議員民望:項目簡介Popularity of Councillors</span><span class=subject>:</span><span class=subject>A brief DescriptionBack
本項目簡介會隨著社會變化和大眾需要而不斷更新 The content of this page will be updated from time to time to match societal changes and community needs. |
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行政會議成員民望調查簡介 Mapping the popularity of Executive Councillors |
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整體立法會議員調查簡介 People's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members survey |
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十大立法會議員評分調查簡介 Ratings of top 10 Legislative Councillors survey |
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巿民對整體立法會議員、香港警隊及駐港解放軍表現調查簡介 People's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members, Hong Kong Police Force and PLA's Hong Kong Garrison survey |
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行政會議成員民望調查簡介 行政會議是香港憲制的重要組成部分,監察整個行政會議組織以至個別成員的民望變化是順理成章的事,香港大學民意研究計劃自回歸開始便進行有關工作。 1997年7月開始,民研計劃每月進行一次調查,提問為「你對特區政府行政會議成員既整體表現滿唔滿意?」2000年7月開始,調查頻率改為每兩個月一次,直至2002年5月為止。 2002年8月至2005年2月期間,民研計劃改用更加具體的提問方法,每6個月進行一次,提問方法為「你認為某某某、某某某、某某某……做行政會議非官方議員既工作做得好唔好?」 與此同時,在2003年7月至2005年10月之間,民研計劃又每3個月就個別非官守成員進行民望評分,提問方法是「請你用0至100分評價你對行政會議非官守成員某某某既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分行政會議非官守成員某某某?」評分對像包括所有非官守議員及列席成員,當中包括中央政策組首席顧問和行政長官辦公室主任,在2005年10月改組前最多涉及22人。至於行政會議官守成員(亦即問責官員)的評分就更加頻密,日後會另文解釋。 2005年10月,特首曾蔭權把非官守議員的數目增加8人,民研計劃為了配合發展和減輕負荷,於是開展「五大巿民最熟悉行政會議非官守議員」的評分調查,取代過往就所有議員進行個別評分調查。「五大議員」調查分為提名和評分兩個階段,週期維持在每3個月進行一次。 由此可見,民研計劃是按照政制發展的步伐、巿民的關注程度和研究資源的考慮,不斷與時並進,調整調查的方法、頻率和發放形式。 (初版:2006年8月15日新聞公報之附加資料) Mapping the popularity of Executive CouncillorsThe Executive Council is an important component of Hong Kong's constitutional system. It is hence well justified to monitor the popularity change of the Executive Council as a whole and its members on an individual basis. HKUPOP has started this polling series since the handover. From July 1997, HKUPOP conducted this survey every month by asking the question "Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the members of the HKSAR Executive Council?" Then from July 2000, the frequency of survey was changed to once every 2 months, and ended in May 2002. Once every 6 months from August 2002 to February 2005, HKUPOP adopted a more specific way of asking, and the question became "Do you think XXX, YYY, ZZZ…are doing a good or bad job as the non-official members of Executive Council?" Meanwhile, once every 3 months between July 2003 and October 2005, HKUPOP also surveyed the popularity rating for each non-official Executive Councillor. The question used was "Please rate your support of XXX as non-official Executive Councillor using a 0-100 scale. 0 stands for absolutely no support, 100 stands for absolute support, 50 stands for half-half. How would you rate XXX?" This rating exercise targeted at all non-official members and sit-in members including the Head of Central Policy Unit and the Director of Chief Executive's Office, which summed up to a maximum of 22 persons in October 2005 right before the reorganization. As for the official Executive Councillors (i.e. Principal Officials under accountability system), their rating was conducted even more frequently, and that will be explained in subsequent releases. In October 2005, CE Donald Tsang increased the number of non-official members to 8. To cope with this change and reduce our workload, HKUPOP has started the rating survey on "Top 5 non-official members of Executive Council" since then in order to replace the previous rating survey of all individual Councillors. This "Top 5 Councillors" survey includes one naming and one rating stages, and its current cycle is to repeat once every 3 months. Thus this example has shown that HKUPOP would constantly review the pace of constitutional development, public concern and our research resources available, and make timely improvements on its survey method, frequency and way of release accordingly. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 15 August 2006)
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整體立法會議員調查簡介 九七回歸後,民研計劃同步測試巿民對「司級官員」、「行政會議成員」和「立法會議員」的整體表現評價,作為特區不同權力核心的認受指標。及後問責官員制度出現,行政會議又分成不同種類的成員,民研計劃的調查方式亦隨之改變。不過,雖然前兩者的整體表現調查漸次被個別人物評分取代,而民研計劃亦不斷進行十大立法會議員評分,但有關立法會議員整體表現的調查則仍然維持至今。立法會議員整體表現是指所有60個議員給予巿民的印象,包括所有於地區直選和功能組別當選的議員。以下集中介紹「整體立法會議員」調查的發展:
2000年6月《民意網站》成立後,所有「整體立法會議員」的調查在2000年11月開始透過網站向外公佈。由於篇幅所限,駐港解放軍及香港警隊表現滿意程度的調查將留待日後再作介紹。 (初版:2006年10月3日新聞公報之附加資料) People's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members surveyAfter the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, POP concurrently measures people's appraisal of the performance of "policy secretaries", "Executive Councillors" and "Legislative Councillors" in general, as indicators of people's recognition of different power organs in the government. Subsequently, the accountability system for principal officials emerged, and the Executive Council was differentiated into different kinds of members. The research design of HKUPOP followed these changes by introducing popularity rating of individual government officials and Executive Councillors, while our long time survey of top 10 Legco members continued. Our surveys on people's satisfaction with the performance of Legco members in general, however, have been kept up to this date. The performance of Legco members in general indicates people's impression of all 60 councillors, including members returned by geographical and functional constituencies. The development of our survey on "people's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members" is as follows:
Our HKU POP Site was established in June 2000, findings from our surveys on "people's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members in general" were released online since November 2000. In view of limited space, we will explain people's satisfaction with the performance of the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong garrison (PLA) and the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) surveys at another date.
