Rumours about Data Leakage from Civil Referendum SystemBack
August 29, 2014 |
Recently there have been rumours saying that the“6.22 Civil Referendum” voting system has been hacked and some personal data of the voters was leaked. As the event was organized by Public Opinion Programme (POP) at The University of Hong Kong, we would like to clarify the following points:
In response to these rumours about leakage of personal data, Robert CHUNG Ting-yiu, Director of POP, observes, “Both the civil referendum and electronic hi-tech system are assets of the civil society, it should not be regarded as a tool in political struggles. Unauthorized access to personal data is by all standard an unethical and illegal behavior that should be denounced. The “6.22 Civil Referendum” system was highly secured to avoid any possible leaking, and all personal data were well proteceted. People in the dark using unrevealed methods to attack and smear the civil referendum are by no means helpful to resolve the social conflicts.”
網上文章講述CloudFlare有破綻,原理是尋回舊有的域名資料,盼能直接存取CloudFlare正保護的伺服器。可是文章談及的www.crimeflare.com網站並沒有列出PopVote投票系統的真實IP地址,作者只是用了一個沒有交代任何資料的"CDN的小工具"來找出popvote.hk資訊網站的伺服器IP地址。因此,文章上半部份所述的資料,以及找出IP地址的方法,其實沒有說明。盡管那小工具能夠找到popvote.hk資訊網站的伺服器IP地址,這個網站是跟投票系統完全獨立運作,找到這個地址亦無法找到存放投票資料的數據庫。 文章其後講述使用SQLMap工具直接存取投票系統的數據庫,卻沒有交代數據庫的地址如何尋得,只是直接把數據導出。但導出來的資料格式,並不是PopVote投票系統所儲存的散式函數。民研計劃憑著這些破綻,可以肯定文章內容屬於捏造,所述的技術其實絕不可行。 民研計劃的PopVote投票系統設計精密,操作嚴謹。民研團隊在了解有關網上文章後,肯定其所述步驟不可能存取投票人士的個人資料。至於正在流傳的所謂個人資料,就算屬實,亦不會是由PopVote投票系統取得。 民研計劃設立PopVote普及投票平台,目的在於讓市民能以和平理性的方式表達意見。從2012年3月23日的「3.23民間全民投票」,至剛完成的「6.22民間全民投票」,投票平台經歷過五次演進,已經成為能夠成功接收接近80萬選票的平台。在每次投票活動之中,投票人士都能嚴肅看待,票站排隊人士條理有序,這是香港人的驕傲。