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[Q1] 你認為以下邊D係導致本港公屋輪候冊越來越長嘅原因?(訪問員讀出首4項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項)
Do you think the following are reasons of causing the long queue of waiting list for public rental housing ? (Interviewer read out first 4 options in random order, multiple answers allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 佔樣本百分比Percent of Cases
1 內地單程證新移民 New immigrants with one-way permit from Mainland China 346 68.9%
2 土地供應不足 Lack of land supply 319 63.5%
4 部份舊公屋用地改起私樓 Some areas of former public housing turned into private housing 209 41.6%
3 部份公屋轉為綠置居 Some public housing turned into Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme 109 21.8%
5 [不讀出] 多人(包括年輕人)申請公屋 [not read out] Too many people (including young people) apply for public housing 8 1.5%
7 [不讀出] 樓價太高 [not read out] Property price is too high 5 1.1%
9 [不讀出] 建造工人不足 [not read out] Not enough construction workers 4 0.7%
6 [不讀出] 政府欠缺承擔解決問題 [not read out] The government lacks of commitment to solve the problems 3 0.7%
10 [不讀出] 公屋數量不足 [not read out] Not enough public housing 3 0.7%
11 [不讀出] 太多公屋富戶唔走 [not read out] Too many well-off tenants who won't forfeit their public housing 3 0.6%
8 [不讀出] 人口太多 [not read out] Overpopulation 3 0.6%
其他 (見下表) Others (see below table) 11 2.2%
以上皆否 None of Above 1 <1%
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No comment 4 0.9%
合計 Total 1029

[Q1] 其他 (Chinese only)
others (Chinese only)
  頻數 Frequency
整體不足 2
世界性問題 2
官商勾結 1
土地規劃做得差 1
應參考西方國家方法打擊樓價高企 1
環保人士的阻撓 1
地產商支持環保人仕和民主人仕阻礙發展 1
社工濫權 1
公屋可買賣 <1
政府配套不足 <1
公屋輪侯冊審核標準不透明, 審核有問題 <1
內地富豪來港買樓 <1
重建進度慢 <1
市民把資金用作買樓 <1
Total 11

[Q2] 你認為以下邊一項喺短期內可以有效舒緩本港房屋問題?(訪問員讀出首6項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項)
Which of the following do you think can solve the local housing problems in a short period of time? (Interviewer read out first 6 options in random order, multiple answers allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 佔樣本百分比
Percent of Cases
5 發展新界棕土,即係一D喺鄉郊被改作其他用途嘅土地,例如貨櫃場及回收場 Develop brownfield sites in New Territorites 315 62.5%
2 限制非本地居民買樓 Restrict the non-local residences to buy housing property 261 51.7%
1 減單程證數量 Reduce the number of ony-way permits 260 51.7%
4 收回私人發展商嘅農地 Collect the farmland from private delevopers 227 45.0%
3 發展康樂用地,例如粉嶺高爾夫球場 Develop the recreational areas, such as Fan Ling Golf Course 220 43.6%
6 填海 Reclamation 152 30.1%
其他 (見下表) Others (see below table) 20 3.9%
以上皆否 None of Above 3 0.7%
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No comment 2 <1%
合計 Total 1460

[Q2] 其他 (Chinese only)
others (Chinese only)
  頻數 Frequency
房屋空置稅 3
發展大嶼山和島嶼 2
打擊炒樓或買賣 2
發展郊野公園用地 2
起多D樓 1
賣少D地俾發展商 1
拆舊樓 1
加物業稅, 加強審查公屋住戶 1
增加土地供應 1
任市民在土地上隨意起屋 1
加強審查公屋住戶 1
政府阻礙 1
加物業稅 1
租金管制 1
工廠大廈及七層大廈改建公屋 1
開山 <1
優先讓有需要人士入住 <1
加快建公屋進度 <1
香港獨立. <1
改建軍用用地 <1
發展政府土地 <1
善用舊有的空置校舍 <1
重建公屋 <1
Total 20

[Q3] 有意見認為政府最近嘅土地供應諮詢只係著重點樣增加土地供應,而無提到其他措施,所以未能有效解決房屋問題。你有幾同意或唔同意呢個睇法?(訪問員追問程度)
There is a view that the government only focuses on how to increase the land supply and doesn't mention other measures in the recent land supply consultations. So, it cannot solve the housing problems effectively. How much do you agree or disagree with this view?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=504)
1 好同意 Very much agree 158 31.4
2 幾同意 Quite agree 180 35.8
3 一半半 Half-half 20 3.9
4 幾唔同意 Quite disagree 68 13.4
5 好唔同意 Very much disagree 45 8.8
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No comment 33 6.6
合計 Total 504 100.0

[Q3] 有意見認為政府最近嘅土地供應諮詢只係著重點樣增加土地供應,而無提到其他措施,所以未能有效解決房屋問題。你有幾同意或唔同意呢個睇法? (綜合數據)
There is a view that the government only focuses on how to increase the land supply and doesn't mention other measures in the recent land supply consultations. So, it cannot solve the housing problems effectively. How much do you agree or disagree with this view? (data collapsed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=504)
1 同意 Agree 339 67.2
3 一半半 Half-half 20 3.9
4 不同意 Disagree 112 22.3
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No comment 33 6.6
合計 Total 504 100.0