Background of StudyBack

In November 2005, the Hong Kong Alternatives (HKA), an independent advocacy group, and Designing Hong Kong Harbour District (DHKHD) commissioned the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong to conduct a public opinion survey on 'Planning for West Kowloon and the Harbour Front'. The primary objective of the survey was to gauge the public's attitudes and preferences towards the development of the West Kowloon site as well as the Victoria Harbour front in general, for the benefit of the community and all policy makers.
The POP Team noted that HKA and DHKHD are unaffiliated with any commercial or political groups. This, however, did not affect the independence of POP in conducting this survey, because, as usual, the research instrument used in this study was designed entirely by the POP Team after consultation with HKA and DHKHD, whilst fieldwork operations and data analysis were also conducted independently by the POP Team, without interference from any outside party. In other words, POP was given full autonomy to design and conduct the survey, and POP would take full responsibility for all the findings reported herewith.