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People's appraisal of local news media
Mapping people's appraisal of local news media

· 民研計劃在1997年的9月,開始調查巿民對香港新聞傳媒的評價。調查由最早期每月進行一次,及至1998年1月至2000年5月期間改為每月兩次,之後再變成每月三次。由2006年開始,民研計劃把調查的週期再加長,頻率減少,以便騰出資源進行其他民意調查,因此有關調查於2006年4月至今,維持每半年一次的週期。
· 「香港新聞傳媒評價」調查首先要求被訪者對新聞傳媒的公信力作出評分,提問方式為「請你用0-10分評價香港新聞傳媒既公信力。10分代表非常可信,5分代表一半半,0分代表非常不可信,咁你會俾多分?」,之後的題目包括被訪者對香港新聞自由的滿意程度、新聞傳媒充分發揮言論自由的機會、傳媒有否誤用/濫用新聞自由、他們在報導時應負上的社會責任、傳媒的自我審查,以及香港新聞傳媒批評特區政府及中央政府時的顧忌。
· 樣本數目方面,於2000年3月或以前的調查,樣本數目都稍為超過500個,2000年5月的所有有關調查,樣本數目就增加至1,000個以上。
· 2000年6月《民意網站》成立後,所有「香港新聞傳媒評價」的調查在2002年3月開始透過網站向外公佈。


People's appraisal of local news media

After the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, HKUPOP included people's appraisal of local news media into our tracking surveys as a credibility indicator of the media. The development of the survey is as follows: 
· Starting from September 1997, our media appraisal surveys were conducted once every month. It was then changed to twice every month in January 1998, until it was changed again to three times every month beginning from May 2000. Starting from April 2006, its frequency was again changed to once every six months, in order to spare resources for other surveys. 
· Our media appraisal survey firstly asks the respondents to rate the credibility of news media using these wordings: "Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate the credibility of local news media, with 10 indicating absolutely credible, 5 indicating half-half and 0 indicating absolutely not credible. How would you rate the local news media?" They are then asked how satisfied they are with the freedom of speech in Hong Kong, whether they think local news media have given full play to the freedom of speech, have misused/abused the freedom of press, have been responsible in their reporting, have practiced self-censorship, and have scruples when criticizing the HKSAR Government and Central Governments.
· Regarding sample size, from the beginning to March 2000, the sample size of the survey was set at slightly over 500. From May 2000 onwards, it was increased to at least 1,000. 
· After our HKU POP Site was established in June 2000, the findings of all "local news media" surveys were released on-line starting from March 2002. 

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 17 October 2006)




1993年9月,調查正式開始,主要就不同渠道包括電視、電台、報紙、雜誌及互聯網等,向被訪者提問「以下邊一種渠道是你主要既新聞來源?」、「如果各種渠道既消息有矛盾,你覺得邊一個新聞來源最值得信任?」、「你滿唔滿意XX (個別渠道) 既表現呢?」及「你滿唔滿意新聞傳媒既整體表現呢?」。調查頻率由開始至1997年6月期間為每兩個月一次,然後稍作停頓,以另一調查單元取代。不過,該新增單元保留了「你滿唔滿意報章既表現呢?」一題,並於1998年6月、9月及1999年9月三次調查中使用。後來,該項調查單元結束,本單元調查亦於2000年10月重新開始,並改為每六個月一次,迄今不變。




Mapping people's appraisal of local news media

Since 1993, HKUPOP included people's appraisal of local news media into our tracking surveys as a credibility indicator of the media. The survey has different modules with different sets of questions. The development of the first module was introduced in the press release dated 17 October 2006. Now the development of the second module is as follows: 

In September 1993, our survey series started. The questions mainly focus on different news channels including television, radio, newspaper, magazines and the internet, and the wordings used being "Which of the following channels are your main source of news?", "When there is a conflict of information, which of the following news channels do you trust most?", "Are you satisfied with the performance of XX (respective news channels)?", and "Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the news media?"。 From the beginning to June 1997, surveys were conducted once every two months. It then stopped and replaced by another module of survey, in which the question "Are you satisfied with the performance of newspaper?" was kept in the three surveys of June 1998, September 1998 and September 1999. Later on the module stopped. From October 2000 onwards, this module of survey started again and its frequency was changed to once every six months. It has remained unchanged since then.

Regarding sample size, from the beginning to June 1997, the sample size of the survey was set at slightly over 500, while beginning from October 2000, it was increased to at least 1,000.

All findings have been published regularly on-line at our HKU POP Site since February 2004, while all previous findings published via our newsletter POP Express have also been uploaded in various formats. 

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 9 Novermber 2006)