常見問題 Frequently asked Questions |
問: 港大民研計劃為什麼要進行六四事件週年調查?
Q: Why does HKUPOP conduct June Fourth anniversary surveys?
問: 港大民研計劃會否停止六四事件週年調查?
Q: Would HKUPOP stop doing June Fourth anniversary surveys?
問: 某項調查數字錄得歷史新高或新低,但與上次調查的數字在統計上沒有明顯差異,應該如何報導?
Q: Certain survey findings are at record high or low, but they are not significantly different from those recorded last time. How should they be reported?
Q: Will HKUPOP reprimand newspapers for inaccurate reporting?
常見問題與答案 Frequently asked Questions with
Answers |
問: 港大民研計劃為什麼要進行六四事件週年調查?
Q: Why does HKUPOP conduct June Fourth anniversary surveys?答: 六四事件是當代中國歷史的重要一頁,它對中國大陸和香港本地的發展都影響深遠。港大民研計劃在1991年成立,時值香港巿民心繫六四情結,在政治層面上主導了不少選舉的結果,對香港回歸的歷程亦起了舉足輕重的作用。民研計劃於是在1993年開始,每年調查一次巿民對六四事件及國內人權狀況的意見,14年來沒有間斷。(初版:2006年6月1日新聞公報之附加資料)
A: June Fourth is an important page in the contemporary history of China, it has a tremendous impact on the development of Hong Kong and Mainland China. When HKUPOP was established in 1991, Hong Kong people were deeply troubled by their June Fourth Complex. On the political level, such a complex has dictated the results of many elections, as well as changed the course of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. For these reasons, in 1993, HKUPOP began to study Hong Kong people's opinions of June Fourth and human right conditions in China once every year. This is the 14th anniversary survey in a row.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of
1 June 2006)
問: 港大民研計劃會否停止六四事件週年調查?
Q: Would HKUPOP stop doing June Fourth anniversary surveys?
答: 這要視乎香港民情的變化,和有關調查的學術價值。只要香港巿民仍然認為六四事件是一個重要議題,則不論官方的定性和論據如何,我們便會繼續進行調查。相反,如果巿民不再談論六四,調查便會失去價值。六四事件週年調查會否繼續,不是一個政治決定。
A: Depends on how public opinion would change, and whether such surveys still have an academic value. Provided that Hong Kong people still consider June Fourth to be an important issue, we will continue to poll their opinions, no matter what the official position is. On the contrary, when people have lost interest in June Fourth, there may not be any need to continue the surveys. Whether and when the surveys would stop is not a political decision.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of
13 June 2006)
問: 某項調查數字錄得歷史新高或新低,但與上次調查的數字在統計上沒有明顯差異,應該如何報導?
Q: Certain survey findings are at record high or low, but they are not significantly different from those recorded last time. How should they be reported?
答: 最好清楚說明「最新數字錄得歷史新高或新低,但在統計上與上次調查數字沒有明顯差異」。「歷史新高或新低」是包涵名次和排序的概念,統計差誤是關乎絕對數值的問題,兩者屬於不同層次,各有理據。以日常生活舉例,某學生今次以一分之微奪得全班第一名,從統計學分析,他可能只是幸運,因為他的成績與第二名的學生沒有顯著分別。但以常人的用法,第一就是第一,一次就是一次。如何描述這個學生的成就要視乎學校的制度,和長期的觀察。(初版:2006年6月13日新聞公報之附加資料)
A: It is better to say that "the latest figures are at record high or low, but they are not statistically different from those registered last time." "Record high or low" encompasses the concepts of ranking and ordering, whereas statistical differences relate to absolute values. They belong to different levels, each with its own logic and rationale. Take a real life example - if a student won the first position by only one mark's difference, from a statistical point of view, he is simply lucky, because there is no significant difference between his/her results and his/her peer in the second place. But from a normal person's perspective, first is first, once means once. How to describe this student's results depends on the system of the school, and some long-term observations.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 13 June 2006)
Q: Will HKUPOP reprimand newspapers for inaccurate reporting?
答: 可能會,但我們會極之小心。就以我們於6月1日發表的「六四事件的最新週年調查結果」為例,翌日報章報導的手法各有不同。有說「平反六四支持率新高」,有說「反對平反六四回歸新高」,有些報章側重報導巿民對國內人權狀況的意見,有些索性沒有報導。民研計劃的策略,是在尊重事實的原則下,鼓勵傳媒百花齊放。在沒有專業守則規範之下,報章的報導肯定有所偏頗。我們鼓勵所有報章讀者到《民意網站》閱讀詳細的調查結果。(初版:2006年6月13日新聞公報之附加資料)
A: Maybe, but we will be extremely careful. Take our latest release of "June Fourth Annual Survey" as an example. Different newspapers had different ways of reporting the survey. Some said "record high for supporting a reversion of the official stand on June 4", some said "record high since handover for objecting a reversion of the official position". Some chose to report people's views on China's human rights only, while some simply neglected the survey. HKUPOP's strategy is to encourage free and diversified reporting, provided that everybody respects the truth. In the absence of a professional code of practice, there are bounded to be biases in newspaper reports. We encourage all newspaper readers to go to our POP Site to study the details of all our surveys.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 13 June 2006)