流動電話與用戶自我看法的關係 - 調查問卷Survey on Mobile Phones and Users' Self Perception - QuestionnaireBack
Section I : Self Introduction
Good evening, I am an interviewer from the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong. We would like to ask for your opinion regarding mobile phones. It would take you a couple of minutes and the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. |
Section II : Selection of Respondent
Is there any member of your family who is 18 or above? If there is more than one, may I speak to the one will have his/her birthday next for the purpose of random sampling? (If none, terminate the interview) |
Yes |
No (terminate) |
Section III : General Questions
1- Firstly, do you have a mobile phone? (If no, terminate the interview) |
Yes |
No (terminate) |
2- (Only ask those who have a mobile phone) The brand of your mobile phone is: (If there is more than one, please base on the one you use most frequently) |
Alcatel |
B&O |
Beffone |
Bosch |
Ericsson |
LG |
Mitsubishi |
Motorola |
Nokia |
Nortel |
Panasonic |
Philips |
Sagem |
Samsung |
Siemens |
Others Please specify:_____________ |
Don't know/ Forgotten |
Refused to answer |
3- How satisfied are you with your mobile phone? (If there is more than one, please base on the one you use most frequently) Please use a scale of 0-100 to evaluate, with 0 representing the least, 100 representing the most and 50 being half-half. How would you rate?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
4- Which network operator are you using currently? If there is more than one, please base on the one you use most frequently. |
Pacific Century CyberWorks, including 1010/One2Free/1+1 |
Orange |
New World Telephone |
Smartone/Extra |
Peoples |
Sunday |
Don't know/ Hard to say |
Refused to answer |
5- Then, I will ask for your opinion regarding your mobile phone. I want you to think of your mobile phone as a person, that it has its own personality and characteristics. I will read out two descriptive terms, what you need to do is to rate your mobile phone with respect to each term, with 0 representing the least, 100 representing the most and 50 being half-half. Please remember to imagine your mobile phone as a person when you answer the questions. In terms of sophistication, what rating would you give your mobile phone? 〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
6-In terms of excitement, what rating would you give your mobile phone?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
7- Then, I will ask you some questions about your own personality and characteristics. I will read out those two terms again, what you need to do is to rate yourself with respect to each term, with 0 representing the least, 100 representing the most and 50 being half-half. Meanwhile, I will also ask you the importance of that term to you, with 0 representing absolutely not important, 100 representing absolutely important and 50 being half-half. Firstly, in terms of sophistication, what rating would you give yourself?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
8- Then how important do you think sophistication is to you?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
9- In terms of excitement, what rating would you give yourself? 〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
10- Then how important do you think excitement is to you? 〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
11- Now I will ask about your feelings and reactions in your daily life and social gatherings. Please tell me if the sentences I am going to read out can describe you or not. You only need to answer with "Yes" or "No". |
Supplementary section to questionnaire |
12- Now I will ask you some questions about choosing a mobile phone. How many mobile phones have you changed during the last two years (i.e. within 24 months)? |
Yes [exact number] |
None (skip to Q14) |
Refused to answer (skip to Q14) |
13-Then the most prominent reason for changing your last mobile phone was (Do not read out the answers): |
Outdated style |
Lacking the functions in need |
Relatively fewer functions |
Brand and model not popular |
Damaged |
Lost |
Most of the colleagues/ friends don't use it |
Others (Please specify) |
Refused to answer |
14-The most prominent factor for choosing your newest mobile phone is (Do not read out the answers): |
Trendy style |
Reasonable price |
Has the functions in need |
Relatively more functions |
Brand and model are popular |
Most of the colleagues/ friends use it |
Others (Please specify) |
Refused to answer |
15- How would you handle your old mobile phone when you change to a new one (Do not read out the answers)? |
Sell it |
Give it to relatives/ friends |
Discard it |
Keep it |
Don't know/ Hard to say/ That depends |
Others (Please specify) |
Refused to answer |
16-If you don't know how to use certain functions of your mobile phone, what would you do (Do not read out the answers)? |
Seek advice from friends |
Read the user manual |
Try to avoid using those functions (skip to Q18) |
Seek advice from the network operator (e.g. Hutchison, Sunday) |
Seek advice from the mobile phone supplier (e.g. Nokia, Ericsson) |
Seek advice from the mobile phone vendor (e.g. the vendors in Mongkok Commercial Padium) |
Others (Please specify) |
Refused to answer |
17- How satisfied are you with the services/ solutions provided by (the answer of Q16)? Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate, with 0 representing not satisfied at all, 100 representing very satisfied and 50 being half-half. Then how would you rate?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
18- When your mobile phone is damaged, you will: |
Repair it yourself |
Seek advice from the network operator (e.g. Hutchison, Sunday) |
Seek advice from the mobile phone supplier (e.g. Nokia, Ericsson) |
Seek advice from the mobile phone vendor (e.g. the vendors in Mongkok Commercial Padium) |
Others (Please specify) |
Refused to answer |
19- How satisfied are you with the mobile phone repair services you have ever consumed? Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate, with 0 representing not satisfied at all, 100 representing very satisfied and 50 being half-half. Then how would you rate?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
