[an error occurred while processing the directive] 香港大學民意研究計劃 Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong


Step 1: Late submissions
Submissions received after the 23:59 of July 4, 2006 were not processed. A total of 295 submissions were kept as preliminary valid cases.
Step 2: Unknown personal particulars
2 cases without any personal particular were dropped, and the remaining 293 cases entered the next stage.
Step 3: Doubtful leaflet codes
2 cases with repeated leaflet codes were identified, only the last submission of each case was kept. 16 cases with invalid leaflet codes were dropped; another 15 cases with null leaflet codes were also dropped, leaving behind 260 valid cases.
Step 4: Repetitive IP addresses
25 skeptical cases with repetitive IP addresses were identified, they were examined in terms of their time-chop, nature of their outgoing website, and content of their submissions. Finally, 3 cases were confirmed to be repetitive and were eliminated from the dataset. The remaining 257 submissions comprised the final sample.
Figure 1. Verification procedures for online submissions