數據彙集 Frequency TablesBack
[Q1] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 梁振英 If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - CY Leung |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,003) |
非常支持 Very much support | 66 | 6.5% |
幾支持 Quite support | 150 | 14.9% |
一半半 Half-half | 155 | 15.5% |
幾反對 Quite oppose | 174 | 17.4% |
非常反對 Very much oppose | 429 | 42.7% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 30 | 3.0% |
合計 Total | 1003 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 1 |
[Q1gp] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 梁振英 [綜合數據] If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - CY Leung [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,003) |
支持 Support | 215 | 21.5% |
一半半 Half-half | 155 | 15.5% |
反對 Oppose | 603 | 60.1% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 30 | 3.0% |
合計 Total | 1003 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 1 |
[Q2] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 曾俊華 If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - John Tsang |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage(基數 Base=1,004) |
非常支持 Very much support | 172 | 17.2% |
幾支持 Quite support | 416 | 41.4% |
一半半 Half-half | 210 | 20.9% |
幾反對 Quite oppose | 112 | 11.1% |
非常反對 Very much oppose | 52 | 5.2% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 42 | 4.2% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q2gp] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 曾俊華 [綜合數據] If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - John Tsang [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage(基數 Base=1,004) |
支持 Support | 588 | 58.6% |
一半半 Half-half | 210 | 20.9% |
反對 Oppose | 164 | 16.3% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 42 | 4.2% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q3] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 曾鈺成 If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Jasper Tsang |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,004) |
非常支持 Very much support | 86 | 8.5% |
幾支持 Quite support | 358 | 35.6% |
一半半 Half-half | 241 | 24.0% |
幾反對 Quite oppose | 186 | 18.6% |
非常反對 Very much oppose | 80 | 7.9% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 54 | 5.4% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q3gp] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 曾鈺成 [綜合數據] If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Jasper Tsang [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,004) |
支持 Support | 444 | 44.2% |
一半半 Half-half | 241 | 24.0% |
反對 Oppose | 266 | 26.5% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 54 | 5.4% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q4] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 葉劉淑儀 If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Regina Ip |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,004) |
非常支持 Very much support | 64 | 6.3% |
幾支持 Quite support | 191 | 19.0% |
一半半 Half-half | 167 | 16.7% |
幾反對 Quite oppose | 224 | 22.3% |
非常反對 Very much oppose | 317 | 31.5% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 42 | 4.1% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q4gp] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 葉劉淑儀 [綜合數據] If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Regina Ip [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,004) |
支持 Support | 254 | 25.3% |
一半半 Half-half | 167 | 16.7% |
反對 Oppose | 541 | 53.9% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 42 | 4.1% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q5] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 林鄭月娥 If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Carrie Lam |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,002) |
非常支持 Very much support | 139 | 13.8% |
幾支持 Quite support | 268 | 26.8% |
一半半 Half-half | 195 | 19.5% |
幾反對 Quite oppose | 198 | 19.8% |
非常反對 Very much oppose | 159 | 15.9% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 43 | 4.3% |
合計 Total | 1002 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 2 |
[Q5gp] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 林鄭月娥 [綜合數據] If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Carrie Lam [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,002) |
支持 Support | 407 | 40.6% |
一半半 Half-half | 195 | 19.5% |
反對 Oppose | 357 | 35.6% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 43 | 4.3% |
合計 Total | 1002 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 2 |
[Q6] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 胡國興 If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Woo Kwok-hing |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,004) |
