Demographic Profile of Respondents Back

  Frequency Percentage
Male 222 42.1
Female 305 57.9
Total 527 100.0

  Frequency Percentage
18 - 20 10 2.0
21 - 29 47 9.2
30 - 39 60 11.8
40 - 49 140 27.5
50 - 59 132 25.9
60 或以上 120 23.6
Total 509 100.0
Missing case (s) 18  

Education attainment
  Frequency Percentage
Primary or below 88 17.0
Secondary 243 47.0
Postgraduate or above 186 36.0
Total 517 100.0
Missing case (s) 10  

  Frequency Percentage
Executives and professionals 129 25.2
Clerical and service workers 92 18.0
Production workers 46 9.0
Students 17 3.3
Housewives 121 23.7
Others 106 20.7
Total 511 100.0
Missing case (s) 16