
Question group 1 | Question group 2 |

Questionnaire unit no : TP180703_02_02 (Popularity of Principal Officials)

Part I Self-introduction -- Good afternoon/evening, Mr. /Ms. /Mrs., my name is X, an interviewer from the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at The University of Hong Kong. We would like to ask your opinions on some social issues, this will only take you around 10 minutes. I would like to stress that your number is randomly drawn from our database and your information provided will be kept strictly confidential and used for aggregate analysis only. If you have any questions about the research, you can call xxxx xxxx to talk to our supervisors. If you want to know more about the rights as a participant, please contact The University of Hong Kong (full name: Human Research Ethics Committee of The University of Hong Kong) at xxxx xxxx during office hours. For quality control purpose, our conversation will be recorded for internal reference. All data containing personal identifiers and the recording will be destroyed within six months upon project completion. Is it okay for us to start this survey?


No (Interview ends. Thank you, and bye-bye.)

S1 May I know if your telephone number is xxxx-xxxx?

Yes (ask S2)

No (Interview ends. Thank you for your cooperation. Bye-bye.)

Part IIa Selection of Respondent (for landline samples)

S2a The target population of this survey is Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above. May I know how many members in your household belong to this group?

One, only one (Interview starts)[If the one answering the phone does not belong to the target group, invite the belonged respondent to pick up the phone and repeat “self-introduction”]

More than one, ____ (ask S3)

No (Interview ends. Thank you for your cooperation. Bye-bye.)

Refuse to answer (Interview ends. Thank you for your cooperation. Bye-bye.)

S3 Since there is more than one available, we hope that all qualified family members have equal chance to be interviewed. I would like to speak to the one who will have her birthday next. [Interviewer can ask: “is there anyone whose birthday is in this month or the coming three months?]

Yes–The one answered the phone is the respondent (Interview starts)

Yes–Another family member is the respondent【Interviewer repeat self-introduction】(Interview starts)

The qualified family member is not at home / not available【Interviewer to make appointment for interview】

No–Family member refuses to answer (Interview ends. Thank you for your cooperation. Bye-bye.)

No–Respondent refuses to answer (Interview ends. Thank you for your cooperation. Bye-bye.)

Part IIb Selection of Respondent (for mobile samples)

S2b The target population of this survey is Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above. Do you belong to this group?


No (Interview ends. Thank you for your cooperation. Bye-bye.)

Part III Survey Questions (Popularity of Secretaries of Departments)

Q1-Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung Kin-chung?


Don't know him/her

Don't know

Refuse to answer

Q2-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Matthew Cheung Kin-chung as the Chief Secretary for Administration tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q3-Please rate your support of the Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo Po using a 0-100 scale. 0 stands for absolutely no support, 100 stands for absolute support, 50 stands for half-half. How would you rate the Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo Po?


Don't know him/her

Don't know

Refuse to answer

Q4-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Paul Chan Mo Po as the Financial Secretary tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q5-Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng?


Don't know him/her

Don't know

Refuse to answer

Q6-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Teresa Cheng as the Secretary for Justice tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Part IV Survey Questions (Popularity of Directors of Bureaux)

Q1-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Joshua Law as the Secretary for the Civil Service tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q2-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Edward Yau as the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q3-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Patrick Nip as the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q4-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Michael Wong as the Secretary for Development tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q5-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Kevin Yeung as the Secretary for Education tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q6-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Wong Kam-sing as the Secretary for the Environment tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q7-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of James Lau as the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q8-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Sophia Chan as the Secretary for Food and Health tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q9-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Lau Kong-wah as the Secretary for Home Affairs tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q10-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Law Chi Kwong as the Secretary for Labour and Welfare tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q11-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of John Lee as the Secretary for Security tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q12-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Frank Chan as the Secretary for Transport and Housing tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

Q13-If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Nicholas Yang as the Secretary for Innovation and Technology tomorrow, how would you vote?




Refuse to answer

V1-Are you a registered voter?

Yes (including those who have just registered)


Refuse to answer

Part IV Personal information – I’d like to know some of your personal particulars in order to facilitate our analysis.

D1 - Gender (Interviewer to code)



D2 - PoB--Where were you born?

Hong Kong

Mainland China



Southeast Asia (e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam)


United States


United Kingdom


Don’t know

Refuse to answer

D3 - YearInHK--(Only ask those who were not born in Hong Kong) How long have you been living in Hong Kong?

___ year(s)


Refuse to answer

D4 - Age--How old are you?


Refuse to answer

D5 - AgeGp-- (only ask those who refused to disclose the exact age) Then roughly how old are you? (Read out the ranges)












70 or above

Refuse to answer

D6 - Education--what is your highest educational attainment? (Highest level attended is the highest level of education ever attained by a person in educational institution, regardless of whether he/ she had completed the course, include currently studying)

Primary or below

Lower secondary (Secondary 1 to Secondary 3)

Upper secondary (Secondary 4 to Secondary 7 / DSE / Yi Jin)

Tertiary: non-degree course (Including diploma / certificate / sub-degree course)

Tertiary: degree course (including bachelor’s degree / postgraduate course)

Refuse to answer

D7 - Occupation--What is your current occupation? (Boss / self-employed / freelance / part-time / civil servants are not appropriate answers, please further probe the work nature or content)

Executives and professionals

Clerical and service workers

Production workers


Home-makers / housewives


Unemployed / seeking jobs / other non-working status


Refuse to answer

D8 - Voter-- Are you a registered voter?



Refuse to answer

D9 - EverVote-- Have you ever voted in the past Council elections? (including Legislative Council and District Council)




Refuse to answer

D10 - Politics-- What is your political inclination? (Read out the first 3 answers, order to be randomized by computer)

Inclined toward the pro-democracy camp

Inclined toward the pro-establishment camp

Inclined toward the centrist


(Do not read out) No political inclination / Politically neutral / Not belonging to any camp

Don’t know / hard to say

Refuse to answer

D11 - District-- Which district are you living in?

Hong Kong Island (Southern, Wanchai, Central and Western, Eastern)

Kowloon East (Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong)

Kowloon West (Kowloon City, Sham Shui Po, Yau Tsim Mong)

New Territories East (Shatin, Tai Po, Northern, Sai Kung)

New Territories West (Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing, Tuen Mun , Yuen Long, Islands)

Refuse to answer

D12 - OwnHousing--Is the unit you are living in self-purchased or rented?


Rented (including rent free/ provided by employer)

Refuse to answer

D13 - HousingType--What type of housing are you living in? (Read out the answers, please consider the type of housing for the unit itself for subdivided housing)

Public housing (including the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme and other public rental housing units)

HOS flats with premium not yet paid (including the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and other subsidized sale flats)

Private housing (including HOS flats and other subsidized housing with premium paid, village houses and staff quarters)

Others (including student dormitories, elderly homes, industrial buildings, hotels, temporary housing, etc.)

Refuse to answer

D14 - Marital--What is your marital status? (read out answers)


Married / cohabiting

Divorced / separated / widowed

Refuse to answer

D15 - Class-- Which class do you consider your family belongs to? (Read out first 5 answers)

Upper class

Upper-middle class

Middle class

Middle-lower class

Lower class

Don’t know / hard to say

Refuse to answer

Questionnaire unit no : TP180703_02_02 (Popularity of Principal Officials)

Question group 1 | Question group 2 |