注意事項A Point to NoteBack


  有關主權回歸後整體環境變化的問卷提問方式是:「香港回歸中國已經[若干天/若干年] ,你覺得宜家既整體環境比過渡前好左定差左?」被訪者的答案應該是根據九七回歸前不久的整體環境作為指標,再比較現時的情況。距離九七愈遠,印象會愈朦糊,但四年時間仍屬短期,記憶應該仍然準確。

A Point to Note


The question used to register people's assessment of the overall condition is (in Cantonese): "Hong Kong has already reunified with China for [so many days/years], do you think the overall condition now is better or worse?" The respondents should have used the condition shortly before the handover in 1997 as their benchmarks, and then compared the prevailing conditions with that benchmark. Obviously, memory lapses and comparison becomes less accurate as time rolls on. However, four years is only a short period, and respondents' assessment should be rather accurate.