議員民望:常見問題Popularity of Councillors: FAQsBack
下列常見問答會隨著社會變化和大眾需要而不斷更新 The content of this FAQ page will be updated from time to time to match societal changes and community needs |
常見問題 Frequently asked Questions | |
Q: How can we define short-, mid- and long-term overall rankings? |
Q:Can we conduct a survey of "worst performing" Legco members? |
Q:Why start "top 5" instead of individual ratings for all Exco members? |
Q: Why compile "top 5" instead of "top 10" non-official Exco member rankings? |
Q: Why does POP conduct surveys on "people's satisfaction with the performance of Legco members in general"? |
Q:Is there any overlap between the surveys on "people's satisfaction with the performance of Legco members" and "ratings of top 10 Legco members"? |
Q: How can opinion polls avoid asking supporters or opponents of certain political groups? |
Q: How can people know the contact information of each survey? |
Q:Why compile the overall ratings of Legco members in the past 4 surveys? |
Q:Apart from ratings for individual Council members, would POP consider incorporating people's satisfaction of the overall performance of the Executive Councillors into its tracking surveys? |
常見問題與答案 Frequently asked Questions with Answers | |
問:如何界定短期、中期、和長期排名? Q:How can we define short-, mid- and long-term overall rankings? 答:十大議員的短期排名,可以界定為最近一次調查的排名結果,中期排名可以界定為過去12個月的排名結果,而民研計劃暫時沒有發表的議員長期排名,則可以界定為立法會換屆後的排名總結。至於跨屆議員方面,由於議員名單的改變,平均分數會比相對排名更能有效地顯示議員的民望改變。(初版:2006年2月7日新聞公報之附加資料) A:For our ranking of Legco members, short-term can be defined as findings from our latest survey, while mid-term can be defined as overall rankings over the year past. We have not yet compiled any long-term overall rankings, but they can be defined as overall rankings since the last Legco election. For very long-serving Legco members, it is more appropriate to use average ratings rather than overall rankings due to membership changes. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 7 February 2006) |
問:民研計劃可不可以進行「最差議員」調查? Q:Can we conduct a survey of "worst performing" Legco members? 答:可以,有需要的時候我們絕不迴避。不過,在有限的資源下,我們認為發掘表現卓越者的社會意義比較重大。況且,「最差議員」上榜的原因,可能是因為知名度差,亦可能因為知名度高但惹人討厭,須要區別。相反,名列前茅的「最佳議員」,則一定要在兩項因素中同時表現出眾,方能得到表揚。(初版:2006年2月7日新聞公報之附加資料) |
問:為什麼不逐個行政會議成員進行評分,而要開展「五大」? Q:Why start "top 5" instead of individual ratings for all Exco members? 答:自2003年7月開始,民研計劃一直就所有行政會議成員進行個別評分,當中包括官守成員、非官守議員、列席成員中央政策組首席顧問和列席成員行政長官辦公室主任,在2005年10月改組前最多涉及22人。特首曾蔭權去年10月把非官守議員的數目再增加8人,民研計劃為了配合發展,除了為14名問責官員繼續進行個別評分外,只會就巿民最熟悉的五大行政會議非官守議員進行調查,減輕負荷。(初版:2006年2月14日新聞公報之附加資料) A:Since July 2003, POP has been measuring the popularity ratings of all individual Exco members, including the official members, non-official members, and two sit-in members, namely, the Head of Central Policy Unit and the Director of Chief Executive』s Office. At one time before the last revamp in October 2005, a total of 22 members were rated individually. Last October, CE Donald Tsang further increased the number of non-official members by 8. POP therefore made parallel changes by introducing the "top 5" exercise, in additional to the regular individual rating of all 14 principal officials, in order to save resources. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 14 February 2006) |
問:為什麼是「五大」而非「十大」行政會議非官守議員排名? Q:Why compile "top 5" instead of "top 10" non-official Exco member rankings? 答:經驗顯示,巿民對行政會議非官守議員的認識程度普遍偏低,採用「五大」排名已經足夠。倘若採用「十大」,可能會浪廢名額。(初版:2006年2月14日新聞公報之附加資料) A:Experience shows that most non-official Exco members have low recognition rates. Using "top 5" should be enough to register the popularity of the most well-known members. "Top 10" could be a waste. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 14 February 2006) |
問:民研計劃為甚要進行「立法會成員整體表現的滿意程度」調查? Q:Why does POP conduct surveys on "people's satisfaction with the performance of Legco members in general"? 答:九七回歸後,民研計劃除了不斷測試「民主」、「自由」、「繁榮」、「安定」等核心主觀指標的變化外,亦同步測試特區政府在「推行民主步伐」、「維護人權自由」、「維持經濟繁榮」和「改善民生」等多方面的表現。在官員和議員的層次,民研計劃又同步測試巿民對「司級官員」、「行政會議員」和「立法會議員」的整體表現評價,作為特區不同權力核心的認受指標。及後,由於問責官員制度出現,行政會議又分成不同種類的成員,前兩者的整體表現調查便漸次被個別人物評分取代,但有關立法會議員整體表現的調查則維持至今。(初版:2006年3月28日新聞公報之附加資料) A:After the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, POP has not only continued to track the changes of core subjective indicators like "democracy", "freedom", "prosperity" and "stability", we have also tracked in parallel the performance of the SARG on "pace of democratic development", "protecting human rights and freedom", "maintaining economic prosperity" and "improving people's livelihood". On the level of officials and councillors, POP also concurrently measures people's appraisal of the performance of "policy secretaries", "Executive Councillors" and "Legislative Councillors" in general, as indicators of people's recognition of different power organs in the government. With the subsequent emergence of the accountability system for principal officials, and the differentiation of Executive Council members into different categories, the first two items became gradually replaced by popularity ratings for different individuals. The surveys on people's satisfaction with the performance of Legco members in general have been kept up to this date. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 28 March 2006) |
