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Date of survey



Sample size


1,222 successful cases


Response rate



Standard error


Less than 1.4%


Target population


Cantonese-speaking population of Hong Kong of age 18 or above


Survey method


Random telephone survey by real interviewers


Sampling method


Standard POP telephone sampling method was used. Telephone numbers are randomly generated using known prefixes assigned to telecommunication services providers under the Numbering Plan provided by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA). Invalid numbers are then eliminated according to computer and manual dialing records to produce the final sample. If more than one subject had been available, the one who had his/her birthday next was selected.


Weighting method


The data reported have been adjusted according to the provisional figures obtained from the Census and Statistics Department regarding the gender-age distribution of the Hong Kong population in 2015 year-end and the educational attainment (highest level attended) distribution collected in the 2011 Census.