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Territory-wide rolling survey result  |
|   Hong Kong Islands  |   Kowloon East  |   Kowloon West  |   New Territories East  |   New Territories West  |

The figures presented below are based on registered voters only, details are available at "Contact Information". All election surveys are sponsored by Civic Exchange.

Territory-wide rolling survey result

Question : Do you know how many functional constituency seats would be automatically returned in this Legislative Council Election because there is only one candidate running in that constituency? 【Input exact number, the correct answer is 11. If the respondent's answer is wrong, interviewer can read out the answer.】
  Date of survey  Yes and correct   Yes but wrong   Don't know   Haven't heard of functional constituencies   Total 
  15-17/8/04  6.5%   15.6%   76.2%   1.7%   100.0% 

Question : Do you think the voters should be given a choice to cast a vote of confidence or no confidence to the only candidate running in their functional constituency, while that candidate must obtain a certain number of votes of confidence in order to be officially elected?
  Date of survey  Yes   No   Don't know/Hard to say   Total 
  15-17/8/04  56.6%   19.8%   23.6%   100.0% 

Question : The Legislative Council election will be held on 12 September. Could you name the lists in your geographical constituency? (Interviewers first require the respondents to name all the lists they know. The answers need not be totally accurate, only the party name or one of the candidates' names will be acceptable. If one party takes part in the election in several separate lists, the interviewers need to probe. If the respondents cannot identify them separately, the interviewers need to record this accordingly. Interviewers not to read out the lists and multiple answers are allowed.)
  Date of survey  No correct answers   One or more correct answers    More than half correct answers    All correct answers 
  15-17/8/04  43.9%   56.1%   23.9%   2.4% 
  14-16/8/04  44.4%   55.6%   21.4%   1.5% 
  13-15/8/04  46.8%   53.2%   19.5%   1.4% 
  12-14/8/04  47.4%   52.6%   19.4%   1.5% 
  11-13/8/04  48.5%   51.5%   18.8%   1.8% 
  10-12/8/04  48.7%   51.3%   18.9%   1.7% 
  9-11/8/04  48.5%   51.5%   17.9%   1.4% 
  8-10/8/04  51.4%   48.6%   17.1%   0.9% 
  7-9/8/04  52.1%   47.9%   16.4%   0.8% 
  6-8/8/04  55.0%   45.0%   14.2%   0.5% 
  5-7/8/04  55.1%   44.9%   13.3%   0.7% 
  4-6/8/04  58.8%   41.2%   10.6%   0.7% 


Question : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
  Date of survey  Definitely will   Most likely will    Will   Most likely won't    Definitely won't    Won't    Not yet decide    Total 
  15-17/8/04  55.8%   26.3%   82.1%   3.0%   2.9%   5.9%   12.0   100.0% 
  14-16/8/04  56.7%   26.0%   82.7%   3.4%   3.5%   6.9%   10.4%   100.0% 
  13-15/8/04  57.0%   25.4%   82.4%   3.6%   3.9%   7.5%   10.0%   100.0% 
  12-14/8/04  58.4%   25.3%   83.7%   3.3%   4.2%   7.5%   8.7%   100.0% 
  11-13/8/04  58.4%   25.8%   84.2%   2.6%   3.7%   6.3%   9.4%   100.0% 
  10-12/8/04  59.6%   26.1%   85.7%   2.5%   3.2%   5.7%   8.7%   100.0% 
  9-11/8/04  59.3%   25.0%   84.3%   2.9%   2.8%   5.7%   10.0%   100.0% 
  8-10/8/04  59.4%   25.7%   85.1%   3.5%   2.7%   6.2%   8.6%   100.0% 
  7-9/8/04  57.8%   26.9%   84.7%   3.4%   3.4%   6.8%   8.4%   100.0% 
  6-8/8/04  56.9%   28.6%   85.5%   3.2%   3.7%   6.9%   8.2%   100.0% 
  5-7/8/04  56.4%   26.1%   82.5%   3.7%   4.3%   8.0%   9.4%   100.0% 
  4-6/8/04  54.6%   25.1%   79.7%   4.3%   4.2%   8.5%   11.8%   100.0% 
  26-29/7/04  55.0%   22.4%   77.4%   4.5%   4.1%   8.6%   14.0%   100.0% 
  19-21/7/04  51.9%   23.6%   75.5%   3.9%   4.4%   8.3%   16.2%   100.0% 
  2-5/7/04  60.0%   21.3%   81.3%   2.7%   2.3%   5.0%   13.8%   100.0% 
  21-24/6/04  56.6%   22.7%   79.3%   1.9%   3.4%   5.3%   15.4%   100.0% 
  7-11/6/04  53.0%   22.8%   75.8%   3.2%   4.7%   7.9%   16.3%   100.0% 
  1-3/6/04  54.9%   24.2%   79.1%   2.2%   3.4%   5.6%   15.2%   100.0% 
  18-20/5/04  53.5%   24.2%   77.7%   3.6%   4.8%   8.4%   13.9%   100.0% 
  10-13/5/04  52.3%   25.3%   77.6%   2.9%   5.3%   8.2%   14.3%   100.0% 


