[an error occurred while processing the directive] 香港大學民意研究計劃 Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong


This questionnaire is only applicable for those who have joined the January 23 Rally, with no age limit. Please press the "Submit" button after you have completed this survey. However, no subsequent input will be allowed within 5 minutes of the last submission.
Please fill in this section with the information provided on the leaflet. Please skip this section should you have no such leaflet. Questionnaires with different codes will be analysed in different ways.
Code number on invitation leaflet:
Approximate time of receipt of leaflet: hr min

[A1] What is your major demand in joining the January 23 Rally?
[A2] How important the following factors are in bringing you to the January 23 Rally? Please employ a 5-point scale.
  • To express my dissatisfaction with the current social condition
  • To express my dissatisfaction with certain political figures
  • To express my dissatisfaction with the SAR Government
  • To express my dissatisfaction with the Central Government
  • To improve society
  • To exercise my own right
  • To protect the interest of certain sector
  • To fight for democracy
  • To support the organizer
  • To join the fun
    [A3] Do you agree with the following statements? Please employ a 5-point scale.
    Don't know
  • I gather with my friends very often
  • I won't hide my participation in the rally from anyone
  • I can feel the strong leadership of the organizers
  • Hong Kong people have a responsibility to instigate the development of democracy in China
  • Hong Kong people have a responsibility to instigate economic development in China
  • People can control the fate of Hong Kong society
  • Hong Kong should speak less of politics than economic development
  • Hong Kong people should continue to fight for universal suffrage in 2007/08
    [B1] Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the following leaders and governments (with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half.).
  • Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa
  • President Hu Jin-tao
  • Premier Wen Jiao-bao
  • HKSAR Government
  • Central People's Government

  • [B2] Which of the following Legislative Councillors make you feel good? (Multiple answers allowed)
    1. Vincent FANG Kang
    2. WONG Kwok-hing
    3. James TIEN Pei-chun
    4. Abraham SHEK Lai-him
    5. Albert HO Chun-yan
    6. Raymond HO Chung-tai
    7. Audrey EU Yuet-mee
    8. Margaret NG
    9. LUI Ming-wah
    10. LEE Wing-tat
    11. LEE Cheuk-yan
    12. Martin LEE Chu-ming
    13. LI Kwok-ying,
    14. David LI Kwok-po
    15. Joseph LEE Kok-long
    1. Fred LI Wah-ming
    2. LI Fung-ying
    3. Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee
    4. Daniel LAM Wai-keung
    5. Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung
    6. Rita FAN HSU Lai-tai
    7. MA Lik
    8. James TO Kun-sun
    9. CHEUNG Man-kwong
    10. Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan
    11. Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung
    12. CHEUNG Hok-ming
    13. LEUNG Kwan-yuen
    14. Alan LEONG Kah-kit
    15. LEUNG Kwok-hung
    1. Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun
    2. LEUNG Yiu-chung
    3. KWOK Ka-ki
    4. Albert CHAN Wai-yip
    5. CHAN Yuen-han
    6. Bernard CHAN
    7. CHAN Kam-lam
    8. SIN Chung-kai
    9. Jasper TSANG Yok-sing
    10. TONG Ka-wah
    11. Frederick FUNG Kin-kee
    12. WONG Ting-kwong
    13. Philip WONG Yu-hong
    14. WONG Yung-kan
    15. Howard YOUNG
    1. YEUNG Sum
    2. CHIM Pui-chung
    3. LAU Chin-shek
    4. LAU Kong-wah
    5. Patrick LAU Sau-shing
    6. LAU Wong-fat
    7. Miriam LAU Kin-yee
    8. Emily LAU Wai-hing
    9. CHOY So-yuk
    10. Andrew CHENG Kar-foo
    11. Albert Jinghan CHENG
    12. Timothy FOK Tsun-ting
    13. KWONG Chi-kin
    14. TAM Heung-man
    15. TAM Yiu-chung

