國家民族:項目簡介National Issues:A brief DescriptionBack
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民研計劃為甚麼要定期研究台灣問題? Why should HKUPOP conduct regular surveys on Taiwan issues? |
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民研計劃還有研究什麼關於民族問題的調查? What are the other national issues studied by HKUPOP? |
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民研計劃的調查涉及台灣問題會否干預台灣內政? What are the other national issues studied by HKUPOP? |
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台灣問題調查簡介 Taiwan issues |
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十大內地及台灣政治人物調查簡介 Top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan survey |
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市民對各地政府觀感調查簡介 Mapping people's feelings towards different governments |
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巿民身份認同調查簡介 Mapping people's opinions towards ethnic identity |
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民研計劃為甚麼要定期研究台灣問題? 民研計劃在成立後兩年,即1993年,已經開始定期調查香港巿民對台灣問題的意見。題目包括台灣獨立、台灣加入聯合國、香港巿民對台灣政府的信任程度和對兩岸統一的信心。及至1996年,香港回歸在即,「一國兩制」是否適用於台灣地區的問題成為兩岸民眾關注的焦點,民研計劃又把該問題納入長期研究的項目。民研計劃進行有關調查的動機,簡而言之,就是因為巿民關注有關問題,而非基於任何政治立場。部分網民批評民研計劃進行有關調查是干預台灣內政,是一種誤解。 (初版:2006年3月17日新聞公報之附加資料) Why should HKUPOP conduct regular surveys on Taiwan issues?Two years after HKUPOP was established, in 1993, we began our regular surveys on Hong Kong people』s views on different Taiwan issues. They include: Taiwan independence, Taiwan joining the United Nations, Hong Kong people』s trust of the Taiwan government, and people』s confidence in cross-strait reunification. By 1996, shortly before Hong Kong』s handover, whether 「one country, two systems」 should be equally applicable to Taiwan or not became a talking point for peoples across the Strait. HKUPOP therefore added it to the pool of tracking questions. Put it simple, the reason why HKUPOP conducted these surveys is just because they reflect people』s concern, and nothing to do with any overt or covert political stands. Some online readers criticized HKUPOP for intervening Taiwan』s internal politics by conducting these surveys. They have completely misunderstood us. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 17 March 2006)
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民研計劃還有研究什麼關於民族問題的調查? 以定期調查計,除了台灣問題外,民研計劃還有調查巿民身份認同感、對中央政府的信任程度、對中國前途及「一國兩制」的信心、對六四事件及香港回歸的意見、對兩岸政治人物的評分、與台獨問題同步進行的藏獨問題、以及近年在澳門地區開展的各項定期調查題目。 (初版:2006年3月17日新聞公報之附加資料) What are the other national issues studied by HKUPOP?Counting only regular tracking surveys other than those on Taiwan issues, HKUPOP has been monitoring Hong Kong people』s strength of ethnic identity, their trust in the Central Government, their confidence in the future of China and 「one country, two systems」, their views on June 4 and Hong Kong』s handover, their ratings of political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan, their receptiveness of Tibet independence in parallel to their receptiveness of Taiwan independence, as well as new topics covered in regular surveys conducted in Macau in recent years. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 17 March 2006)
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民研計劃的調查涉及台灣問題會否干預台灣內政? 民研計劃在成立後兩年,即1993年,已經開始定期調查香港巿民對台灣問題的意見。題目包括台灣獨立、台灣加入聯合國、香港巿民對台灣政府的信任程度和對兩岸統一的信心。及至1996年,香港回歸在即,「一國兩制」是否適用於台灣地區的問題成為兩岸民眾關注的焦點,民研計劃又把該問題納入長期研究的項目。1997年7月香港回歸後,民研計劃又把在1995年7月已經開展的「五大中國領導人評分」調查,發展成為「十大內地及台灣政治人物評分」調查,進一步探討巿民對兩岸問題的意見和認識。 民研計劃認為,只要是巿民關注的問題和數據有參考價值,民研計劃便應該盡量撥出資源進行定期調查。這種做法,並非基於任何政治取向,而是基於民意研究者的一種社會責任。事實上,撇開香港巿民的民族立場和台灣問題的性質不談,在先進的民主自由社會之中,只要是民眾關注的問題,媒體和調查機構都會不時探討本國國民對其他國家民族的意見和觀感,不分地域和種族界限。這種趨勢,在全球一體化的發展下已經變得愈來愈普遍。 歷年來,民研計劃在公佈涉及台灣問題的民意數據後,不時會收到可能是來自台灣網民的意見,認為有關調查屬於干預台灣內政。這些批評,有些寫得含蓄,有些比較偏激,但都是基於對民意研究工作的誤解。