Question 1 : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
Question 2 :In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
  Date of survey  Firm voters   Stray voters    Voters who won't vote    Total 
  15-17/8/04  54.6%   23.4%   22.0%    100.0% 
  14-16/8/04  53.1%   25.8%   21.1%    100.0% 
  13-15/8/04  52.6%   26.4%   21.0%    100.0% 
  12-14/8/04  51.9%   28.2%   19.8%    100.0% 
  11-13/8/04  52.6%   28.5%   18.9%    100.0% 
  10-12/8/04  53.0%   28.7%   18.3%    100.0% 
  9-11/8/04  53.8%   26.5%   19.8%    100.0% 
  8-10/8/04  52.8%   27.3%   19.9%    100.0% 
  7-9/8/04  53.2%   26.7%   20.1%    100.0% 
  6-8/8/04  53.3%   27.9%   18.8%    100.0% 
  5-7/8/04  51.9%   26.4%   21.6%    100.0% 
  4-6/8/04  51.5%   24.5%   24.0%    100.0% 


Hong Kong Islands

Question : The Legislative Council election will be held on 12 September. Could you name the lists in your geographical constituency? (Interviewers first require the respondents to name all the lists they know. The answers need not be totally accurate, only the party name or one of the candidates' names will be acceptable. If one party takes part in the election in several separate lists, the interviewers need to probe. If the respondents cannot identify them separately, the interviewers need to record this accordingly. Interviewers not to read out the lists and multiple answers are allowed.)
  Date of survey  No correct answers   One or more correct answers    More than half correct answers    All correct answers 
  13-17/8/04  42.9%   57.1%   29.8%   1.1% 
  12-16/8/04  47.5%   52.5%   26.6%   1.1% 
  11-15/8/04  46.7%   53.3%   26.7%   1.3% 
  10-14/8/04  48.5%   51.5%   25.2%   1.3% 
  9-13/8/04  49.7%   50.3%   22.4%   1.3% 
  8-12/8/04  50.4%   49.6%   23.4%   1.0% 
  7-11/8/04  54.6%   45.4%   20.2%   0.5% 
  6-10/8/04  56.3%   43.7%   17.8%   0.4% 
  5-9/8/04  55.1%   44.9%   18.6%   0.4% 
  4-8/8/04  59.4%   40.6%   16.8%   0.3% 

Question : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
  Date of survey  Definitely will   Most likely will    Will  Most likely won't    Definitely won't    Won't    Not yet decide    Total 
  13-17/8/04  60.4%   24.4%   84.8%   2.7%   3.0%   5.7%   9.5%   100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  60.7%   24.1%   84.8%   2.4%   3.7%   6.1%   9.1%   100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  61.1%   22.5%   83.6%   2.8%   4.4%   7.2%   9.1%   100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  61.6%   23.8%   85.4%   3.1%   3.4%   6.5%   8.0%   100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  59.8%   24.1%   83.9%   3.1%   3.1%   6.2%   9.9%   100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  61.3%   22.9%   84.2%   4.4%   2.3%   6.7%   9.1%   100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  61.0%   23.3%   84.3%   4.2%   2.9%   7.1%   8.6%   100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  61.1%   23.4%   84.5%   4.3%   2.9%   7.2%   8.3%   100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  61.9%   21.5%   83.4%   3.8%   3.2%   7.0%   9.5%   100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  60.2%   22.5%   82.7%   3.6%   3.6%   7.2%   10.0%   100.0% 
  26-29/7/04  56.0%   21.6%   77.6%   3.0%   3.7%   6.7%   15.7%   100.0% 
  19-21/7/04  51.0%   24.5%   75.5%   3.5%   1.4%   4.9%   19.6%   100.0% 
  2-5/7/04  62.1%   19.2%   81.3%   2.8%   1.1%   3.9%   14.7%   100.0% 
  21-24/6/04  56.8%   24.3%   81.1%   2.0%   2.7%   4.7%   14.2%   100.0% 
  7-11/6/04  50.8%   17.8%   68.6%   2.5%   9.3%   11.8%   19.5%   100.0% 
  1-3/6/04  50.7%   25.0%   75.7%   3.7%   3.7%   7.4%   16.9%   100.0% 
  24/5/04  58.6%   23.4%   82.0%   1.4%   3.7%   5.1%   12.8%   100.0% 
  18-20/5/04  59.7%   19.4%   79.1%   3.6%   5.8%   9.4%   11.5%   100.0% 
  10-13/5/04  55.0%   28.6%   83.6%   1.4%   4.3%   5.7%   10.7%   100.0% 


Question 1 : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
Question 2 :In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
  Date of survey  Firm voters   Stray voters    Voters who won't vote    Total 
  13-17/8/04  61.4%   19.3%   19.3%    100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  58.4%   23.1%   18.5%    100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  56.3%   23.7%   19.9%    100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  56.3%   25.7%   18.0%    100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  56.3%   24.4%   19.3%    100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  54.8%   26.1%   19.1%    100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  55.4%   26.4%   18.2%    100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  55.4%   26.6%   18.0%    100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  54.4%   24.9%   20.7%    100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  52.9%   26.4%   20.7%    100.0% 

Question : In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
 «  Date of survey  12-16/8/04   13-17/8/04  »
    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote  
  Ma Lik, Choy So Yuk, Chung Shu Kun Christopher, Yeung Wai Foon, Lee Yuen Kwong, Cheung Kwok Kwan of DAB  9.1%   -   13.6%   10.0%   -   14.1% 
  Independent Hsu Lai Tai Rita  15.9%   -   23.7%   15.6%   -   22.0% 
  Independent Tsang Kin Shing, Chung Chung Fai, Tang Chui Chung  1.3%   -   2.0%   2.0%   -   2.8% 
  Eu Yuet Mee Audrey, Ho Sau Lan Cyd of pro-democracy camp  20.2%   Eu Yuet Mee Audrey   30.1%   22.7%   Eu Yuet Mee Audrey   32.0% 
  Yeung Sum, Lee Chu Ming Martin, Lai Chi Keong of DP  20.3%   Yeung Sum   30.3%   20.6%   Yeung Sum   29.1% 
  Independent Wong Kam Fai  0.3%   -   0.5%   0.0%   -   0.0% 
  Won't vote  0.9%   -   -   1.1%   -   - 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  1.6%   -   -   2.0%   -   - 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  30.2%   -   -   26.0%   -   - 
  Total  100.0%   -   100.0%   100.0%   -   100.0% 