問:「立法會成員整體表現的滿意程度」調查與「十大立法會議員評分」調查有沒有重疊? Q:Is there any overlap between the surveys on "people's satisfaction with the performance of Legco members" and "ratings of top 10 Legco members"? 答:兩者沒有必然關係。立法會議員整體表現是指所有60個議員給予巿民的印象,包括所有於地區直選和功能組別當選的議員。「十大立法會議員評分」是指十個巿民最熟悉議員的個人評分。(初版:2006年3月28日新聞公報之附加資料) A:There is no logical connection between them. The performance of Legco members in general indicates people's impression of all 60 councillors, including members returned by geographical and functional constituencies. "Ratings of top 10 Legco members" refer to individual rating of the 10 most well-known councillors. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 28 March 2006) |
問:民意調查如何避免訪問傾向支持或反對某某政黨的人士? Q:How can opinion polls avoid asking supporters or opponents of certain political groups? 答:民意調查毋須避免訪問傾向支持或反對某某政黨的人士。重要的是調查樣本中持不同意見的被訪者,比例要與所有目標對像相同。因此便要使用科學隨機抽樣方法。民研計劃一般都是從住宅電話簿中隨機抽樣,然後再從住戶成員中抽取其中一人進行訪問。這個方法是當今社會調查常用的方法,比街頭訪問優勝很多。(初版:2006年5月9日新聞公報之附加資料) A:Opinion polls do not need to avoid asking supporters or opponents of political groups. The important point is to make sure that the proportions of respondents in favour of certain opinions are the same as those in the target population. We therefore need to use scientific random sampling method. POP normally randomly samples telephone numbers from telephone directories, and then samples one respondent from the target household for interview. This method is often used in contemporary social surveys, and is much better than street interviews. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 9 May 2006) |
問:巿民大眾如何得知每次民意調查的樣本資料? Q:How can people know the contact information of each survey? 答:民研計劃在每次的民調發放中,都詳細交待該調查的訪問對像和調查方法,包括抽樣方法、被訪者背景資料、問卷全文和其他樣本資料。根據國際標準,交待有關資料是發放和報導民調機構的基本責任。(初版:2006年5月9日新聞公報之附加資料) A:POP's practice is to give detailed contact information of every survey whenever the survey is released, including the definition of target population and its research design, which includes the sampling method, the demographic background of the respondents, the questionnaire in full, and other contact information. According to international standards, providing such information is the responsibility of any organization when releasing or reporting the survey results. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 9 May 2006) |
問:為什麼民研計劃要計算十大議員在過去4次調查的總結排名? Q:Why compile the overall ratings of Legco members in the past 4 surveys? 答:民研計劃自2005年11月開始,便會在公佈十大議員最新評分時,同時公佈十大議員在過去4次調查,即大約一年時間的總結排名,作為短期排名以外,一項屬於中期排名的參考資料。中期排名的計算方法是先按照十大議員在過去4次調查的上榜次數排列,然後再按照議員在該等調查的平均分數排列。由於總結排名是按照多次調查結果計算,排名波動比較穩定,但就對最新發展的反應比較遲鈍,可謂有利有弊,但不失為有用的參考指標。(初版:2006年8月1日新聞公報之附加資料) A:Starting from November 2005, when releasing the latest ratings of top 10 Legco members, we also release the overall ranking of these Lego members in the past 4 surveys, which roughly span over a year. Our purpose is to compile an indicator to show the mid-term popularity of the Legco members. Our overall rankings are determined first by ranking the number of times individual Legco members appear on our top 10 list in the last 4 surveys, and then rank them according to their average ratings in those surveys. Because these overall rankings are based on results obtained over an extended period of time, they are relatively more stable, but are less sensitive to recent changes. There are, therefore, pros and cons, but the overall rankings should still be useful indicators of popularity change. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 1 August 2006) |
問:除了就個別議員評分外,民研計劃會否考慮把市民對行政會議成員整體表現的滿意程度列作定期調查題目? Q:Apart from ratings for individual Council members, would POP consider incorporating people's satisfaction of the overall performance of the Executive Councillors into its tracking surveys? 答:我們在2006年8月15日的新聞公報中,簡單介紹了我們的「行政會議成員民望調查」,轉載如下:
Thus this example has shown that HKUPOP would constantly review the pace of constitutional development, public concern and our research resources available, and make timely improvements on its survey method, frequency and way of release accordingly. |