事實上,不少台灣媒體和調查機構也會不時探討台灣民眾對香港和大陸問題的見解,也是非常健康和正常的發展。 (初版:2006年4月4日新聞公報之附加資料) Would HKUPOP's research on Taiwan issues interfere with its internal politics?Two years after HKUPOP was established, in 1993, we began our regular surveys on Hong Kong people's views on different Taiwan issues. They include: Taiwan independence, Taiwan joining the United Nations, Hong Kong people's trust of the Taiwan government, and people's confidence in cross-strait reunification. By 1996, shortly before Hong Kong's handover, whether "one country, two systems" should be equally applicable to Taiwan or not became a talking point for peoples across the Strait. HKUPOP therefore added it to the pool of tracking questions. In July 1997, HKUPOP expanded its "Top 5 Chinese leaders" rating surveys which dates back to July 1995 to become "Top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan", in order to further study people's knowledge and opinions on cross-strait issues. HKUPOP believes that as long as people are concerned with certain issues, and that opinion data arising from such issues are of good reference value, it should spare resources to conduct regular surveys on such issues. This has nothing to do with any political orientation, but is part of opinion researchers' social responsibility. In fact, not mentioning Hong Kong people's positions on patriotic issues and the nature of the Taiwan issue itself, in a modern liberal democratic society, the media and survey organizations regularly examine its own people's opinions and feelings towards other nations and races, beyond geographical and ethnic boundaries. This trend has become more popular under the development of globalization. For many years, after HKUPOP releases the findings related to Taiwan issues, HKUPOP often receives criticisms possibly from Taiwan internet-users for interfering with the internal affairs of Taiwan. These criticisms, some mild some severe, are really based on the misunderstanding of public opinion research work at large. In fact, quite a number of media and research organizations in Taiwan also conduct surveys on Taiwan people's opinion on Hong Kong and Mainland issues. These are also quite normal and healthy exercises. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 4 April 2006)
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台灣問題調查簡介 不管是在殖民地或是「一國兩制」的時代,香港都是中國領土的一部分。民研計劃就國家民族進行意見調查,是順理成章的做法。因此,在調查巿民對本土問題意見之餘,民研計劃很早便撥出資源定期進行台灣問題及前國家領導人功過評價的調查。以下集中介紹「台灣問題」調查的發展,關於「前國家領導人功過評價」的調查發展,則容後介紹:
民研計劃於1997年5月或以前所進行的「台灣問題」調查,結果都在由民研計劃發行的《民意快訊》中發表。及至2000年6月《民意網站》成立後,有關台灣獨立和對兩岸統一的信心在2002年4月開始透過網站向外公佈,至於「一國兩制」是否適用於台灣地區及台灣加入聯合國的問題則分別在2004年6月及2005年3月開始透過網站向外公佈。而以往透過民研計劃刊物《民意快訊》發表的調查結果,亦以不同形式上載到網站之中。 (初版:2006年9月19日新聞公報之附加資料) Taiwan issuesBe it under British colonial rule or under "one country, two systems", Hong Kong has always been part of China. It thus seems natural for HKUPOP to survey people's opinion on Chinese national and ethnical issues, if we can squeeze some resources. This is exactly what we did, when we embarked on conducting the regular surveys on Taiwan issues and the appraisal of deceased Chinese leaders long time ago. We explain the development of the former series below, and reserve the latter for the future:
Our first findings of Taiwan issues surveys in May 1997 or before were published in our newsletter POP Express. After our HKU POP Site was established in June 2000, the issues on Taiwan independence and cross-trait reunification were released online. The findings on the applicability of "one country, two systems" in Taiwan and its rejoining the United Nations were released online since June 2004 and March 2005, respectively. All previous findings published in our POP Express were also uploaded on-line in various formats.