Summary table
  Date of survey  4-8/8   5-9/8  6-10/8   7-11/8   8-12/8  9-13/8   10-14/8   11-15/8   12-16/8   13-17/8 
  Ma Lik, Choy So Yuk, Chung Shu Kun Christopher, Yeung Wai Foon, Lee Yuen Kwong, Cheung Kwok Kwan of DAB  4.4%   5.6%   5.8%   6.3%   5.8%   7.3%   6.2%   6.7%   9.1%   10.0% 
  Independent Hsu Lai Tai Rita  19.3%   19.3%   16.4%   16.3%   13.8%   13.4%   13.3%   15.0%   15.9%   15.6% 
  Independent Tsang Kin Shing, Chung Chung Fai, Tang Chui Chung  0.0%   0.0%   0.2%   0.2%   0.3%   0.5%   0.8%   1.4%   1.3%   2.0% 
  Eu Yuet Mee Audrey, Ho Sau Lan Cyd of pro-democracy camp  25.3%   25.3%   25.1%   24.1%   26.3%   24.6%   22.3%   20.5%   20.2%   22.7% 
  Yeung Sum, Lee Chu Ming Martin, Lai Chi Keong of DP  14.7%   16.4%   17.5%   17.8%   18.3%   19.9%   21.8%   21.1%   20.3%   20.6% 
  Independent Wong Kam Fai  0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.3%   0.7%   0.7%   0.7%   0.7%   0.3%   0.0% 
  Won't vote  1.7%   1.7%   1.2%   1.6%   1.7%   1.6%   1.5%   1.7%   0.9%   1.1% 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  1.0%   1.2%   1.4%   1.2%   1.7%   1.3%   1.5%   1.7%   1.6%   2.0% 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  33.6%   30.5%   32.4%   32.1%   31.5%   30.7%   31.9%   31.2%   30.2%   26.0% 
  Total  100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0% 

Kowloon East

Question : The Legislative Council election will be held on 12 September. Could you name the lists in your geographical constituency? (Interviewers first require the respondents to name all the lists they know. The answers need not be totally accurate, only the party name or one of the candidates' names will be acceptable. If one party takes part in the election in several separate lists, the interviewers need to probe. If the respondents cannot identify them separately, the interviewers need to record this accordingly. Interviewers not to read out the lists and multiple answers are allowed.)
  Date of survey  No correct answers   One or more correct answers    More than half correct answers    All correct answers 
  13-17/8/04  38.3%   61.7%   29.7%   8.0% 
  12-16/8/04  42.5%   57.5%   24.4%   5.4% 
  11-15/8/04  46.8%   53.2%   23.2%   5.3% 
  10-14/8/04  43.6%   56.4%   23.9%   5.0% 
  9-13/8/04  47.3%   52.7%   21.9%   4.1% 
  8-12/8/04  52.3%   47.7%   20.6%   3.7% 
  7-11/8/04  55.7%   44.3%   19.4%   3.2% 
  6-10/8/04  55.6%   44.4%   18.8%   2.1% 
  5-9/8/04  59.0%   41.4%   17.6%   1.8% 
  4-8/8/04  59.2%   40.8%   17.1%   2.2% 

Question : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
  Date of survey  Definitely will   Most likely will    Will   Most likely won't    Definitely won't    Won't    Not yet decide    Total 
  13-17/8/04  57.0%   26.8%   83.8%   4.3%   1.5%   5.8%   10.4%   100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  59.2%   26.2%   85.4%   2.8%   2.2%   5.0%   9.6%   100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  58.7%   27.4%   86.1%   3.5%   2.2%   5.7%   8.2%   100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  61.9%   25.8%   87.7%   2.3%   1.6%   3.9%   8.4%   100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  62.9%   24.1%   87.0%   2.3%   1.3%   3.6%   9.5%   100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  60.6%   27.2%   87.8%   2.6%   2.0%   4.6%   7.6%   100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  55.9%   30.1%   86.0%   2.7%   1.9%   4.6%   9.3%   100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  54.6%   30.7%   85.3%   2.4%   2.0%   4.4%   10.2%   100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  53.2%   31.4%   84.6%   2.7%   3.3%   6.0%   9.3%   100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  52.3%   31.0%   83.3%   3.3%   3.6%   6.9%   9.8%   100.0% 
  26-29/7/04  56.1%   21.5%   77.6%   3.7%   4.7%   8.4%   14.0%   100.0% 
  19-21/7/04  51.0%   27.9%   78.9%   4.8%   2.9%   7.7%   13.5%   100.0% 
  2-5/7/04  74.0%   13.0%   87.0%   1.0%   2.0%   3.0%   10.0%   100.0% 
  24-27/6/04  51.9%   25.3%   77.2%   2.1%   1.8%   3.9%   18.9%   100.0% 
  21-24/6/04  55.7%   20.6%   76.3%   2.1%   4.1%   6.2%   17.5%   100.0% 
  7-11/6/04  49.5%   30.3%   79.8%   2.8%   4.6%   7.4%   12.8%   100.0% 
  1-3/6/04  60.7%   23.2%   83.9%   2.7%   4.5%   7.2%   8.9%   100.0% 
  18-20/5/04  57.1%   26.7%   83.8%   2.9%   1.9%   4.8%   11.4%   100.0% 
  10-13/5/04  54.4%   28.9%   83.3%   1.1%   3.3%   4.4%   12.2%   100.0% 


