傳媒表現:常見問題</span><span class=subject>Media Performance:</span><span class=subject>FAQsBack
下列常見問答會隨著社會變化和大眾需要而不斷更新 The content of this FAQ page will be updated from time to time to match societal changes and community needs |
常見問題 Frequently asked Questions | |
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問: 為什麼新聞傳媒表現調查不再是三個月進行一次? Q: Why is HKUPOP no longer measuring the performance of news media once every three months? |
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問:有沒有最理想的調查頻率? Q: Is there an ideal frequency for opinion polling? |
常見問題與答案 Frequently asked Questions with Answers | |
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問: 為什麼新聞傳媒表現調查不再是三個月進行一次? Q: Why is HKUPOP no longer measuring the performance of news media once every three months? 答: 定期民意調查的理想頻率取決與有關民意的波動情況和波動是否值得重視而定。民研計劃在資源有限的情況下,會不斷檢討各項定期調查的頻率。經過最新一輪檢討後,民研計劃決定由2006年開始,把新聞傳媒表現調查的週期加長,頻率減少,以便騰出資源進行其他民意調查。民研計劃的政策是一旦決定某項定期調查的頻率後,便不會因為某些突發事件會影響結果而改變執行有關調查的日期,以示公允。 A: The ideal frequency of tracking surveys depends on how public opinion of relevant items fluctuates, and how serious we take those fluctuations. Under limited resources, HKUPOP regularly reviews the frequency of all tracking surveys. After the latest review, POP decided to expand the cycle of tracking surveys on the performance of the news media, thus reducing their frequencies, in order to spare more resources for other surveys. However, in order to be fair, POP』s general policy is that once the frequency of a tracking survey is fixed, POP will not alter the fieldwork dates in order to suit particular events which may affect the results. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 18 April 2006) |
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問:有沒有最理想的調查頻率? Q: Is there an ideal frequency for opinion polling? 答:理想頻率會因應民意怎樣波動和我們是否重視該等波動而定。選舉期間,不少國際級數的調查機構會以滾動調查不斷掌握民意,每天翻新數據。民研計劃會每兩星期翻新特首評分一次,每月翻新政府民望一次,有些項目則會每年翻新一次。 A: It depends on how opinion fluctuates on specific items, and how serious we take those fluctuations. For example, during elections, rolling polls are often conducted by internationally renowned organizations to measure fluctuations on a daily basis. POP now measures CE's popularity once every two weeks, the popularity of the government once every month, and some items once every year. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 24 January 2006) |