HKU POP releases the latest survey result on Occupy MovementBack

Press Release on November 20, 2014


The Public Opinion Programme (POP) of The University of Hong Kong has previously opened a new page at “PopCon” ( to let people suggest questions for general surveys of the Hong Kong public. POP selected some of the proposed questions and conducted two surveys. The preliminary result of the first survey was released yesterday via “PopCon”.


The second survey was just finished last evening, and its preliminary result is also released via “PopCon” today. The questions asked in the second survey include: “How much do you support or oppose the Occupy Movement initiated by students and citizens?”, “Should the Occupy Movement continue or stop?”, “Should the SAR government clear the occupied areas or leave them alone?”, “In the short/long run, do you think the Occupy Movement brings more good than harm or the other way round?”, “How well do you understand the decision of the NPCSC made on August 31 concerning political reform in Hong Kong?” and “Do you think the NPCSC should withdraw its August 31 decision on political reform in Hong Kong?”


Generally speaking, the sabotage of the LegCo Building did not have too much effect on people’s views on clearing or staying, probably because the main organizers of the movement have swiftly distanced themselves from the radicals. Almost 80% called for an end to the occupation, but opinion is split, about one-third each way, on whether NPCSC should withdraw its August 31 decision.


Since some of the questions are repeated from the first survey, readers are welcome to compare the results of the two surveys on their own. POP will release the tables, charts and raw data of the two surveys early next week. Please take note.