詳細數表 Frequency TablesBack

Q1 [Q1] 請問你喺而家住緊既社區生活得開唔開心? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表非常唔開心,10分代表非常開心,5分代表一半半。
How happy are you in the neighborhood you are living in? Please rate on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means very unhappy, 10 means very happy and 5 means half-half.
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 6 0.6%
1 4 0.4%
2 10 1.0%
3 14 1.4%
4 9 0.9%
5 235 23.4%
6 110 10.9%
7 193 19.2%
8 259 25.8%
9 45 4.4%
10 110 10.9%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 10 1.0%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 6.9
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 996

Q2 [Q2] 你最鍾意/最滿意現時住嘅社區D乜野? [不讀答案,最多可答3項]
What do you like most about the neighborhood you are living in? [Do not read out answers, max 3 answers allowed]
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=1,755)
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=1,004)
交通便利 (例如: 近港鐵站)Transportation (e.g. proximity to MTR station) 423 24.1% 42.1%
附近有食肆、超市、及其他生活必需品Easy access to living necessities (e.g. restaurants, grocery stores, other shops) 196 11.2% 19.5%
社區設施(例如: 泳池,街市,停車場)Community facilities (e.g. swimming pool, wet market, car-parking) 166 9.4% 16.5%
附近有綠化環境/公園Green environment / park nearby 162 9.3% 16.2%
寧靜Quiet 156 8.9% 15.5%
空氣好Good air quality 134 7.6% 13.3%
安全/治安良好Safe and secure 95 5.4% 9.4%
在飲食及其他休閒設施上有多元選擇Diversity in food and beverage and other leisure amenities 59 3.4% 5.9%
可以融入或參與嘅社區Community feel or opportunities for participation 51 2.9% 5.1%
附近有寬闊公共空間Spacious public place nearby 39 2.2% 3.9%
環境清潔Cleanliness of environment 28 1.6% 2.8%
沒有甚麼特別Nothing in particular 26 1.5% 2.6%
環境熱鬧Bustling and fun 18 1.0% 1.8%
多元社區(包括社會階層、年齡、種族) Diverse society (social class, age, race) 17 1.0% 1.7%
校網School net 17 0.9% 1.7%
良好城市規劃設計Well-designed built environment 15 0.9% 1.5%
租金/樓價合理Affordable rental/property price 11 0.6% 1.0%
近工作地點Proximity to workplace 5 0.3% 0.5%
容易獲得醫療服務Easy access to health services 4 0.2% 0.4%
水質好Good water quality 4 0.2% 0.4%
文化元素Cultural elements 2 0.1% 0.2%
近家人Proximity to family 1 0.1% 0.1%
其他Others 8 0.4% 0.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 119 6.8% 11.9%
合計 Total 1,755 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q2 - 其他_Other responses
免費Free 3
福利Welfare 3
管理完善Good management 1
高就業率High employment rate 1
所有東西Everything <1
合計 Total 8

