
Overall speaking, are you satisfied with the government's strategy in monetary arrangement?

Date of survey Total sample Very satisfied   Quite satisfied   Half-half   Not quite satisfied   Very dissatisfied   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 1018 5.9%   43.0%   32.0%   7.8%   1.9%   9.4%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 1026 3.6%   32.8%   30.8%   12.0%   3.0%   17.8%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005  1041 2.4%   26.8%   32.6%   11.8%   3.6%   22.9%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 1023 0.7%   17.1%   26.1%   23.2%   6.1%   26.9%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 1047 0.7%   11.2%   17.5%   29.8%   15.6%   25.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 1041 0.7%   25.6%   21.2%   17.2%   4.2%   31.0%   100.0%  
  7-8/3/2001 502 1.7%   43.7%   22.8%   11.6%   2.2%   17.9%   100.0%  
  8/3/2000 856 5.3%   54.7%   16.4%   7.4%   1.2%   15.0%   100.0%  
  18/2/1998 804 3.4%   38.4%   20.6%   11.6%   1.1%   24.9%   100.0%  

Collapsed data

 Date of survey Total sample Satisfied   Half-half   Dissatisfied   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 1018 48.9%   32.0%   9.8%   9.4%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 1026 36.4%   30.8%   15.0%   17.8%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005  1041 29.2%   32.6%   15.3%   22.9%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 1023 17.8%   26.1%   29.3%   26.9%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 1047 11.9%   17.5%   45.3%   25.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 1041 26.4%   21.2%   21.4%   31.0%   100.0%  
  7-8/3/2001 502 45.4%   22.8%   13.9%   17.9%   100.0%  
  8/3/2000 856 59.9%   16.4%   8.7%   15.0%   100.0%  
  18/2/1998 804 41.8%   20.6%   12.7%   24.9%   100.0%  

In general, are you satisfied with the Budget announced by the Financial Secretary?

 Date of survey Sub-sample base   Very satisfied   Quite satisfied   Half-half   Not quite satisfied   Very dissatisfied   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 673*   9.4%   53.0%   24.6%   7.4%   2.0%   3.6%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 577*   5.6%   44.6%   26.3%   14.3%   4.5%   4.6%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005 544*   5.2%   42.3%   29.0%   9.4%   1.9%   12.3%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 395*   2.1%   35.0%   33.2%   10.4%   1.3%   18.0%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 495*   1.4%   18.5%   23.2%   35.1%   14.5%   7.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 539*   3.4%   43.8%   22.9%   13.8%   3.6%   12.6%   100.0%  
  7-8/3/2001 263*   3.4%   53.6%   24.7%   11.9%   1.0%   5.5%   100.0%  
  8/3/2000 643*   7.9%   62.4%   11.8%   3.4%   0.6%   13.8%   100.0%  
  3/3/1999 598*   2.0%   43.8%   27.1%   8.5%   1.5%   17.1%   100.0%  
  18/2/1998 638*   4.2%   50.5%   19.5%   6.9%   0.5%   18.3%   100.0%  

Collapsed data

 Date of survey Sub-sample base   Satisfied   Half-half   Dissatisfied   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 673*   62.4%   24.6%   9.4%   3.6%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 577*   50.2%   26.3%   18.9%   4.6%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005 544*   47.5%   29.0%   11.3%   12.3%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 395*   37.1%   33.2%   11.7%   18.0%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 495*   19.9%   23.2%   49.6%   7.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 539*   47.2%   22.9%   17.4%   12.6%   100.0%  
  7-8/3/2001 263*   57.0%   24.7%   12.8%   5.5%   100.0%  
  8/3/2000 643*   70.3%   11.8%   4.0%   13.8%   100.0%  
  3/3/1999 598*   45.8%   27.1%   10.0%   17.1%   100.0%  
  18/2/1998 638*   54.7%   19.5%   7.4%   18.3%   100.0%  

Excluding those who had not heard of the Budget

The Financial Secretary said that we should focus on three areas, namely consolidating our competitive edge, developing a knowledge-based economy, and helping the disadvantaged. Are you confident that the Government would achieve all these?

Date of Survey Sub-sample Confident   Half-half 

Not confident  

DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 603   40.5%   28.5%   27.2%   3.8%   100.0%  

The Financial Secretary today announced tax concessions which included waiving 50% of salaries tax, waiving rates for the first two quarters of the coming year, providing one additional month of payments for CSSA recipients and so on. Do you think these measures are sufficient?

Date of Survey Sub-sample Sufficient   Not Sufficient   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 609   67.0%   22.8%   10.1%   100.0%  

Overall speaking, do you think the tax system in Hong Kong is fair or unfair?

Date of Survey Total sample Sub-sample Very fair   Quite fair   Quite unfair   Very unfair   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 1018 532 9.2%   53.5%   19.2%   8.9%   9.2%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 1026 600 8.0%   47.4%   23.8%   10.0%   10.8%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005  1041  1041 10.2%   49.2%   19.3%   7.6%   13.7%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 1023 1023 6.9%   50.9%   21.0%   9.8%   11.3%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 1047 1047 6.1%   44.5%   19.4%   14.0%   16.0%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 1041 1041 6.3%   48.7%   20.8%   7.9%   16.3%   100.0%  

Collapsed data

Date of Survey Total sample Sub-sample Fair   Unfair   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 1018 532 62.7%   28.1%   9.2%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 1026 600 55.4%   33.8%   10.8%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005  1041  1041 59.4%   26.9%   13.7%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 1023 1023 57.8%   30.8%   11.3%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 1047 1047 50.6%   33.4%   16.0%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 1041 1041 55.0%   28.7%   16.3%   100.0%  

Then, do you think the distribution of wealth in Hong Kong is reasonable or unreasonable?

Date of Survey Total sample Sub-sample Very reasonable   Quite reasonable   Quite unreasonable   Very unreasonable   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 1018 570 2.8%   30.9% 30.2% 21.6% 14.5%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 1026 621 3.6%   28.3%   32.8%   21.9%   13.4%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005  1041  1041 3.3%   25.3%   27.6%   22.9%   20.9%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 1023 1023 2.3%   19.2%   31.2%   31.0%   16.3%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 1047 1047 1.5%   17.1%   28.1%   32.0%   21.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 1041 1041 1.4%   23.9%   28.5%   23.3%   22.9%   100.0%  

Collapsed data

Date of Survey Total sample Sub-sample Reasonable   Unreasonable   DK/HS   Total  
  28/2/2007 1018 570 33.7%   51.8%   14.5%   100.0%  
  22/2/2006 1026 621 31.9%   54.7%   13.4%   100.0%  
  16/3/2005  1041  1041 28.6%   50.5%   20.9%   100.0%  
  10/3/2004 1023 1023 21.5%   62.2%   16.3%   100.0%  
  5/3/2003 1047 1047 18.6%   60.1%   21.3%   100.0%  
  6/3/2002 1041 1041 25.3%   51.8%   22.9%   100.0%