| | Ratings of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China were registered on a 0-100 scale. Recognition rate refers to the number of valid ratings over sample size. Higher recognition rate means more people knows of the Alliance. Higher support rating, however, means that those who rated the Alliance gave it higher marks. Recognition rate and support rating measure different aspects of reality, they are independent of each other. |
 | | In studying people's view on China's economic and democratic development, both absolute and comparative measurement are taken. Resources permit, absolute ratings are always preferred. Both measures have consistently found that Hong Kong people value economic development more than democratic development. |
 | | In studying human right conditions in China, both prospective and retrospective questions were used. To measure people's optimism in China's future development, a mid-range of three years was used. To appraise China's development so far, the year 1989 was used because it was a historical break. Memory lapse, however, would become a problem as the signage gradually sinks into history. |