Q3 [Q3] 你覺得你現時住嘅社區咩野最需要改善? [不讀答案,最多可答3項]
What do you want to improve about your neighborhood? [Do not read out answers, max 3 answers allowed]
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=1,328)
百分比 佔樣本百分比
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=1,001)
減低罪案率/多啲保安巡邏Reduce crime rate / more security patrol 18 1.3% 1.8%
改善交通系統Better transportation system 216 16.3% 21.6%
減少塞車Less traffic jam 31 2.3% 3.1%
改善道路結構Better road structure 28 2.1% 2.8%
更寧靜環境Quieter environment 26 1.9% 2.6%
空氣質素Air quality 43 3.2% 4.3%
水質 (例如: 鉛水)Water quality (e.g. lead water) 6 0.4% 0.6%
多啲公共空間More public place nearby 14 1.0% 1.4%
多啲綠化環境/公園More green environment / park nearby 40 3.0% 4.0%
租金/樓價平啲Cheaper rental/property price 23 1.7% 2.3%
增加附近嘅食肆、超市、及其他生活必需品Easier access to living necessities (e.g. restaurants, grocery stores, other shops) 95 7.2% 9.5%
在飲食及其他休閒設施上多啲選擇More choices in food and beverage and other leisure amenities 45 3.4% 4.5%
包融嘅社區(包括社會階層、年齡、種族) A more inclusive society (social class, age, race) 9 0.7% 0.9%
多啲社區設施 (例如: 泳池,街市,停車場)More community facilities (e.g. swimming pool, wet market, car-parking) 154 11.6% 15.4%
改善城市規劃設計Better-designed built environment 56 4.2% 5.5%
改善融入或參與社區嘅感覺Better community feel or opportunities for participation 12 0.9% 1.2%
多啲文化元素More cultural elements 3 0.2% 0.3%
更熱鬧嘅環境More bustling and fun 3 0.3% 0.3%
改善光污染Improve light pollution 5 0.4% 0.5%
改善蚊患/蟲害Better mosquito/pest control 20 1.5% 2.0%
更容易獲得醫療服務Easier access to health services 17 1.3% 1.7%
改善環境衛生Improve the cleanliness of the community 71 5.4% 7.1%
降低生活成本Lower the cost of living 31 2.3% 3.1%
社區太濟逼The community is too crowded 39 3.0% 3.9%
沒有甚麼需要改善Nothing needs to be changed 59 4.5% 5.9%
其他Others 7 0.6% 0.7%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 257 19.3% 25.7%
合計 Total 1,328 100.0%
缺數 Missing 5

Q3 - 其他_Other responses
物業管理Building management 4
區議員不能幫忙The district councilor is not helpful 2
社區太多非本地人More local people in the community 1
經濟Economy <1
合計 Total 7

Q4_1 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[交通便利]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Easy access to transportation ]
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 8 0.8%
1 4 0.4%
2 2 0.2%
3 4 0.4%
4 5 0.5%
5 79 7.9%
6 48 4.7%
7 109 10.8%
8 299 29.7%
9 139 13.8%
10 303 30.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 6 0.6%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 8.2
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 1,000

Q4_2 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[安全/治安良好]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Safe & Secure ]
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 7 0.7%
1 1 0.1%
2 3 0.3%
3 3 0.3%
4 6 0.6%
5 61 6.1%
6 33 3.3%
7 70 6.9%
8 212 21.1%
9 158 15.7%
10 445 44.2%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 9 0.9%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 6.5
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 944

Q4_3 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[良好校網]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Good school net ]
(基數 Base=1,003)
0 53 5.3%
1 4 0.4%
2 9 0.9%
3 28 2.8%
4 29 2.9%
5 218 21.8%
6 87 8.7%
7 124 12.4%
8 198 19.7%
9 48 4.8%
10 144 14.4%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 59 5.9%
合計 Total 1,003 100.0%
缺數 Missing 3
平均數 Mean 6.5
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 944

Q4_4 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[附近有綠化環境/公園]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Green environment / park nearby]
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 12 1.2%
1 1 0.1%
2 1 0.1%
3 9 0.9%
4 11 1.1%
5 81 8.1%
6 61 6.1%
7 163 16.2%
8 302 30.0%
9 108 10.8%
10 251 25.0%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 6 0.6%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 7.9
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 1,000

Q4_5 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[近工作地點]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Proximity to workplace]
(基數 Base=1,003)
0 38 3.8%
1 3 0.3%
2 8 0.8%
3 23 2.3%
4 17 1.7%
5 251 25.0%
6 83 8.3%
7 137 13.6%
8 182 18.1%
9 47 4.7%
10 154 15.3%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 61 6.1%
合計 Total 1,003 100.0%
缺數 Missing 3
平均數 Mean 6.7
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 942

Q4_6 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[附近有食肆、超市、及其他生活必需品]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Easy access to living necessities ]
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 11 1.1%
1 1 0.1%
2 2 0.2%
3 5 0.5%
4 5 0.5%
5 98 9.8%
6 68 6.7%
7 144 14.3%
8 287 28.5%
9 110 10.9%
10 264 26.2%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 12 1.2%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 7.9
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 994

Q4_7 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[良好城市規劃設計]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Well-designed built environment]
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 13 1.3%
2 5 0.5%
3 3 0.3%
4 12 1.2%
5 129 12.8%
6 64 6.3%
7 151 15.0%
8 285 28.3%
9 89 8.9%
10 216 21.5%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 41 4.1%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 7.7
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 965