Question 1 : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
Question 2 :In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
  Date of survey  Firm voters   Stray voters    Voters who won't vote    Total 
  13-17/8/04  51.2%   27.1%   21.6%    100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  49.4%   29.8%   20.8%    100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  51.1%   31.5%   17.4%    100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  48.6%   35.0%   16.4%    100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  49.2%   33.0%   17.8%    100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  49.7%   34.1%   16.2%    100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  47.8%   33.9%   18.3%    100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  47.1%   32.9%   20.0%    100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  48.5%   31.8%   19.7%    100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  49.0%   30.4%   20.6%    100.0% 

Question : In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
 «  Date of survey  12-16/8/04   13-17/8/04  »
    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote  
  Li Wah Ming, Wu Chi Wai, Ho Wai To of DP  14.4%   -   24.3%   12.9%   -   20.7% 
  Independent Leong Kah Kit Alan  8.1%   -   13.8%   10.8%   -   17.5% 
  Chan Yuen Han, Lam Man Fai, Tang Ka Piu of FTU and DAB  17.1%   -   28.9%   17.9%   -   28.7% 
  Chan Kam Lam, Choi Chun Wa, Chan Tak Ming of DAB and FTU  5.4%   -   9.2%   7.5%   -   12.1% 
  Independent Cheng Albert Jing Han and To Kwan Hang Andrew of Frontier  14.0%   -   23.7%   13.0%   -   20.9% 
  Won't vote  1.5%   -   -   0.8%   -   - 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  2.1%   -   -   2.3%   -   - 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  37.4%   -   -   34.7%   -   - 
  Total  100.0%   -   100.0%   100.0%   -   100.0% 

Summary table
  Date of survey  4-8/8   5-9/8  6-10/8   7-11/8   8-12/8  9-13/8   10-14/8   11-15/8   12-16/8   13-17/8 
  Li Wah Ming, Wu Chi Wai, Ho Wai To of DP  16.3%   15.1%   16.6%   16.0%   14.9%   16.6%   17.5%   14.6%   14.4%   12.9% 
  Independent Leong Kah Kit Alan  6.9%   6.6%   5.6%   5.1%   5.3%   4.5%   5.9%   7.1%   8.1%   10.8% 
  Chan Yuen Han, Lam Man Fai, Tang Ka Piu of FTU and DAB  25.5%   22.9%   20.5%   21.3%   22.0%   20.0%   19.2%   18.8%   17.1%   17.9% 
  Chan Kam Lam, Choi Chun Wa, Chan Tak Ming of DAB and FTU  4.1%   4.6%   5.3%   5.4%   4.4%   3.9%   3.9%   5.7%   5.4%   7.5% 
  Independent Cheng Albert Jing Han and To Kwan Hang Andrew of Frontier  6.9%   8.1%   8.2%   8.6%   10.1%   11.0%   9.4%   12.6%   14.0%   13.0% 
  Won't vote  2.1%   2.1%   1.9%   1.5%   2.0%   1.2%   0.7%   1.2%   1.5%   0.8% 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  1.0%   1.0%   1.1%   1.1%   1.4%   1.2%   1.9%   2.2%   2.1%   2.3% 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  37.2%   39.5%   40.8%   41.0%   40.1%   41.6%   41.6%   37.7%   37.4%   34.7% 
  Total  100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0% 

Kowloon West

Question : The Legislative Council election will be held on 12 September. Could you name the lists in your geographical constituency? (Interviewers first require the respondents to name all the lists they know. The answers need not be totally accurate, only the party name or one of the candidates' names will be acceptable. If one party takes part in the election in several separate lists, the interviewers need to probe. If the respondents cannot identify them separately, the interviewers need to record this accordingly. Interviewers not to read out the lists and multiple answers are allowed.)
  Date of survey  No correct answers   One or more correct answers    More than half correct answers    All correct answers 
  13-17/8/04  46.6%   53.6%   26.6%   0.0% 
  12-16/8/04  51.8%   48.2%   24.6%   0.5% 
  11-15/8/04  49.1%   50.9%   21.5%   0.5% 
  10-14/8/04  48.8%   51.2%   21.5%   0.5% 
  9-13/8/04  48.8%   51.2%   19.8%   0.8% 
  8-12/8/04  51.5%   48.5%   19.0%   0.8% 
  7-11/8/04  50.2%   49.8%   19.1%   0.3% 
  6-10/8/04  53.3%   46.7%   19.7%   0.3% 
  5-9/8/04  56.4%   43.6%   17.7%   0.6% 
  4-8/8/04  61.4%   38.6%   13.4%   0.3% 

