊張名單? |
Q11. Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the SAR government? 你對特區政府既整體表現滿唔滿意? |
Q12. Which candidate list did you vote for in the 2007 Leg Co by-election? (for HKI
geographical constituency only) 你係2007 年立法會補選中選左邊個候選人呢? (只適用於香港島地方選區)> |
Personal Information 個人資料
Gender 性別
Age 年齡
Marital status 婚姻狀況
Education 教育程度
Occupation 職業
Religious Belief 宗教信仰
Have you participated in any July 1 rally?