
|  Question group 1  |   Question group 2  |   Question group 3  |

Questionnaire unit no : TP0807A_08A (Rating of Top Ten Legislative Councillors)

Part I Hello, sir/madam. This is Mr/Ms X, an iterviewer from the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong. We would like to ask your opinions on some social issues, this will only take you a few minutes. Please rest assured that your phone number is randomly selected by our computer and the information you provide will be kept stictly confidential. [Note: If the respondent has any queries on the survey, interviewer can read "Should you have any questions regarding this interview, you may call xxxx-xxxx to talk to the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Hong Kong during office hours. [For interviewer's info. it is Human Research Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Faculties of the University of Hong Kong.]

S1-Is your phone number xxxx xxxx?
No (skip to end)

S2-Which district are you living in?
Central / Western
Kwun Tong
Kowloon City
Wong Tai Sin
Sham Shui Po
Yau Tsim
Sai Kung
Tsuen Wan
Kwai Tsing
Tuen Mun
Yuen Long
Tai Po
Refuse to answer

S3-How many members are there in your household?
Refuse to answer

Part II Selection of Respondent

S4-How many people aged 18-year or above at your home right now? Since we need to conduct random sampling, if there are more than one eligible person, may I talk to the one who will have his/ her birthday next? To ensure the authenticity of the figures, the interview may be audio recorded, however, the data recorded will only used for internal reference. Shall we start the survey now? (Interviewer can ask directly the respondent if he/ she is the only one home at the home, if yes, conduct the interview with him/ her right away.)(Interviewer can illustrate with examples: "that means is there anyone who will have his / her birthday in July or the coming three months?")【If there is no household member aged 18 or above, interview can be terminated.】
No (skip to end)
Household-level refusal (skip to end)
Known respondent refusal (skip to end)

Part III Survey Questions

Q1-Please name the ten legislative councillors that you are most familiar with. (MC)
Vincent Fang
Wong Kwok-hing
James Tien
Abraham Shek
Albert Ho
Raymond Ho
Audrey Eu
Margaret Ng
Lui Ming-wah
Lee Wing-tat
Lee Cheuk-yan
Martin Lee
Li Kwok-ying
David Li
Joseph Lee
Fred Li
Li Fung-ying
Selina Chow
Daniel Lam
Jeffrey Lam
Rita Fan
Anson Chan
James To
Cheung Man-kwong
Tommy Cheung Yu-yan
Fernando Cheung
Cheung Hok-ming
Leung Kwan-yuen
Alan Leong
Leung Kwok-hung
Sophie Leung
Leung Yiu-chung
Kwok Ka-ki
Albert Chan
Chan Yuen-han
Bernard Chan
Chan Kam-lam
Sin Chung-kai
Jasper Tsang
Tong Ka-wah
Frederick Fung
Wong Ting-kwong
Philip Wong
Wong Yung-kan
Howard Young
Yeung Sum
Chim Pui-chung
Lau Chin-shek
Lau Kong-wah
Patrick Lau
Lau Wong-fat
Miriam Lau
Emily Lau
Choy So-yuk
Andrew Cheng
Albert Cheng
Timothy Fok
Kwong Chi-kin
Tsang Kin-shing
Tam Yiu-chung
Don't know
Refuse to answer

V1-Are you a registered voter?
Yes (including those who have just registered)
Refuse to answer

V2-【Only for registered voters】Did you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2004?
Refuse to answer

V3-【Only for registered voters】Did you vote in the District Council Election in November 2003?
No: because the councillors were automatically elected
No: can vote but has not voted
No: not yet registered at that time
Refuse to answer

V4-【Only for registered voters】Have you ever voted in the past Council elections in all tiers?
No: not yet registered
No: already registered
Refuse to answer

Part IV Personal information - I'd like to know some of your personal particulars in order to facilitate our analysis.


D2-Age【Input exact number】
18 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 98
Refuse to answer

D3-Education Attainment
Primary or below
Tertiary, non-degree course
Tertiary, degree course
Postgraduate or above
Refuse to answer

D4-The type of ownership of your house is:
Self-purchased, or
Refuse to answer

D5-House type
Public housing estate
Housing Authority subsidized sale flats
Housing Society subsidized sale flats
Private housing
Village: villas / bungalows / modern village houses
Village: simple stone structures / traditional village houses
Public temporary housing
Private temporary housing
Staff quarters
Refuse to answer

Managers and administrators
Associate professionals
Service workers and shop sales workers
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
Craft and related workers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Non-skilled workers
Others (unemployed, retired, etc.)
Refuse to answer

D7-Which class do you consider your family belongs to? (Interviewer to read out the first 5 options)
Upper class
Upper-middle class
Middle class
Lower-middle class
Lower class or grassroots
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer

D8-Is your family in negative equity?
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer

D9-Place of birth
Hong Kong
Mainland China
Southeast Asia(e.g. Malaysia、Indonesia、Vietnam)
Don't know
Refuse to answer

D10-How long have you been living in Hong Kong?
Refuse to answer

Questionnaire unit no : TP0807A_08A (Rating of Top Ten Legislative Councillors)

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