Question : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
  Date of survey  Definitely will   Most likely will     Will   Most likely won't    Definitely won't    Won't    Not yet decide    Total 
  13-17/8/04  54.4%   25.8%   80.2%   3.2%   5.3%   8.5%   11.3%   100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  57.5%   22.9%   80.4%   3.8%   6.4%   10.2%   9.4%   100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  60.1%   20.9%   81.0%   3.2%   5.9%   9.1%   9.9%   100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  63.8%   17.3%   81.1%   3.1%   6.2%   9.3%   9.6%   100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  64.6%   18.1%   82.7%   3.5%   6.2%   9.7%   7.7%   100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  63.3%   21.9%   85.2%   3.2%   6.0%   9.2%   5.6%   100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  63.2%   23.4%   86.6%   2.6%   4.9%   7.5%   5.9%   100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  61.9%   24.6%   86.5%   3.1%   5.4%   8.5%   5.0%   100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  59.2%   25.3%   84.5%   4.3%   5.4%   9.7%   5.8%   100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  59.0%   23.7%   82.7%   4.0%   5.0%   9.0%   8.3%   100.0% 
  26-29/7/04  56.6%   21.2%   77.8%   4.0%   5.1%   9.1%   13.1%   100.0% 
  19-21/7/04  49.1%   23.3%   72.4%   1.7%   7.8%   9.5%   18.1%   100.0% 
  9-11/7/04  53.5%   23.9%   77.4%   2.5%   4.5%   7.0%   15.6%   100.0% 
  2-5/7/04  61.8%   26.4%   88.2%   0.0%   1.8%   1.8%   10.0%   100.0% 
  21-24/6/04  46.3%   27.3%   73.6%   2.5%   4.1%   6.6%   19.8%   100.0% 
  7-11/6/04  61.0%   21.2%   82.2%   1.7%   2.5%   4.2%   13.6%   100.0% 
  1-3/6/04  58.6%   23.3%   81.9%   0.0%   4.3%   4.3%   13.8%   100.0% 
  18-20/5/04  46.7%   27.5%   74.2%   5.0%   5.8%   10.8%   15.0%   100.0% 
  10-13/5/04  58.7%   19.8%   78.5%   2.5%   3.3%   5.8%   15.7%   100.0% 


Question 1 : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
Question 2 :In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
  Date of survey  Firm voters   Stray voters    Voters who won't vote    Total 
  13-17/8/04  53.0%   22.6%   24.4%    100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  52.1%   23.4%   24.5%    100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  57.0%   19.5%   23.5%    100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  54.8%   19.3%   25.9%    100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  55.6%   19.2%   25.3%    100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  54.0%   23.6%   22.4%    100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  53.6%   26.6%   19.7%    100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  51.0%   28.0%   21.1%    100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  50.4%   28.1%   21.6%    100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  48.9%   27.7%   23.4%    100.0% 

Question : In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
 «  Date of survey  12-13/8/04   13-17/8/04  »
    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote  
  Tsang Yok Sing Jasper, Chung Kong Mo, Lee Wai King Starry of DAB  14.3%   -   23.3%   13.9%   -   22.4% 
  Fung Kin Kee Frederick of ADPL  11.3%   -   18.4%   12.2%   -   19.7% 
  Liu Sing Lee of ADPL  1.6%   -   2.7%   2.6%   -   4.2% 
  Independent Lau Chin Shek  10.0%   -   16.3%   11.7%   -   18.9% 
  To Kun Sun James, Chan Ka Wai, Lam Ho Yeung, Ma Kee of DP  23.4%    -  38.0%   21.6%    -    34.9% 
  Independent Lau Yuk Shing, Leung Suet Fong, Lau Po Kwan  0.8%   -   1.4%   0.0%   -   0.0% 
  Won't vote  3.4%   -   -   3.5%   -   - 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  1.4%   -   -   0.9%   -   - 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  33.7%   -   -   33.5%   -   - 
  Total  100.0%   -   100.0%   100.0%   -   100.0% 

Summary table
  Date of survey  4-8/8   5-9/8  6-10/8   7-11/8   8-12/8  9-13/8   10-14/8   11-15/8   12-16/8   13-17/8 
  Tsang Yok Sing Jasper, Chung Kong Mo, Lee Wai King Starry of DAB  15.3%   16.9%   15.9%   15.4%   16.6%   16.4%   13.0%   14.9%   14.3%   13.9% 
  Fung Kin Kee Frederick of ADPL  13.6%   10.9%   10.2%   10.8%   9.2%   11.8%   12.1%   13.4%   11.3%   12.2% 
  Liu Sing Lee of ADPL  1.6%   2.1%   2.9%   2.5%   1.9%   2.3%   1.7%   1.1%   1.6%   2.6% 
  Independent Lau Chin Shek  11.7%   11.0%   10.3%   11.1%   10.3%   8.9%   9.7%   9.2%   10.0%   11.7% 
  To Kun Sun James, Chan Ka Wai, Lam Ho Yeung, Ma Kee of DP  18.6%   19.6%   21.9%   23.1%   25.6%   25.7%   27.6%   26.7%   23.4%   21.6% 
  Independent Lau Yuk Shing, Leung Suet Fong, Lau Po Kwan  0.2%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.9%   0.9%   0.9%   0.9%   0.8%   0.0% 
  Won't vote  2.7%   2.0%   2.6%   2.2%   2.8%   3.1%   2.9%   2.7%   3.4%   3.5% 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  1.4%   2.4%   2.2%   1.9%   2.3%   2.3%   1.4%   1.5%   1.4%   0.9% 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  34.8%   35.0%   34.0%   33.0%   30.3%   28.6%   30.7%   29.8%   33.7%   33.5% 
  Total  100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0% 