Q4_8 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[環境寧靜舒適]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Quiet and peaceful ]
(基數 Base=1,005)
0 4 0.4%
1 1 0.1%
2 3 0.3%
3 7 0.7%
4 7 0.7%
5 96 9.6%
6 63 6.2%
7 146 14.5%
8 285 28.3%
9 125 12.4%
10 260 25.9%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 9 0.9%
合計 Total 1,005 100.0%
缺數 Missing 1
平均數 Mean 8.0
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 996

Q4_9 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[高質素社區設施]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [High level of community facilities]
(基數 Base=1,005)
0 22 2.2%
1 1 0.1%
2 7 0.7%
3 18 1.8%
4 25 2.5%
5 204 20.3%
6 106 10.5%
7 182 18.1%
8 195 19.4%
9 62 6.2%
10 134 13.4%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 50 5.0%
合計 Total 1,005 100.0%
缺數 Missing 1
平均數 Mean 6.9
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 955

Q4_10 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[多姿多采]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Vibrant ]
(基數 Base=1,002)
0 50 5.0%
1 7 0.7%
2 14 1.4%
3 51 5.1%
4 44 4.4%
5 363 36.2%
6 141 14.1%
7 103 10.3%
8 93 9.3%
9 20 1.9%
10 69 6.9%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 47 4.7%
合計 Total 1,002 100.0%
缺數 Missing 4
平均數 Mean 5.6
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 5.0
基數 Base 955

Q4_11 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[有共融社區感覺]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Community feel and sociable]
(基數 Base=1,004)
0 24 2.4%
1 4 0.4%
2 3 0.3%
3 29 2.9%
4 15 1.5%
5 210 20.9%
6 111 11.0%
7 150 14.9%
8 207 20.6%
9 53 5.3%
10 125 12.4%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 72 7.2%
合計 Total 1,004 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2
平均數 Mean 6.8
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 933

Q4_12 [Q4] 以下各個因素對你選擇居住地點有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半。[空氣好]
How important are the following factors to you when you choose a place to live? [Good air quality]
(基數 Base=1,006)
0 6 0.5%
1 1 0.1%
2 4 0.4%
3 7 0.7%
4 10 1.0%
5 77 7.7%
6 38 3.8%
7 123 12.2%
8 262 26.1%
9 133 13.2%
10 338 33.5%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 6 0.6%
合計 Total 1,006 100.0%
平均數 Mean 8.2
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 1,000

Q5a [Q5a] 你認為香港係唔係一個可以提供優質生活嘅地方?
Do you think Hong Kong is a place that provides good quality of life?
(基數 Base=1,004)
係 Yes 593 59.0%
唔係No 329 32.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say (Skip to Q6) 82 8.2%
合計 Total 1,004 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q5b [Q5b] [只問於Q5a 答"係"者,基數=593] [Only ask those who answer “yes” in Q5a, Base=593] 點解係 Why?[不讀答案,最多可答3項] [Do not read out answers, max 3 answers allowed]
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=1,002)
百分比 佔樣本百分比
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=585)
交通配套Quality of transport links 177 17.6% 30.2%
安全/治安Safety/social order 118 11.8% 20.2%
社區設施Community facilities 116 11.6% 19.9%
環境質素(例如空氣、水質、綠化)Environmental quality (e.g. air quality, water quality, green area, etc.) 98 9.8% 16.7%
經濟環境(例如就業機會、工資水平)Economic condition (e.g. job opportunities, wage level, etc.) 93 9.3% 15.9%
管治/政治環境Governance and political environment 83 8.3% 14.2%
社會福利Social welfare 38 3.8% 6.5%
物質豐富Material Prosperity 26 2.6% 4.4%
醫療質素/收費Quality/price of healthcare services 25 2.5% 4.3%
社區共融力Community feel 22 2.2% 3.8%
資源可持續性Sustainability of resources 22 2.2% 3.8%
房屋價格/土地供應Property price / land supply 17 1.6% 2.8%
氣候Climate resilient 11 1.1% 1.9%
食物多元化Food 11 1.1% 1.8%
教育制度Education system 11 1.1% 1.8%
物價Commodity price 10 1.0% 1.7%
城市生活繁榮Vibrancy of urban life 9 0.9% 1.5%
國際城市International city 8 0.7% 1.3%
公民質素Citizens' quality 7 0.7% 1.2%
人口稠密度Population density 7 0.7% 1.2%
社會流動機會Social mobility 6 0.6% 1.0%
其他Others 26 2.6% 4.4%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 63 6.3% 10.8%
合計 Total 1,002 100.0%
缺數 Missing 8