非常支持 Very much support | 90 | 9.0% |
幾支持 Quite support | 220 | 21.9% |
一半半 Half-half | 220 | 21.9% |
幾反對 Quite oppose | 221 | 22.0% |
非常反對 Very much oppose | 118 | 11.7% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 135 | 13.5% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q6gp] 如果聽日投票選特首,係未考慮其他候選人之前,你有幾支持或者反對以下人士出任下一屆特首? - 胡國興 [綜合數據] If it is CE Election tomorrow, before taking into account other candidates, to what extent do you support or oppose the following people to become the next CE? - Woo Kwok-hing [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=1,004) |
支持 Support | 310 | 30.9% |
一半半 Half-half | 220 | 21.9% |
反對 Oppose | 339 | 33.8% |
唔知 / 難講 / 棄權 Don’t know / Hard to say / Abstain | 135 | 13.5% |
合計 Total | 1004 | 100.0% |
[Q7] (只問梁振英出任下一屆特首的支持者,基數=215) 咁點解你支持梁振英出任下一屆特首呢?[讀出選項1-6,但毋須讀出具體例子,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項] [Only ask those who support CY Leung to become the next CE, Base=215] Then why do you support CY Leung to become the next CE? [Read out options 1-6, but not the examples, order randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed] |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=572) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=215) |
滿意他改善民生的表現 (包括控制樓價升幅、推行民生福利政策等) Satisfaction with his performance in improving people's livelihood (including the control of property price increases, the implementation of the welfare policies, etc.) | 150 | 26.1% | 69.5% |
滿意他處理與中央政府關係的表現 (包括人大釋法、特首選舉等) Satisfaction with his performance in handling the relationship with the central government (including the NPC's interpretation of Basic Law, the CE election, etc.) | 126 | 22.0% | 58.6% |
滿意他促進經濟發展的表現 (包括消費物價、就業情況等) Satisfaction with his performance in promoting economic prosperity (including consumer prices, employment, etc.) | 102 | 17.8% | 47.3% |
滿意他個人表現 (包括個人誠信操守、處理大宅僭建、UGL、機場行李等事件) Satisfaction with his personal performance (including his personal integrity, handling of the unauthorized house building, UGL, baggage incident, etc.) | 76 | 13.3% | 35.4% |
滿意他促進社會和諧的表現 (包括維護人權自由、處理佔領運動及港獨議題等) Satisfaction with his performance in promoting social harmony (including the protection of human rights and freedom, the handling of the Occupy Movement and the issue of Hong Kong independence, etc.) | 59 | 10.4% | 27.6% |
滿意他推行民主步伐的表現 (包括政制改革、選舉等) Satisfaction with his performance in democratic development (including political reform, elections, etc.) | 49 | 8.6% | 23.0% |
沒有原因 No reason | 3 | 0.5% | 1.4% |
其他 Others | 6 | 1.0% | 2.7% |
唔知/難講 Don’t know / Hard to say | 1 | 0.1% | 0.4% |
合計 Total | 572 | 100.0% |
[Q8] (只問梁振英出任下一屆特首的反對者,基數=603) 咁點解你反對梁振英出任下一屆特首呢?[讀出選項1-6,但毋須讀出具體例子,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項] [Only ask those who oppose CY Leung to become the next CE, Base=603] Then why do you oppose CY Leung to become the next CE? [Read out options 1-6, but not the examples, order randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed] |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=2,291) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=603) |
不滿他促進社會和諧的表現 (包括維護人權自由、處理佔領運動及港獨議題等) Dissatisfaction with his performance in promoting social harmony (including the protection of human rights and freedom, the handling of the Occupy Movement and the issue of Hong Kong independence, etc.) | 476 | 20.8% | 78.9% |
不滿他個人表現 (包括個人誠信操守、處理大宅僭建、UGL、機場行李等事件) Dissatisfaction with his personal performance (including his personal integrity, handling of the unauthorized house building, UGL, baggage incident, etc.) | 423 | 18.5% | 70.1% |
不滿他推行民主步伐的表現 (包括政制改革、選舉等) Dissatisfaction with his performance in democratic development (including political reform, elections, etc.) | 375 | 16.3% | 62.1% |
不滿他處理與中央政府關係的表現 (包括人大釋法、特首選舉等) Dissatisfaction with his performance in handling the relationship with the central government (including the NPC's interpretation of Basic Law, the CE election, etc.) | 363 | 15.9% | 60.3% |
不滿他改善民生的表現 (包括控制樓價升幅、推行民生福利政策等) Dissatisfaction with his performance in improving people's livelihood (including the control of property price increases, the implementation of the welfare policies, etc.) | 359 | 15.7% | 59.6% |
不滿他促進經濟發展的表現 (包括消費物價、就業情況等) Dissatisfaction with his performance in promoting economic prosperity (including consumer prices, employment, etc.) | 282 | 12.3% | 46.8% |
沒有原因 No reason | 4 | 0.2% | 0.6% |
其他 Others | 9 | 0.4% | 1.5% |
唔知/難講 Don’t know / Hard to say | 1 | <0.1% | 0.2% |
合計 Total | 2291 | 100.0% |