New Territories East

Question : The Legislative Council election will be held on 12 September. Could you name the lists in your geographical constituency? (Interviewers first require the respondents to name all the lists they know. The answers need not be totally accurate, only the party name or one of the candidates' names will be acceptable. If one party takes part in the election in several separate lists, the interviewers need to probe. If the respondents cannot identify them separately, the interviewers need to record this accordingly. Interviewers not to read out the lists and multiple answers are allowed.)
  Date of survey  No correct answers   One or more correct answers    More than half correct answers    All correct answers 
  13-17/8/04  41.5%   58.5%   28.7%   1.5% 
  12-16/8/04  40.4%   59.6%   29.0%   1.2% 
  11-15/8/04  41.6%   58.4%   28.1%   1.6% 
  10-14/8/04  43.6%   56.4%   26.4%   1.6% 
  9-13/8/04  46.6%   53.4%   25.9%   1.7% 
  8-12/8/04  46.0%   54.0%   26.3%   1.7% 
  7-11/8/04  47.4%   52.6%   22.6%   1.3% 
  6-10/8/04  48.7%   51.3%   21.2%   1.1% 
  5-9/8/04  47.5%   52.5%   20.5%   1.1% 
  4-8/8/04  50.3%   49.7%   18.1%   1.0% 

Question : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
  Date of survey  Definitely will   Most likely will    Will   Most likely won't    Definitely won't    Won't    Not yet decide    Total 
  13-17/8/04  56.9%   26.4%   83.3%   3.4%   4.1%   7.5%   9.3%   100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  55.6%   27.7%   83.3%   3.4%   4.1%   7.5%   9.2%   100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  54.7%   28.3%   83.0%   3.5%   4.1%   7.6%   9.3%   100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  56.8%   27.7%   84.5%   2.7%   3.6%   6.3%   9.3%   100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  58.2%   25.7%   83.9%   2.4%   3.3%   5.7%   10.5%   100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  57.1%   27.3%   84.4%   2.5%   3.2%   5.7%   9.9%   100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  57.3%   27.5%   84.8%   2.7%   3.2%   5.9%   9.4%   100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  58.3%   27.0%   85.3%   2.6%   3.0%   5.6%   9.0%   100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  55.6%   27.7%   83.3%   3.8%   3.6%   7.4%   9.4%   100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  53.5%   28.6%   82.1%   4.2%   3.3%   7.5%   10.3%   100.0% 
  26-29/7/04  52.6%   28.4%   81.0%   5.2%   4.6%   9.8%   9.3%   100.0% 
  19-21/7/04  59.5%   21.4%   80.9%   3.3%   2.8%   6.1%   13.0%   100.0% 
  2-5/7/04  51.1%   24.4%   75.5%   2.2%   3.6%   5.8%   18.7%   100.0% 
  24-27/6/04  49.4%   28.3%   77.7%   3.5%   2.7%   6.2%   16.0%   100.0% 
  21-24/6/04  57.6%   23.7%   81.3%   1.5%   4.0%   5.5%   13.1%   100.0% 
  7-11/6/04  50.9%   24.1%   75.0%   3.8%   2.8%   6.6%   18.4%   100.0% 
  1-3/6/04  52.7%   28.2%   80.9%   0.5%   2.3%   2.8%   16.4%   100.0% 
  18-20/5/04  52.9%   24.2%   77.1%   3.6%   6.3%   9.9%   13.0%   100.0% 
  10-13/5/04  53.5%   22.3%   75.8%   2.8%   7.4%   10.2%   14.0%   100.0% 


Question 1 : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
Question 2 :In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
  Date of survey  Firm voters   Stray voters    Voters who won't vote    Total 
  13-17/8/04  54.3%   26.1%   19.6%    100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  54.3%   25.8%   19.9%    100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  53.0%   27.5%   19.6%    100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  54.7%   27.5%   17.8%    100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  56.0%   26.5%   17.5%    100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  55.6%   25.8%   18.6%    100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  58.6%   23.6%   17.8%    100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  59.9%   22.6%   17.5%    100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  57.3%   22.6%   20.1%    100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  56.4%   22.0%   21.6%    100.0% 

Question : In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
 «  Date of survey  12-16/8/04   13-17/8/04  »
    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote  
  Independent Wong Wang Fat Andrew  4.9%   -   7.8%   4.0%   -   6.4% 
  Cheng Kar Foo Andrew, Lau Wai Hing Emily, Tong Ka Wah, Wong Sing Chi, Tsoi Yiu Cheong Richard, etc. of pro-democracy camp  32.0%   Cheng Kar Foo Andrew, Lau Wai Hing Emily   50.8%   32.4%   Cheng Kar Foo Andrew, Lau Wai Hing Emily   51.7% 
  Lau Kong Wah, Li Kwok Ying, Mok Kam Kwai, Chan Kwok Kai, So Sai Chi, etc. of DAB  9.5%   -   15.0%   8.3%   -   13.2% 
  Tien Pei Chun James of LP  10.9%   -   17.3%   12.3%   -   19.6% 
  Tso Wung Wai of HKPA  3.3%   -   5.2%   3.4%   -   5.4% 
  Leung Kwok Hung of AFA  2.5%   -   3.9%   2.2%   -   3.6% 
  Won't vote  2.4%   -   -   2.7%   -   - 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  1.3%   -   -   1.2%   -   - 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  33.2%   -   -   33.5%   -   - 
  Total  100.0%   -   100.0%   100.0%   -   100.0% 

