Q1-You would identify yourself as a : (Interviewer to read out the first 4 choices)
Hong Kong Citizen
Chinese Citizen
Hong Kong Chinese Citizen
Chinese Hong Kong Citizen
Others (Please specify)
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer
Q2-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a Hong Kong citizen, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
Q3-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a Chinese citizen, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
Q4-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a citizen of PRC, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
Q5-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity a Members of the Chinese race, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
Q6-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as an Asian, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
Q7-Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a global citizen, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
Q8-What are you want to be?
Hong Kong
Others (Please specify)
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer
Q9-What is your nationality?
Hong kong people
Chinese immigrant and live in HK < 7 years
Chinese immigrant and live in HK > 7 years
Over Chinese people
Not chinese
Others (Please specify)
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer
Q10--Are you immigrant and work in HK?
Don't know
Refuse to answer
V1-Are you a registered voter?
Yes (including those who have just registered)
Refuse to answer
V2-【Only for registered voters】Did you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2004?
Refuse to answer
V3-【Only for registered voters】Have you ever voted in the past Council elections in all tiers?
Refuse to answer
Part IV Personal information - I'd like to know some of your personal particulars in order to facilitate our analysis.
D2-Age【Input exact number】
18 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 98
Refuse to answer
D3-Education Attainment
Primary or below
Tertiary, non-degree course
Tertiary, degree course
Postgraduate or above
Refuse to answer
D4-The type of ownership of your house is:
Self-purchased, or
Refuse to answer
D5-House type
Public housing estate
Housing Authority subsidized sale flats
Housing Society subsidized sale flats
Private housing
Village: villas / bungalows / modern village houses
Village: simple stone structures / traditional village houses
Public temporary housing
Private temporary housing
Staff quarters
Refuse to answer
Managers and administrators
Associate professionals
Service workers and shop sales workers
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
Craft and related workers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Non-skilled workers
Others (unemployed, retired, etc.)
Refuse to answer
D7-Which class do you consider your family belongs to? (Interviewer to read out the first 5 options)
Upper class
Upper-middle class
Middle class
Lower-middle class
Lower class or grassroots
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer
D8-Is your family in negative equity?
Don't know / hard to say
Refuse to answer
D9-Place of birth
Hong Kong
Mainland China
Southeast Asia(e.g. Malaysia、Indonesia、Vietnam)
Don't know
Refuse to answer
D10-How long have you been living in Hong Kong?
Refuse to answer
Questionnaire unit no : TP0806B_18 (People's Ethnic Identity)