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十大立法會議員評分調查簡介 立法會是香港憲制的重要組成部分,監察整個立法會組織以至個別議員的民望變化是順理成章的事,香港大學民意研究計劃自1992開始便進行有關工作。有關調查的做法是首先篩選出香港巿民最熟悉的立法會議員,然後逐個評分,再作排名。以下集中介紹有關調查的發展:
(初版:2006年11月2日新聞公報之附加資料) Ratings of top 10 Legislative Councillors surveyThe Legislative Council is an important component of Hong Kong's constitutional system. It is hence well justified to monitor the popularity change of the Legislative Council as a whole and its members on an individual basis. HKUPOP has started this polling series since 1992. In our survey, we first screen out the best-known legislative councillors recognized by the public, then rate each of them, and then rank them. The development of this survey series is as follows: Starting from October 1992, the surveys are conducted once every three months, without any change. Our research design comprises separate naming and rating surveys in two stages. In the naming stage, in between 1992 and 1993, the wordings used in the questionnaire were "Please name up to 5 Legislative Councillors that you are most familiar with." From 1994 onwards, the wordings used in the questionnaire become "Please name up to 10 Legislative Councillors that you are most familiar with." In the rating stage, since the beginning, the question used is "Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?" Regarding sample size, from the beginning to March 2000, the sample size of the survey was set at slightly over 500. From May 2000 onwards, the sample size was increased to at least 1,000. Our first findings of our political group surveys were published in the East Week, which was a magazine on political and economic affairs then. We later published our findings by fax. Then in 1996, HKUPOP published our newsletter POP Express, which naturally carried our findings on this topic. After our HKU POP Site was established in June 2000, we switched to an on-line mode of release since then, while all previous findings published in our POP Express were also uploaded on-line in various formats. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 2 November 2006)
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巿民對整體立法會議員、香港警隊及駐港解放軍表現調查簡介 有關巿民對整體立法會議員表現調查的發展過程,我們在2006年10月3日的新聞公報中已有介紹,今日我們集中介紹關於市民對香港警隊及駐港解放軍表現調查的發展,同時亦把巿民對整體立法會議員表現調查的發展略加刪剪後並列刊登,以便讀者能夠更加全面掌握這些相關調查的發展。 (1) 巿民對整體立法會議員表現調查的發展
(2) 巿民對香港警隊及駐港解放軍表現調查的發展
在2000年5月前,我們每次定期調查的樣本數目都稍為超過500個,以後就增加至每次起碼1,000個,上述調查亦不例外。上述所有調查數據,現已全部透過《港大民意網站》定期公佈,而以往透過民研計劃刊物《民意快訊》發表的調查結果,亦已不同形式上載到網站之中。 (初版:2007年1月2日新聞公報之附加資料) People's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members, Hong Kong Police Force and PLA's Hong Kong Garrison surveyRegarding the development of our surveys on people's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members, we have explained it in our press release of October 3, 2006. Today, we introduce the development of our surveys on people's satisfaction with the Hong Kong Police Force and PLA's Hong Kong Garrison, and piece together after some nominal editing the development of surveys on people's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members, in order to give readers a more comprehensive picture of such developments. (1) Mapping people's satisfaction with the performance of Legislative Council members
(2) Mapping people's satisfaction with the performance of the Hong Kong Police Force and PLA's Hong Kong Garrison
Before May 2000, the sample size of our regular surveys was set at slightly over 500, we increased it to at least 1,000 after that. The above surveys are no exceptions. The findings of these surveys are now published regularly on-line at our HKU POP Site, while all previous findings published via our newsletter POP Express have also been uploaded on-line in various formats.