Demographic Profile of RespondentsBack

The raw data collected have been rim-weighted according to provisional figures obtained from the Census and Statistics Department regarding the gender-age distribution of the Hong Kong population in 2016 year-end and the educational attainment (highest level attended) distribution collected in the 2011 Census.

  Raw sample Weighted sample
Male 380 47.3 362 45.0
Female 424 52.7 442 55.0
Total 804 100.0 804 100.0

  Raw sample Weighted sample
18 - 29 92 11.5 137 17.2
30 - 39 74 9.3 145 18.1
40 - 49 108 13.6 143 18.0
50 - 59 153 19.2 158 19.9
60 - 69 196 24.6 115 14.4
70 or above 174 21.8 99 12.4
Total 797 100 797 100.0
Missing case (s) 7 7

Education attainment
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Primary or below 149 18.6 189 23.7
Junior secondary (F.1 - F.3) 136 17.0 117 14.6
Senior secondary (F.4 - F.5) 186 23.3 203 25.4
Matriculation / Diploma of Secondary Education (F.6) 32 4.0 38 4.7
Matriculation (F.7) 21 2.6 26 3.3
Tertiary, non-degree 51 6.4 33 4.1
Tertiary, degree (Bachelor's degree) 166 20.8 147 18.5
Master's degree 54 6.8 43 5.4
Doctoral degree or above 4 0.5 2 0.3
Total 799 100.0 799 100.0
Missing case (s) 5 5

  Raw sample Weighted sample
Wanchai (HKI) 12 1.5 12 1.5
Eastern (HKI) 79 9.8 79 9.9
Central and Western (HKI) 35 4.4 26 3.3
Southern (HKI) 35 4.4 31 3.8
Kwun Tong (KLE) 69 8.6 76 9.4
Kowloon City (KLW) 40 5.0 30 3.8
Wong Tai Sin (KLE) 43 5.3 42 5.2
Mong Kok (KLW) 16 2.0 9 1.1
Sham Shui Po (KLW) 47 5.8 43 5.3
Yau Tsim (KLW) 9 1.1 5 0.6
Sai Kung (NTE) 55 6.8 61 7.6
Sha Tin (NTE) 95 11.8 90 11.2
Islands (NTW) 10 1.2 16 2.0
Tsuen Wan (NTW) 33 4.1 27 3.3
Kwai Tsing (NTW) 46 5.7 57 7.1
Tuen Mun (NTW) 43 5.3 59 7.4
Yuen Long (NTW) 61 7.6 64 8.0
Northern (NTE) 44 5.5 44 5.5
Tai Po (NTE) 32 4.0 32 4.0
Total 804 100.0 804 100.0

Are you a registered voter?
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Yes (including those who have just registered) 686 85.5 654 81.7
No 116 14.5 146 18.3
Total 802 100.0 800 100.0
Missing case (s) 2 4

Political inclination
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Inclined toward the pro-democracy camp 230 28.7 227 28.4
Inclined toward the pro-establishment camp 109 13.6 81 10.1
Inclined toward the centrist 290 36.2 296 37.0
No political inclination / Politically neutral / Don’t belong to any camp 138 17.2 158 19.7
Others / Don’t know / Hard to say 35 4.4 39 4.8
Total 802 100.0 801 100.0
Missing case (s) 2 3

The type of ownership of your house is:
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Self-purchased, or 484 61.3 446 56.3
Rented 305 38.7 347 43.7
Total 789 100.0 793 100.0
Missing case (s) 15 11

House type
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Public housing estate 259 33.2 306 39.4
Housing Authority subsidized sale flats 115 14.8 126 16.2
Housing Society subsidized sale flats 11 1.4 20 2.6
Private housing 353 45.3 291 37.5
Village: villas / bungalows / modern village houses 13 1.7 8 1.0
Village: simple stone structures / traditional village houses 20 2.6 14 1.8
Public temporary housing 1 0.1 5 0.6
Staff quarters 4 0.5 4 0.5
Others 3 0.4 3 0.4
Total 779 100.0 776 100.0
Missing case (s) 25 28

Marital status
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Single 83 20.7 125 30.8
Married/ Cohabiting 278 69.3 256 62.8
Divorced / Separated/Widowed 40 10.0 26 6.4
Total 401 100.0 407 100.0
Missing case (s) 7 5

  Raw sample Weighted sample
Boss / Managers / Administrators 70 8.8 67 8.4
Professionals 63 7.9 62 7.7
Associate professionals 25 3.1 37 4.7
Clerks 51 6.4 84 10.6
Service workers 52 6.5 92 11.6
Market sales workers 11 1.4 22 2.8
Skilled workers in agriculture and fisheries 1 0.1 2 0.2
Handicrafts and related personnel 12 1.5 14 1.8
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 7 0.9 10 1.3
Drivers 7 0.9 11 1.3
Unskilled workers 19 2.4 33 4.2
Students 38 4.8 38 4.8
Housewives 121 15.2 74 9.3
Domestic helpers 3 0.4 7 0.9
Unclassified 1 0.1 0 0.0
Retired 276 34.8 138 17.4
Unemployed / non-workers 21 2.6 78 9.8
Others 16 2.0 25 3.2
Total 794 100.0 794 100.0
Missing case (s) 10 10

Personal income
  Raw sample Weighted sample
No income 83 27.2 68 23.1
HK$5,000 or below 53 17.4 50 17.2
HK$5,000-7,099 17 5.6 9 3.2
HK$7,100-9,999 20 6.6 22 7.7
HK$10,000-14,999 36 11.8 36 12.4
HK$15,000-19,999 23 7.5 29 10.0
HK$20,000-29,999 29 9.5 27 9.4
HK$30,000-39,999 14 4.6 15 5.0
HK$40,000-49,999 9 3.0 11 3.8
HK$50,000 or above 18 5.9 20 6.8
Unstable 3 1.0 4 1.4
Total 305 100.0 293 100.0
Missing case (s) 21 20

Which class do you consider your family belongs to?
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Upper-middle class 5 0.6 4 0.4
Middle-upper class 44 5.5 25 3.1
Middle class 236 29.7 201 25.3
Middle-lower class 236 29.7 247 31.0
Lower class 251 31.6 299 37.6
Don't know/ Hard to say 23 2.9 20 2.5
Total 795 100.0 795 100.0
Missing case (s) 9 9

Place of birth
  Raw sample Weighted sample
Hong Kong 223 55.3 229 57.1
Mainland China 156 38.7 149 37.0
Taiwan 3 0.7 2 0.5
Macau 8 2.0 13 3.2
Southeast Asia(e.g. Malaysia、Indonesia、Vietnam) 8 2.0 3 0.7
Canada 1 0.2 1 0.2
Australia 1 0.2 1 0.3
England 1 0.2 2 0.5
Others 1 0.2 0 0.1
Don't know 1 0.2 2 0.5
Total 403 100.0 401 100.0
Missing case (s) 5 5