20- Do you know if there is any after-sale service for mobile phone? |
Yes |
No |
Refused to answer |
21- How important do you think the after-sale service of mobile phone is? |
Very important |
Important |
Not quite important |
Not important at all |
Don't know/ Hard to say |
Refused to answer |
22- What services do you think should be included in the after-sale service of mobile phone? (Do not read out the answers, multiple response) |
Hotline inquiry services (hotline) |
Mobile phone repair services |
Sale of mobile phone or accessories |
Download ring tone /screensaver |
Others (Please specify) |
Don't know/ Hard to say |
Refused to answer |
[Q23A/Q24A and Q23B/Q24B each uses a 50% split sample=750+]
23A Now I will ask you a hypothetical question in order to understand how the mobile phone will be used under some real-life situations and thus realizing the market reaction to the mobile phones. Please try to imagine you are in that situation when you answer the question. Assuming that you were now in a grand wedding banquet. At certain point, you had to contact someone, you knew the network was working well and others didn't mind your using the mobile phone. Under this situation, would you use your mobile phone? |
Absolutely not |
Probably not |
Probably yes |
Certainly yes |
Don't know/ Hard to say |
Refused to answer |
24A- Assuming that you had used your mobile phone, by your guess, how satisfied would you be with your mobile phone under this situation? (Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate, with 0 representing not satisfied at all, 100 representing very satisfied and 50 being half-half)
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
23B- Now I will ask you a hypothetical question in order to understand how the mobile phone will be used under some real-life situations and thus realizing the market reaction to the mobile phones. Please try to imagine you are in that situation when you answer the question.
Assuming that you were now in a joyful and lively dinner gathering with your close friends. At certain point, you had to contact someone, you knew the network was working well and others didn't mind your using the mobile phone. Under this situation, would you use your mobile phone? |
Absolutely not |
Probably not |
Probably yes |
Certainly yes |
Don't know/ Hard to say |
Refused to answer |
24B- Assuming that you had used your mobile phone, by your guess, how satisfied would you be with your mobile phone under this situation? (Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate, with 0 representing not satisfied at all, 100 representing very satisfied and 50 being half-half)
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
25- If you have to buy a new mobile phone regardless of the price and the network quality, what factor will you consider to be the most important? (Do not read out the answers) |
Trendy style |
Reasonable price |
Has the functions in need |
Relatively more functions |
Brand and model are popular |
Most of the colleagues/ friends use it |
Others (Please specify) |
Refused to answer |
26- Assuming that you had bought a mobile phone based on the factor mentioned above, same as before, I want you to think of the mobile phone as a person, that it has its own personality and characteristics. I will read out those two descriptive terms again. What you need to do is to rate your mobile phone with respect to each term (with 0 representing the least, 100 representing the most and 50 being half-half.) Please remember to imagine the mobile phone as a person when you answer the questions. In terms of sophistication, what rating would you give the mobile phone you have chosen? 〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
27-In terms of excitement, what rating would you give the mobile phone you have chosen?
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
28- Assuming that you bought the mobile phone that you have just chosen, by your guess, how satisfied would you be with it? (Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate, with 0 representing not satisfied at all, 100 representing very satisfied and 50 being half-half.)
〔191 = Don't know/ Hard to say;192 = Refused to answer〕 |
Section IV : Personal Particulars
29- Gender |
Male |
Female |
30- Age (exact number) [99 = Refused to answer] |
31-Education Attainment |
Primary or below |
Secondary |
Matriculated |
Tertiary, non-degree course |
Tertiary, degree course |
Postgraduate or above |
Refused to answer |
32- Occupation |
Managers and administrators |
Professionals |
Associate professionals |
Clerks |
Service workers and shop sales workers |
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers |
Craft and related workers |
Plant and machine operators and assemblers |
Non-skilled workers |
Students |
Housewives |
Unclassified |
Others (unemployed, retired, etc.) |
Refused to answer |
33- The type of ownership of your house is |
Self-purchased, or |
Rent? |
Refused to answer |
34- House type |
Public housing estate |
Housing Authority subsidized sale flats |
Housing Society subsidized sale flats |
Private housing |
Village: villas/ bungalows/ modern village houses |
Villages: simple stone structures/ traditional village houses |
Public temporary housing |
Private temporary housing |
Staff quarters |
Others |
Refused to answer |
第一部份: 自我介紹
喂,你好,我地係香港大學民意研究計劃打黎既,想訪問你一d對手機既意見,我地只會阻你幾分鐘時間,而你提供既資料係會絕對保密既。 |
第二部份: 選出被訪者
請問你屋企而家有冇 18 歲或以上既人係度,因為我地要隨機抽樣,所以請你叫即將生日果位黎聽電話。【如果戶中冇成年人,訪問告終;多謝合作,收線。】 |
有 |
冇(訪問告終) |
第三部份: 問卷部份
1-首先,請問您有冇手機?【如果冇,訪問告終;多謝合作,收線。】 |
有 |
冇(訪問告終) |
2-(只問有手機者)您手機既牌子是:(如果多於一個,以最常用的手機為準) |
Alcatel |
B&O |
Beffone |
Bosch(博世) |
Ericsson(愛立信) |
LG(樂喜金星) |
Mitsubishi(三菱) |
Motorola(摩托羅拉) |
NEC(日本電子) |
Nokia(諾基亞) |
Nortel |
Panasonic(樂聲) |
Philips(飛利浦) |
Sagem |
Samsung(三星) |
Siemens(西門子) |
SONY(新力) |
其他 請註明:_____________ |
不知道/忘記 |
拒絕回答 |
3-咁您對您既手機有幾滿意呢? (如果多過一部,請以最常用既為準) 請你用0-100分評價,0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分代表為中等。您會俾幾多分呢?
