Demographic Profile of Respondents Back

  Frequency Percentage
Male 218 41.4
Female 309 58.6
Total 527 100.0

  Frequency Percentage
18 - 20 11 2.1
21 - 29 47 9.1
30 - 39 56 10.8
40 - 49 128 24.7
50 - 59 142 27.4
60 或以上 134 25.9
Total 518 100.0
Missing case (s) 9  

Education attainment
  Frequency Percentage
Primary or below 94 18.2
Secondary 236 45.8
Postgraduate or above 185 35.9
Total 515 100.0
Missing case (s) 12  

  Frequency Percentage
Executives and professionals 137 26.9
Clerical and service workers 87 17.1
Production workers 47 9.2
Students 20 3.9
Housewives 112 22.0
Others 106 20.8
Total 509 100.0
Missing case (s) 18