詳細數表 Survey findings Back

[Q1] 如果聽日畀你投票選特首,而參選者只有以下人士,你會選邊個?[讀出首8個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
If you can vote in CE Election tomorrow and the only candidates are as follows, whom will you vote for? [Read first 8 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=513)
曾俊華 John Tsang 147 28.6%
林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam 63 12.3%
梁振英 CY Leung 56 10.9%
曾鈺成 Jasper Tsang 54 10.4%
泛民候選人 Candidate from the pan-democracy camp 38 7.5%
梁錦松 Anthony Leung 36 7.1%
葉劉淑儀 Regina Ip 19 3.8%
陳德霖 Norman Chan 3 0.6%
空白票 / 棄權 / 全部都唔選 51 10.0%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 46 9.0%
合計 Total 513 100.0%

[Q2] 如果聽日投票選特首,而參選者只有以下人士,你認為邊個會當選?[讀出首8個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
If CE Election will be held tomorrow and the only candidates are as follows, who do you think will be elected? [Read first 8 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=513)
曾俊華 John Tsang 142 27.7%
曾鈺成 Jasper Tsang 79 15.4%
梁振英 CY Leung 77 15.1%
林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam 59 11.6%
梁錦松 Anthony Leung 30 5.8%
葉劉淑儀 Regina Ip 22 4.2%
泛民候選人 Candidate from the pan-democracy camp 15 3.0%
陳德霖 Norman Chan 2 0.3%
以上皆否 None of the above 11 2.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 76 14.7%
合計 Total 513 100.0%

[Q3] 你認為以下邊一個係下任行政長官首要處理既任務?[讀出首6個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
Which of the following do you think is the top priority of the next CE? [Read first 6 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=513)
解決房屋土地問題 Solve housing and land problems 161 31.3%
令社會更和諧 Make the society more harmonious 141 27.4%
設立全民退休保障 Implement universal retirement protection 71 13.8%
重啟政改 Restart the political reform process 58 11.3%
改善中港關係 Improve China-Hong Kong relations 39 7.7%
改善營商環境 Improve business environment 20 3.9%
以上皆是 All of the above 6 1.2%
以上皆否 None of the above 8 1.5%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 10 1.9%
合計 Total 513 100.0%

[Q4] 喺以下六個人選之中,你最想邊個做下屆既政務司司長?[讀出首6個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
Out of the following six people, whom do you prefer to be the next Chief Secretary? [Read first 6 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=512)
曾鈺成 Jasper Tsang 142 27.7%
高永文 Ko Wing-man 115 22.4%
林煥光 Lam Woon-kwong 58 11.3%
張建宗 Matthew Cheung 27 5.3%
譚志源 Raymond Tam 18 3.6%
張雲正 Clement Cheung 5 1.1%
以上皆否 None of the above 52 10.2%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 94 18.3%
合計 Total 512 100.0%
缺數 Missing 1