Demographic Profile of RespondentsBack

The latest figures released today have been rim-weighted according to figures provided by the Census and Statistics Department. The gender-age distribution of the Hong Kong population came from “Mid-year population for 2017”, while the educational attainment (highest level attended) distribution and economic activity status distribution came from “Women and Men in Hong Kong - Key Statistics (2018 Edition)”. In the past, the mobile sample would be rim-weighted according to the basic Public Sentiment Index (PSI) figures collected in the landline sample. In July 2018, POP further refined the weighting method. The landline sample and the mobile sample would no longer be processed separately. The mobile would also no longer be adjusted using the basic PSI figures collected in the landline sample. The overall effect is that the importance of the mobile sample would be increased.

  Raw sample Weighted sample
Male 460 45.7 475 47.2
Female 546 54.3 531 52.8
Total 1006 100.0 1006 100.0

  Raw sample Weighted sample
18 - 29 162 16.2 166 16.6
30 - 39 143 14.3 164 16.4
40 - 49 163 16.3 173 17.3
50 - 59 216 21.6 199 19.9
60 - 69 162 16.2 160 16.0
70 or above 153 15.3 138 13.8
Total 999 100.0 999 100.0
Missing case (s) 7 7

Education attainment
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Primary or below 101 10.1 192 19.2
Junior secondary (F.1 - F.3) 123 12.3 121 12.1
Senior secondary (F.4 - F.7) 293 29.2 355 35.4
Tertiary, non-degree 104 10.4 69 6.9
Tertiary, degree (Bachelor's degree) 381 38.0 265 26.4
Total 1002 100.0 1002 100.0
Missing case (s) 4 4

  Raw sample Weighted sample
Hong Kong Island (Southern, Wanchai, Central and Western, Eastern) 200 20.0 173 17.3
Kowloon East (Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong) 162 16.2 173 17.3
Kowloon West (Kowloon City, Sham Shui Po, Yau Tsim Mong) 145 14.5 145 14.5
New Territories East (Sha Tin, Tai Po, Northern, Sai Kung) 226 22.6 235 23.5
New Territories West (Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands) 266 26.6 274 27.4
Total 999 100.0 1000 100.0
Missing case (s) 7 6

Are you a registered voter?
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Yes (including those who have just registered) 839 83.5 818 81.4
No 166 16.5 186 18.6
Total 1005 100.0 1004 100.0
Missing case (s) 1 2

Political inclination
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Inclined toward the pro-democracy camp 332 33.6 314 31.8
Inclined toward the pro-establishment camp 133 13.5 130 13.1
Inclined toward the centrist 353 35.8 344 34.8
No political inclination / Politically neutral / Don’t belong to any camp 125 12.7 152 15.4
Others / Don’t know / Hard to say 44 4.5 49 4.9
Total 987 100.0 989 100.0
Missing case (s) 19 17

The type of ownership of your house is:
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Self-purchased, or 582 59.1 521 52.9
Rented 402 40.9 465 47.1
Total 984 100.0 986 100.0
Missing case (s) 22 20

House type
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Public housing (including the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme and other public rental housing units) 266 27.1 319 32.6
HOS flats with premium not yet paid (including the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and other subsidized sale flats) 135 13.8 140 14.3
Private housing (including HOS flats and other subsidized housing with premium paid, village houses and staff quarters) 557 56.8 495 50.6
Others (including student dormitories, elderly homes, industrial buildings, hotels, temporary housing, etc.) 23 2.3 25 2.6
Total 981 100.0 979 100.0
Missing case (s) 25 27

Marital status
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Single 295 29.8 296 30.0
Married/ Cohabiting 621 62.8 615 62.3
Divorced / Separated/Widowed 73 7.4 76 7.7
Total 989 100.0 986 100.0
Missing case (s) 17 20

  Raw sample Weighted sample
Administrators and professionals 225 22.4 188 18.7
Clerks and service workers 230 22.9 255 25.4
Workers 91 9.1 146 14.5
Students 57 5.7 50 4.9
Home-makers / Housewives 131 13.0 109 10.8
Retired 212 21.1 196 19.5
Unemployed / non-workers 11 1.1 13 1.3
Others 47 4.7 47 4.7
Total 1004 100.0 1004 100.0
Missing case (s) 2 2

Which class do you consider your family belongs to?
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Upper class 8 0.8 4 0.5
Upper-middle class 61 6.1 45 4.6
Middle class 345 34.6 315 31.8
Middle-lower class 282 28.3 272 27.4
Lower class 287 28.8 338 34.1
Don't know/ Hard to say 13 1.3 17 1.7
Total 996 100.0 991 100.0
Missing case (s) 10 15

Place of birth
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Hong Kong 697 69.6 675 67.3
Mainland China 268 26.7 297 29.6
Taiwan 3 0.3 2 0.2
Macau 12 1.2 14 1.4
Southeast Asia(Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam) 16 1.6 11 1.1
Canada 1 0.1 1 0.1
United States 1 0.1 1 0.1
England 3 0.3 2 0.2
Others 1 0.1 1 0.1
Total 1002 100.0 1003 100.0
Missing case (s) 4 3