
In general, are you satisfied with the Budget announced by the Financial Secretary?

  Date of survey Sub-sample base Very satisfied   Quite satisfied   Half-half   Not quite satisfied   Very dissatisfied   DK/HS   Total  
Survey Series on John Tsang's Budgets   27/2/2008 811*   15.0%   53.5%   20.7%   4.5%   1.0%   5.4%   100.0%  
Survey Series on Henry Tang's Budgets   28/2/2007 673*   9.4%   53.0%   24.6%   7.4%   2.0%   3.6%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 577*   5.6%   44.6%   26.3%   14.3%   4.5%   4.6%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005 544*   5.2%   42.3%   29.0%   9.4%   1.9%   12.3%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 395*   2.1%   35.0%   33.2%   10.4%   1.3%   18.0%   100.0%  
Survey Series on Antony Leung's Budgets   5/3/2003 495*   1.4%   18.5%   23.2%   35.1%   14.5%   7.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 539*   3.4%   43.8%   22.9%   13.8%   3.6%   12.6%   100.0%  
Survey Series on Donald Tsang's Budgets   7-8/3/2001 263*   3.4%   53.6%   24.7%   11.9%   1.0%   5.5%   100.0%  
  8/3/2000 643*   7.9%   62.4%   11.8%   3.4%   0.6%   13.8%   100.0%  
  3/3/1999 598*   2.0%   43.8%   27.1%   8.5%   1.5%   17.1%   100.0%  
  18/2/1998 638*   4.2%   50.5%   19.5%   6.9%   0.5%   18.3%   100.0%  

Collapsed data

   Date of survey Sub-sample base   Satisfied   Half-half   Dissatisfied   DK/HS   Total  
Survey Series on John Tsang's Budgets   27/2/2008 811*   68.4%   20.7%   5.5%   5.4%   100.0%  
Survey Series on Henry Tang's Budgets   28/2/2007 673*   62.4%   24.6%   9.4%   3.6%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 577*   50.2%   26.3%   18.9%   4.6%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005 544*   47.5%   29.0%   11.3%   12.3%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 395*   37.1%   33.2%   11.7%   18.0%   100.0%  
Survey Series on Antony Leung's Budgets   5/3/2003 495*   19.9%   23.2%   49.6%   7.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 539*   47.2%   22.9%   17.4%   12.6%   100.0%  
Survey Series on Donald Tsang's Budgets   7-8/3/2001 263*   57.0%   24.7%   12.8%   5.5%   100.0%  
  8/3/2000 643*   70.3%   11.8%   4.0%   13.8%   100.0%  
  3/3/1999 598*   45.8%   27.1%   10.0%   17.1%   100.0%  
  18/2/1998 638*   54.7%   19.5%   7.4%   18.3%   100.0%  

* Excluding those who had not heard of the Budget

Please rate your level of satisfaction with the Budget delivered by John Tsang today, with 0 indicating absolutely dissatisfied, 100 indicating absolutely satisfied and 50 indicating half-half. How will you rate this year's Budget?

  Date of survey Number of Raters Support Rating  Standard Error  
Survey Series on John Tsang's Budgets   27/2/2008 785 70.6   0.6  

* Excluding those who had not heard of the Budget

After FS John Tsang has delivered his first Budget Talk, have your confidence towards Hong Kong's future increased or decreased?

  Date of survey Sub-sample base Increased  Unchanged  Decreased  Don't know/ hard to say  Total 
Survey Series on John Tsang's Budgets   27/2/2008 925* 48.4%   40.7%   4.3%   6.6%   100.0%  

Excluding those who had not heard of the Budget