調查方法Survey MethodBack



  有關市民對主權回歸心情的調查自九七年起每年在六月進行一次,皆是由嚴 格督導下的訪員親身進行的電話問卷訪問。


  電話號碼抽樣方法是從住宅電話簿中首先以隨機方法抽取「種籽」號碼,再 以加一減一加二減二的方法產生另一組號碼,然後在混合後再過濾重覆號碼 ,再以隨機排列方式排次成為最後樣本。

  抽取住戶成員的方法是由訪員在成功接觸目標住戶後,用「即將出生日期」 的方法由當時在家的成員抽取其中一人進行訪問。

Survey Method


Surveys on people's feeling about the handover are conducted annually every June since 1997. All surveys are conducted by telephone interviewers under close supervision.


Target population of these surveys are Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong of age 18 or above.


Telephone numbers are first selected randomly from telephone directories as seed numbers. Another set of numbers is then generated by using the plus/minus one/two method. Duplicate numbers are then screened out, and the remaining numbers mixed in a random order to become the final sample.


Upon successful contact being made with a target household, one member of the household is selected among those present using the "next birthday" rule.