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十大內地及台灣政治人物調查簡介 民研計劃在成立後兩年,即1993年,已經開始定期調查香港巿民對台灣問題的意見。1997年7月香港回歸後,民研計劃又把在1995年7月已經開展的「五大中國及台灣政治人物評分」調查,發展成為「十大內地及台灣政治人物評分」調查,進一步探討巿民對兩岸問題的意見和認識。民研計劃認為研究內地及台灣政治人物是基於民意研究者的一種社會責任,並非基於任何政治取向。在先進的民主自由社會之中,只要是民眾關注的問題,媒體和調查機構都會不時探討本國國民對其他國家民族的意見和觀感,不分地域和種族界限。以下集中介紹「十大內地及台灣政治人物」調查的發展:
(初版:2006年9月28日新聞公報之附加資料) Top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan surveyTwo years after HKUPOP was established, in 1993, we began our regular surveys on Hong Kong people's views on different Taiwan issues. In July 1997, we expanded our "Top 5 Chinese leaders" rating surveys which dates back to July 1995 to become "Top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan", in order to further study people's knowledge and opinions on cross-strait issues. We believe that as long as people are concerned with certain issues, we should find resources to conduct regular surveys on such issues. This has nothing to do with any political orientation, but is part of opinion researchers' social responsibility. In a modern liberal democratic society, the media and survey organizations should regularly examine people's opinions and feelings towards other nations and races, beyond geographical and ethnic boundaries. The development of HKUPOP's "Top 10 political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan" survey is as follows:
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 28 September 2006)
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市民對各地政府觀感調查簡介 世界不斷進步,巿民除了要關心本地社會的發展,也要放眼四方,建立正確的世界觀念。在香港主權回歸中國前後,民意研究計劃便開始探討香港巿民的國際視野。這個發展,差不多與民研計劃拓展國家民族調查系列同步進行。有關市民對各地政府觀感調查的發展如下:
(初版:2006年12月5日新聞公報之附加資料) Mapping people's feelings towards different governmentsAs the world progresses, Hong Kong people need to know and care more about the world, on top of their concern for local matters. Around the time of Hong Kong's handover, we at HKUPOP began to measure Hong Kong people's global views, while at the same time stepping up our surveys on national issues. Herewith some details regarding the development of our survey of people's feelings towards different governments:
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 5 December 2006)
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巿民身份認同調查簡介 不管是在殖民地或是「一國兩制」的時代,香港都是中國領土的一部分。民研計劃在資源許可下就國家民族問題進行意見調查,是順理成章的做法。況且,身份認同感從來都是社會研究的重要一環。因此,民研計劃在香港回歸後便立即開展香港巿民的身份認同進行意見調查。調查分成兩個系列,第一個系列關於市民的身份類別認同,以及對香港人或中國人身份的認同程度,第二個系列則查詢市民本身的身份類別及對國民身份的意見。以下集中介紹有關調查第一個系列的發展,關於調查第二個系列的發展,則容後介紹:
(初版:2006年12月21日新聞公報之附加資料) Mapping people's opinions towards ethnic identityBe it under British colonial rule or under "one country, two systems", Hong Kong has always been part of China. It thus seems natural for HKUPOP to survey people's opinion on various national and ethnical issues, if we can squeeze some resources. Moreover, the study of ethnic identity has always been one important element of all societal studies. Therefore, immediately after Hong Kong's handover, we embarked on conducting regular surveys on people's ethnic identity. The survey comprises two series. The first series deals with people's categorical ethnic identity, and the strength of Hong Kong or Chinese citizen identity, while the second series asks about people's citizenship and their desired ethnicity. We explain the development of the former series below, and reserve the latter for the future:
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 21 December 2006)