    [B3] Which of the following Legislative Councillors make you feel bad? (Multiple answers allowed)
    1. Vincent FANG Kang
    2. WONG Kwok-hing
    3. James TIEN Pei-chun
    4. Abraham SHEK Lai-him
    5. Albert HO Chun-yan
    6. Raymond HO Chung-tai
    7. Audrey EU Yuet-mee
    8. Margaret NG
    9. LUI Ming-wah
    10. LEE Wing-tat
    11. LEE Cheuk-yan
    12. Martin LEE Chu-ming
    13. LI Kwok-ying,
    14. David LI Kwok-po
    15. Joseph LEE Kok-long
    1. Fred LI Wah-ming
    2. LI Fung-ying
    3. Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee
    4. Daniel LAM Wai-keung
    5. Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung
    6. Rita FAN HSU Lai-tai
    7. MA Lik
    8. James TO Kun-sun
    9. CHEUNG Man-kwong
    10. Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan
    11. Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung
    12. CHEUNG Hok-ming
    13. LEUNG Kwan-yuen
    14. Alan LEONG Kah-kit
    15. LEUNG Kwok-hung
    1. Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun
    2. LEUNG Yiu-chung
    3. KWOK Ka-ki
    4. Albert CHAN Wai-yip
    5. CHAN Yuen-han
    6. Bernard CHAN
    7. CHAN Kam-lam
    8. SIN Chung-kai
    9. Jasper TSANG Yok-sing
    10. TONG Ka-wah
    11. Frederick FUNG Kin-kee
    12. WONG Ting-kwong
    13. Philip WONG Yu-hong
    14. WONG Yung-kan
    15. Howard YOUNG
    1. YEUNG Sum
    2. CHIM Pui-chung
    3. LAU Chin-shek
    4. LAU Kong-wah
    5. Patrick LAU Sau-shing
    6. LAU Wong-fat
    7. Miriam LAU Kin-yee
    8. Emily LAU Wai-hing
    9. CHOY So-yuk
    10. Andrew CHENG Kar-foo
    11. Albert Jinghan CHENG
    12. Timothy FOK Tsun-ting
    13. KWONG Chi-kin
    14. TAM Heung-man
    15. TAM Yiu-chung

    [B4] How important the following calls are in your decision to participate in the rally? Please employ a 5-point scale.
  • Calls resulting from news reports on newspapers
  • Calls from radio phone-in programmes
  • Calls resulting from radio news
  • Calls from internet (including emails among friends)
  • Calls resulting from TV news
  • Calls from family members
  • Calls from such inter-personal relationships as friends, colleagues or fellow students
  • Calls from political parties
  • Calls from individual social celebrities
  • Calls from the organization I belong to
    [B5] Do you go online, not counting this time?
    [B6] If you go online, how often do you undergo the following activities? Please employ a 5-point scale.
      never     sometimes often   Don't
  • Participate in Newsgroup / Chatroom / BBS discussions
  • Participate in general discussions with friends online
  • Get in touch with relatives and friends via the internet
  • Get in touch with unknown people via the internet
  • Exchange public affairs information with others
  • Exchange opinion on public affairs with others
  • Exchange information on the mockeries of the Chief Executive and HKSAR Government with others
  • Exchange information on the mockeries of other political figures with others
  • Exchange information about the rally with others
    [B7] Did you come to this rally together with others? (Multiple answers allowed)
    Came alone Came with spouse Came with family member(s) Came with boyfriend/girlfriend
    Came with friend(s) Came with fellow student(s) Came with colleague(s) Came with an organization I belong to
    Came with a particular social sector Came with other people   Don't know
  • If you came together with others, who proposed to come out first?
    [B8] When did you decide to participate in the rally?
    [B9] Did you participate in the first "July 1 Rally" in 2003?
    [B10] Did you participate in the second "July 1 Rally" in 2004?
    [B11] Did you participate in the first "New Year Rally" in 2004?
    [B12] Did you participate in the candlelight vigil in 2004?
    [B13] How many times including this one have you participated in mass rallies?
    [B14] Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate the strength of your sense of belonging to Hong Kong, with 0 indicating extremely weak, 10 indicating extremely strong, and 5 indicating half-half   
    [B15] Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate the strength of your sense of belonging to today's China, with 0 indicating extremely weak, 10 indicating extremely strong, and 5 indicating half-half   
    [B16] How many days a week do you read newspaper on average?
  • Which newspaper do you read most often?  Others (Please specify
    [B17] How many days a week do you watch TV news on average?
    [B18] Are you a member of any social organizations (religious, political, professional or others)?
  • If yes, how often do you participate in the activities of the above organizations?
    [B19] Where was your starting point for the march?
    [B20] Where did you leave the march procession?
    Other comments:
    Personal particulars
    (Ask only those who are 18 years old or above)
    Are you a registered voter?
    (Only for registered voters)
    Did you vote in the Legislative Council election in September 2004?
    (Only for registered voters)
    Have you ever voted in any election?
    Education level:
    Which class does your family belong to?
    (Answer only if your are a Hong Kong resident) Have you ever considered emigrating to places other than Mainland China?
    (Answer only if your have considered emigration) Has your wish to emigrate become bigger, smaller, or not changed recently?

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    **For any enquiry, please send email to pop.network@hkupop.pori.hk.
    Please visit our HKUPOP SITE at http://hkupop.pori.hk