Popularity of the Chief Executive |
Chief Executive Donald Tsang
Yam-kuen |
Rating of Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Hypothetical Voting on Donald Tsang Yam-kuen as the Chief Executive |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Appraisal of Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's Job Performance |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with the Policy Direction of Chief Executive Donald Tsang
Yam-kue |
| Table | Commentary | |
Combined Charts |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Chief Executive
Tung Chee-hwa |
Rating of Chief Executive
Tung Chee-hwa |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Hypothetical Voting on
Tung Chee-hwa as the Chief Executive |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Appraisal of Chief Executive
Tung Chee-hwa's Job Performance |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with the Policy Direction of Chief Executive
Tung Chee-hwa |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Combined Charts |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of HKSAR Government |
People's Satisfaction with the HKSAR Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with HKSARG's Performance in Maintaining Economic Prosperity |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with HKSARG's Performance in Improving People's Livelihood |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with HKSARG's Pace of Democratic Development |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with HKSARG's Performance in Protecting Human Rights and Freedom |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with HKSARG's Handling of its Relation with the Central Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Trust in the HKSAR Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Principal Officials |
Popularity of Secretaries of Departments |
Popularity of Chief Secretary for Administration Rafael Hui Si Yan |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Justice Wong Yan-lung |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Chief Secretary for Administration Anson Chan Fang On-sang |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Financial Secretary Antony Leung Kam-chung |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung Oi-sie |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Directors of Bureaux |
Popularity of Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Joseph Wong Wing-ping |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen Ming-yeung |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Education and Manpower Arthur Li Kwok-cheung |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food York Chow Yat-ngok |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue Chung-yee |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Home Affair Patrick Ho Chi-ping |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Stephen Ip Shu-kwan |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works Sarah Liao Sau-tung |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Frederick Ma Si-hang |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam Sui-lung |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang Chun-wah |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Yeoh Eng-kiong |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Popularity of Secretary for Security Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Current Conditions
People's Confidence in HK's Future |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Confidence in China's Future |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Confidence in One Country, Two Systems |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Level of Concern about Political, Economic and Social Problems |
People's Most Concerned Problems |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Level of Concern about Political Problems |
| Table | Commentary | |
People's Level of Concern about Economic Problems |
| Table | Commentary | |
People's Level of Concern about Social Problems |
| Table | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with Current Political, Economic and Social Conditions |
People's Satisfaction with the Current Political Condition |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with the Current Economic Condition |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with the Current Social Condition |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Appraisal and Expectation of Political, Economic and Social Conditions |
Comparing the Current Political Condition with the Past |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Expected Change in the Political Condition |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Comparing the Current Economic Condition with the Past |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Expected Change in the Economic Condition |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Comparing the Current Social Condition with the Past |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Expected Change in the Social Condition |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Social Indicators
Appraisal of Degree of Democracy |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Freedom |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Prosperity |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Stability |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Fairness |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Civilization |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Corruption-free Practices |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Equality |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Efficiency |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Social Welfare Sufficiency |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Public Order |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Compliance with the Rule of Law |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Freedom Indicators |
Appraisal of Freedom of Speech |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom of Press |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom of Publication |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom of Procession and Demonstration |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom of Association |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom to Strike |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom to Enter or Leave Hong Kong |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom to Engage in Academic Research |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom to Engage in Artistic and Literary Creation |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Freedom of Religous Belief |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Legal Indicators |
Appraisal of Degree of Compliance with the Rule of Law |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Fairness of the Judicial System |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Appraisal of Degree of Impartiality of the Courts |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Annual Series |
HKSAR Anniversary Surveys |
People's Ethnic Identity Before and After the Handover |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Evaluation of the Policy of the Central Government on Hong Kong After the Handover |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Feelings about the Central Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Evaluation of Changes Before and After the Handover |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Overall Evaluation of Hong Kong's Condition after the Handover |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Feelings about the Handover Anniversary |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Media Performance |
Credibility Rating of the News Media |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Main Source of News |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Most Trustworthy Source of News |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Satisfaction Rate of Television |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Satisfaction Rate of Radio |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Satisfaction Rate of Newspaper |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Satisfaction Rate of Magazine |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Satisfaction Rate of News Media in General |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Satisfaction with the Freedom of Press |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Giving full play to Freedom of Speech |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Havig Misused the Freedom of Press |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Responsibility in their Reporting |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Practised Self-censorship |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Criticizing the HKSAR Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Criticizing the Central Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
National Issues |
Categorical Ethnic Identity |
Strength of Hong Kong Citizen Identity |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Strength of Hong Kong Citizen Identity |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Strength of Chinese Citizen Identity |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Trust in the Beijing Central Government |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
About Taiwan |
Opinion on Independence of Taiwan |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Confidence in Cross-strait Reunification |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Opinion on Applicability of "One Country, Two Systems" to Taiwan |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Opinion on Taiwan's Rejoining the United Nations |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
Other Issues |
People's Satisfaction with the PLA HK Garrison |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |
People's Satisfaction with the HK Police Force |
| Table | Chart | Commentary | |