Q5b - 其他_Other responses
無自然災害 No natural disasters 5
土生土長 Born locally 4
語言 Language 4
無原因 No reason 4
比其他地方好 Better than other places 3
城市規劃 Urban planning 1
所有東西 Everything 1
文化 Culture 1
先進科技Technologically advanced 1
多元化 Diversity 1
食物 Food 1
合計 Total 26

Q5c [Q5c] [只問於Q5a 答"唔係"者,基數=329] [Only ask those who answer “no” in Q5a, Base=329] 點解唔係 Why not?[不讀答案,最多可答3項] [Do not read out answers, max 3 answers allowed]
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=598)
百分比 佔樣本百分比
Percentage of sample
(基數 Base=329)
管治/政治環境Governance and political environment 101 16.8% 30.6%
人口稠密度Population density 98 16.4% 29.8%
房屋價格/土地供應Property price / land supply 85 14.3% 26.0%
環境質素(例如空氣、水質、綠化)Environmental quality (e.g. air quality, water quality, green area, etc.) 54 9.1% 16.4%
經濟環境(例如就業機會、工資水平)Economic condition (e.g. job opportunities, wage level, etc.) 50 8.3% 15.1%
物價Commodity price 46 7.7% 14.0%
交通配套Quality of transport links 25 4.2% 7.7%
社區設施Community facilities 19 3.1% 5.7%
社會福利Social welfare 14 2.4% 4.4%
社區共融力Community feel 14 2.4% 4.3%
高壓社會High pressure 13 2.2% 3.9%
社會流動機會Social mobility 11 1.8% 3.4%
安全/治安Safety/social order 8 1.3% 2.3%
醫療質素/收費Quality/price of healthcare services 7 1.2% 2.2%
教育制度Education 7 1.2% 2.2%
公民質素Citizens' quality 5 0.9% 1.6%
社會發展步閥太快Rapid pace 5 0.8% 1.5%
氣候Climate resilient 3 0.5% 0.9%
資源可持續性Sustainability of resources 3 0.4% 0.8%
其他Others 13 2.2% 4.0%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 16 2.7% 5.0%
合計 Total 598 100.0%
缺數 Missing 1

Q5c - 其他_Other responses
移民湧入 Influx of immigrants 5
城市規劃 Urban planning 2
不夠旅遊景點 Not enough tourist spots 2
不夠娛樂設施 Lack of entertainment 1
產品不夠多元化Lack of variety of goods 1
財團壟斷 Monopoly of big corporations 1
太多商場 Too many shopping malls 1
不滿服務行業 Unsatisfactory service industry 1
核心價值崩壞 Deterioration of core values 1
合計 Total 13

Q6 [Q6] 你認為香港嘅整體生活質素喺未來5年會比現時好啲定差啲? [訪員追問程度] Do you think the overall quality of life in Hong Kong would be getting better or worse in the next 5 years? [Interviewers to probe intensity]
(基數 Base=1,004)
好好多Far better 37 3.7%
好少少Somewhat better 129 12.9%
冇乜分別Not much difference 185 18.4%
差少少Somewhat worse 310 30.9%
差好多Far worse 209 20.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 133 13.3%
合計 Total 1,004 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q6gp [Q6] 你認為香港嘅整體生活質素喺未來5年會比現時好啲定差啲? [訪員追問程度] [綜合數據] Do you think the overall quality of life in Hong Kong would be getting better or worse in the next 5 years? [Interviewers to probe intensity] [Aggregate data]
(基數 Base=1,004)
好 Better 167 16.6%
冇乜分別Not much difference 185 18.4%
差 worse 518 51.7%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Forgotten 133 13.3%
合計 Total 1,004 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2