| Question group 1 | Question group 2 | |
Questionnaire unit no : TP0810b_09 (People's Appraisal of the Local News Media) |
Part I Hello, sir/madam. This is Mr/Ms X, an iterviewer from the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong. We would like to ask your opinions on some social issues, this will only take you a few minutes. Please rest assured that your phone number is randomly selected by our computer and the information you provide will be kept stictly confidential. [Note: If the respondent has any queries on the survey, interviewer can read "Should you have any questions regarding this interview, you may call xxxx-xxxx to talk to the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Hong Kong during office hours. [For interviewer's info. it is Human Research Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Faculties of the University of Hong Kong.] |
S1-Is your phone number xxxx xxxx? |
Yes |
No (skip to end) |
S2-Which district are you living in? |
Wanchai |
Eastern |
Central / Western |
Southern |
Kwun Tong |
Kowloon City |
Wong Tai Sin |
Mongkok |
Sham Shui Po |
Yau Tsim |
Sai Kung |
Shatin |
Islands |
Tsuen Wan |
Kwai Tsing |
Tuen Mun |
Yuen Long |
North |
Tai Po |
Refuse to answer |
S3-How many members are there in your household? |
__ |
Refuse to answer |
Part II Selection of Respondent |
S4-How many people aged 18-year or above at your home right now? Since we need to conduct random sampling, if there are more than one eligible person, may I talk to the one who will have his/ her birthday next? To ensure the authenticity of the figures, the interview may be audio recorded, however, the data recorded will only used for internal reference. Shall we start the survey now? (Interviewer can ask directly the respondent if he/ she is the only one home at the home, if yes, conduct the interview with him/ her right away.)(Interviewer can illustrate with examples: "that means is there anyone who will have his / her birthday in October or the coming three months?")【If there is no household member aged 18 or above, interview can be terminated.】 |
Yes |
No (skip to end) |
Household-level refusal (skip to end) |
Known respondent refusal (skip to end) |
Part III Survey Questions |
Q1-Which of the following channels are your main source of news?(Interviewer to read out the first 7 choices, multiple answered) |
Television |
Radio |
Newspapers |
Magazines |
Friends |
Family members |
Internet |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q2-When there is a conflict of information, which of the following news channels do you trust most?(Interviewer to read out the first 7 choices, select one answer only) |
Television |
Radio |
Newspaper |
Magazines |
Friends |
Family members |
Internet |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q3-Are you satisfied with the performance of television? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q4-Are you satisfied with the performance of radio? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q5-Are you satisfied with the performance of newspaper? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q6-Are you satisfied with the performance of magazine? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q7-Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the news media? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q8-Are you satisfied with the existing freedom of press in Hong Kong? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Not quite satisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q9-Do you think the news media in Hong Kong are responsible in their reporting? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very responsible |
Quite responsible |
Half-half |
Quite irresponsible |
Very irresponsible |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q10-Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have any scruple when criticizing the Central Government? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q11-Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have any scruple when criticizing the HKSAR Government? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q12-Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have practised self-censorship? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q13-Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have given full play to the freedom of speech? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q14-Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have misused or abused the freedom of press? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
Q15-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate the credibility of the news media in Hong Kong, with 10 representing absolutely credible, 5 half-half, and 0 being absolutely not credible. What rating would you give the media? |
__ |
Don't know |
Refuse to answer |
V1-Are you a registered voter? |
Yes (including those who have just registered) |
No |
Refuse to answer |
V2-【Only for registered voters】Did you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2008? |
Yes |
No |
Forgotten |
Refuse to answer |