Summary table
  Date of survey  4-8/8   5-9/8  6-10/8   7-11/8   8-12/8  9-13/8   10-14/8   11-15/8   12-16/8   13-17/8 
  Independent Wong Wang Fat Andrew  5.8%   5.7%   6.1%   5.4%   5.5%   5.1%   4.0%   4.1%   4.9%   4.0% 
  Cheng Kar Foo Andrew, Lau Wai Hing Emily, Tong Ka Wah, Wong Sing Chi, Tsoi Yiu Cheong Richard, etc. of pro-democracy camp  32.8%   34.2%   34.5%   33.5%   32.9%   32.3%   32.3%   32.3%   32.0%   32.4% 
  Lau Kong Wah, Li Kwok Ying, Mok Kam Kwai, Chan Kwok Kai, So Sai Chi, etc. of DAB  12.1%   10.9%   11.6%   11.7%   10.4%   11.3%   10.9%   9.4%   9.5%   8.3% 
  Tien Pei Chun James of LP  12.0%   11.9%   11.9%   11.6%   10.6%   9.8%   9.6%   9.3%   10.9%   12.3% 
  Tso Wung Wai of HKPA  2.7%   2.6%   2.4%   2.8%   3.0%   3.1%   3.1%   3.8%   3.3%   3.4% 
  Leung Kwok Hung of AFA  1.5%   1.7%   1.7%   1.8%   1.5%   1.6%   2.2%   2.5%   2.5%   2.2% 
  Won't vote  1.4%   1.5%   1.6%   1.8%   1.9%   1.9%   2.0%   2.7%   2.4%   2.7% 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  2.6%   2.4%   2.3%   2.2%   2.0%   1.2%   1.3%   1.2%   1.3%   1.2% 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  29.0%   29.1%   28.0%   29.2%   32.2%   33.8%   34.6%   34.7%   33.2%   33.5% 
  Total  100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0% 

New Territories West

Question : The Legislative Council election will be held on 12 September. Could you name the lists in your geographical constituency? (Interviewers first require the respondents to name all the lists they know. The answers need not be totally accurate, only the party name or one of the candidates' names will be acceptable. If one party takes part in the election in several separate lists, the interviewers need to probe. If the respondents cannot identify them separately, the interviewers need to record this accordingly. Interviewers not to read out the lists and multiple answers are allowed.)
  Date of survey  No correct answers   One or more correct answers    More than half correct answers    All correct answers 
  13-17/8/04  52.6%   47.4%   2.0%   0.0% 
  12-16/8/04  52.2%   47.8%   2.1%   0.0% 
  11-15/8/04  52.1%   47.9%   2.6%   0.0% 
  10-14/8/04  53.4%   46.6%   2.5%   0.0% 
  9-13/8/04  53.1%   46.9%   2.6%   0.0% 
  8-12/8/04  50.8%   49.2%   2.7%   0.0% 
  7-11/8/04  52.1%   47.9%   2.2%   0.0% 
  6-10/8/04  52.2%   46.7%   2.1%   0.0% 
  5-9/8/04  53.6%   46.4%   1.8%   0.0% 
  4-8/8/04  56.8%   43.2%   1.5%   0.0% 

Question : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
  Date of survey  Definitely will   Most likely will    Will   Most likely won't    Definitely won't    Won't    Not yet decide    Total 
  13-17/8/04  55.8%   24.9%   80.7%   2.6%   3.3%   5.9%   13.4%   100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  55.9%   25.9%   81.8%   3.1%   3.1%   6.2%   11.9%   100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  55.2%   28.3%   83.5%   2.8%   3.3%   6.1%   10.5%   100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  55.1%   29.0%   84.1%   3.1%   3.8%   6.9%   8.9%   100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  53.5%   29.6%   83.1%   2.9%   3.4%   6.3%   10.6%   100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  54.9%   29.9%   84.8%   3.2%   2.8%   6.0%   9.2%   100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  55.0%   28.3%   83.3%   3.0%   3.6%   6.6%   10.2%   100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  55.6%   27.1%   82.7%   3.6%   3.4%   7.0%   10.2%   100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  55.7%   25.8%   81.5%   4.5%   3.6%   8.1%   10.3%   100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  56.0%   26.0%   82.0%   4.0%   4.2%   8.2%   9.7%   100.0% 
  26-29/7/04  56.3%   17.3%   73.6%   5.1%   2.5%   7.6%   18.8%   100.0% 
  19-21/7/04  47.5%   22.3%   69.8%   5.9%   6.9%   12.8%   17.3%   100.0% 
  9-11/7/04  54.4%   23.3%   77.7%   2.5%   3.7%   6.2%   16.1%   100.0% 
  2,4-5/7/04  60.3%   21.1%   81.4%   5.0%   2.5%   7.5%   11.1%   100.0% 
  21-24/6/04  62.7%   17.9%   80.6%   2.0%   2.0%   4.0%   15.4%   100.0% 
  7-11/6/04  53.0%   21.6%   74.6%   3.8%   5.9%   9.7%   15.7%   100.0% 
  1-3/6/04  55.7%   20.5%   76.2%   3.2%   3.7%   6.9%   16.9%   100.0% 
  18-20/5/04  52.9%   24.8%   77.7%   3.8%   2.9%   6.7%   15.7%   100.0% 
  10-13/5/04  46.2%   26.7%   72.9%   4.5%   5.9%   10.4%   16.7%   100.0% 


Question 1 : Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election in September? (Interviewers to inquire propensity)
Question 2 :In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
  Date of survey  Firm voters   Stray voters    Voters who won't vote    Total 
  13-17/8/04  49.5%   28.9%   21.7%    100.0% 
  12-16/8/04  49.2%   30.1%   20.7%    100.0% 
  11-15/8/04  48.9%   31.2%   19.9%    100.0% 
  10-14/8/04  49.7%   31.8%   18.6%    100.0% 
  9-13/8/04  48.0%   30.9%   21.2%    100.0% 
  8-12/8/04  50.0%   29.9%   20.1%    100.0% 
  7-11/8/04  50.8%   27.1%   22.2%    100.0% 
  6-10/8/04  50.5%   26.9%   22.6%    100.0% 
  5-9/8/04  49.2%   27.3%   23.5%    100.0% 
  4-8/8/04  51.0%   26.8%   22.2%    100.0% 

