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常見問題 Frequently asked Questions
Q: What is the difference between "subjective indictors" and "objective indicators"?
常見問題與答案 Frequently asked Questions with Answers
Q: What is the difference between "subjective indictors" and "objective indicators"?

A: "Subjective indicators" measure people's feeling of how good or how bad the situation is, while "objective indicators" usually refers to hard facts and figures. In measuring press freedom, for example, objective facts may include how many newspapers a society has, but that alone may not indicate how much press freedom people feel they have, especially if the newspapers are political censored. Likewise, people may feel good even if there are only a few papers, but every one of them enjoys perfect freedom and takes on different political stands.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 17 January 2006)