Let Opinion Resolve OpinionBack

Public Call on October 21, 2014


Robert Chung the Director of Public Opinion Programme (POP) at The University of Hong Kong today reitierates his earlier call, that organizers and participants of the current mass movement should remember their original target to strive for democracy and resolve social problems through peaceful deliberations and citizen authorizations.


To resolve differences within the movement, those who fight for democracy should demonstrate the spirit of democracy. Onsite electronic voting is a feasible means, and the POP Team is ready any time. As for a territory-wide “civil referendum”, its preparation may take a few weeks.


Also, in light of numerous public requests received by POP asking it to conduct surveys on the current situation, along with many suggested questions, POP has opened a new page today at “PopCon” (http://popcon.hk) to let people suggest questions for general surveys of the Hong Kong public. Once adopted, these questions will be used in standard POP surveys, and their findings would be released as soon as possible. POP takes this as a community service to discover real public opinion.


The situation has developed to this extent because opinion channels have been jammed, and society’s middle force constantly eroded. Robert Chung calls for people not to take an eye for an eye, but to build a democratic and civilized society on top of freedom and the rule of law.