Question : In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, in fact there are several lists as follows. Which list you tend to support? (Interviewers to read out the lists)
 «  Date of survey  12-16/8/04   13-17/8/04  »
    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote    Support rating    Candidates surpassing threshold    Excluding respondents who have not decided or won't vote  
  Lee Wing Tat, Chan Yuen Sum of DP  6.8%   -   11.9%   7.4%   -   13.1% 
  Ho Chun Yan, Cheung Yin Tung of DP  9.8%   -   17.2%   10.5%   -   18.5% 
  Independent Chan Wai Yip Albert  4.0%   -   7.1%   3.9%   -   6.9% 
  Yim Tin Sang, Kong Fung Yi, Tai Yin Chiu, etc. of ADPL  2.4%   -   4.2%   1.7%   -   3.1% 
  Tam Yiu Chung, Cheung Hok Ming, Leung Che Cheung, etc. of DAB 10.3%   -   18.1%  9.1%   -   16.0% 
  Chow Liang Shuk Yee Selina, Ting Woo Shou Kenneth of LP  8.5%   -   14.9%   8.2%   -   14.6% 
  Independent Ng Tak Leung  0.0%   -   0.0%   0.0%   -   0.0% 
  Independent Char Shik Ngor Stephen  0.6%   -   1.0%   0.4%   -   0.7% 
  Lee Cheuk Yan, Ip Ngok Fung of HKCTU  6.5%   -   11.4%   6.6%   -   11.7% 
  Lui Hau Tuen, Siu Shing Choi, Chan Choi Hi of NCF  0.0%   -   0.0%   0.0%   -   0.0% 
  Leung Yiu Chung, Wan Siu Kin Andrew of NWS  8.0%   -   14.1%   8.5%   -   15.1% 
  Independent Chow Ping Tim  0.0%   -   0.0%   0.2%   -   0.3% 
  Won't vote  2.1%   -   -   2.3%   -   - 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  0.3%   -   -   0.5%   -   - 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  40.8%   -   -   40.5%   -   - 
  Total  100.0%   -   100.0%   100.0%   -   100.0% 

Summary table
  Date of survey  4-8/8   5-9/8  6-10/8   7-11/8   8-12/8  9-13/8   10-14/8   11-15/8   12-16/8   13-17/8 
  Lee Wing Tat, Chan Yuen Sum of DP  6.9%   5.8%   6.5%   6.8%   6.7%   6.1%   6.7%   7.7%   6.8%   7.4% 
  Ho Chun Yan, Cheung Yin Tung of DP  10.8%   10.0%   10.9%   10.7%   10.0%   8.2%   9.6%   8.7%   9.8%   10.5% 
  Independent Chan Wai Yip Albert  5.6%   5.8%   5.1%   5.2%   4.9%   4.6%   4.6%   4.6%   4.0%   3.9% 
  Yim Tin Sang, Kong Fung Yi, Tai Yin Chiu, etc. of ADPL  2.9%   2.8%   2.2%   1.8%   1.5%   1.5%   2.1%   2.1%   2.4%   1.7% 
  Tam Yiu Chung, Cheung Hok Ming, Leung Che Cheung, etc. of DAB  11.6%   13.3%   12.2%   11.7%   12.3%   11.4%   9.5%   9.9%  10.3%  9.1% 
  Chow Liang Shuk Yee Selina, Ting Woo Shou Kenneth of LP  8.5%   8.7%   8.7%   8.6%   9.0%   8.7%   8.7%   8.0%   8.5%   8.2% 
  Independent Ng Tak Leung  0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.1%   0.1%   0.1%   0.1%   0.1%   0.0%   0.0% 
  Independent Char Shik Ngor Stephen  0.0%   0.2%   0.2%   0.2%   0.6%   0.9%   0.6%   0.6%   0.6%   0.4% 
  Lee Cheuk Yan, Ip Ngok Fung of HKCTU  5.9%   5.7%   6.6%   6.4%   5.7%   7.2%   6.4%   7.0%   6.5%   6.6% 
  Lui Hau Tuen, Siu Shing Choi, Chan Choi Hi of NCF  0.0%   0.0%   0.2%   0.4%   0.4%   0.4%   0.4%   0.2%   0.0%   0.0% 
  Leung Yiu Chung, Wan Siu Kin Andrew of NWS  10.2%   9.6%   9.6%   10.3%   8.3%   7.9%   8.3%   8.3%   8.0%   8.5% 
  Independent Chow Ping Tim  0.5%   0.7%   0.7%   0.6%   0.3%   0.2%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.2% 
  Won't vote  1.9%   1.0%   1.2%   1.0%   1.3%   1.6%   2.3%   1.6%   2.1%   2.3% 
  Won't support any political parties or candidates  3.2%   2.9%   2.3%   2.0%   0.5%   0.5%   0.3%   0.1%   0.3%   0.5% 
  Not yet decide / Don't know / Hard to say  32.2%   33.6%   33.7%   34.4%   38.3%   40.7%   40.4%   41.1%   40.8%   40.5% 
  Total  100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0%   100.0% 

Territory-wide rolling survey result  |
|   Hong Kong Islands  |   Kowloon East  |   Kowloon West  |   New Territories East  |   New Territories West  |