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
4-請問你用緊邊個台(網絡供應商)?如果多過一個,請你以最常用既為準。 |
香港電訊, 包括1010/One2Free/1+1 |
Orange |
新世界電話 |
數碼通/Extra |
萬眾電話 |
Sunday |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
11-宜家我會問一d您係日常生活同社交場合中既一d感受同反應,請回答我所讀出既句子可唔可以用黎形容您。您只需要答「可以」或者「不可以」。 |
問卷附屬部份 |
12-宜家我會問一d選擇手電既問題。係過去兩年(即24個月內),您總共轉換左幾多部手機? |
有(準確數字) |
冇換過 (跳到第14題) |
拒絕回答 (跳到第14題) |
13-咁您最近一次換手機既最主要原因係 (不讀答案): |
款式落後 |
缺乏想要的功能 |
功能較少 |
牌子及型號不再流行 |
損壞 |
遺失 |
同事/朋友大多不用它 |
其他 (請註明) |
拒絕回答 |
14-請問您最近一次揀新手機既最主要原因係(不讀答案): |
款式新穎 |
價錢合理 |
有想要的功能 |
功能較多 |
是流行的牌子及型號 |
同事/朋友大多用它 |
其他 (請註明) |
拒絕回答 |
15-當你轉換新手機時,你會點樣處理舊果部手機呢(不讀答案)? |
出售 |
轉送家人/朋友 |
棄置 |
收藏 |
唔知/難講/睇情況 |
其他 (請註明) |
拒絕回答 |
16-當您需要用手機既時候,而又唔識用其中一d功能,咁您會點做呢(不讀答案)? |
向朋友查詢 |
翻查說明書 |
盡量避免用有關的功能 (跳到第18題) |
向服務供應商查詢 (如和記、Sunday) |
向手機供應商查詢 (如諾基亞、愛立信) |
向手機零售商查詢 (如先達商場內的商店) |
其他(請註明) |
拒絕回答 |
17-咁您對【16題所選既答案】提供既服務/答案有幾滿意呢? 請以0-100分作答,0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分為中等。您會俾幾多分呢?
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
18-當您既手機損壞既時候,您會: |
自行修理 |
向服務供應商查詢 (如和記、Sunday) |
向手機供應商查詢 (如諾基亞、愛立信) |
向手機零售商查詢 (如先達商場內的商店) |
其他(請註明) |
拒絕回答 |
19-就你曾經使用既手機維修服務,您對該服務有幾滿意呢? 請以0-100分作答,0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分為中等。您會俾幾多分呢?
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
20-你知唔知道手機有售後服務呢? |
知道 |
不知道 |
拒絕回答 |
21-你覺得手機既售後服務有幾重要呢? |
十分重要 |
重要 |
不重要 |
十分不重要 |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
22-你覺得手機既售後服務應該包括什麼?(不讀答案,可選多項) |
熱線服務查詢 (hotline) |
手機維修服務 |
售賣手機或附件 |
下載鈴聲/screensaver |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
[Q23A/Q24A and Q23B/Q24B each uses a 50% split sample=750+]
23A 宜家我會問一個假設性既問題。目的係希望可以瞭解到手機係現實生活中某d場合會點樣被使用,從而瞭解手機既市場反應。請盡量將自己代入果個場合中回答問題。 假設您宜家參加緊一個豪華既婚宴,衣香鬢影。其間,你需要同人聯絡,您知道接收唔會有問題,而其他人亦唔介意您用手機。係呢個情景中,您會唔會你個手機出黎用呢? |
一定不會 |
多數不會 |
多數會 |
一定會 |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
24A-假設您真係用左您既手機,您估計係呢個情景中,您對你既手機會有幾滿意? (請以0-100分作答,0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分為中等。)
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
假設您係一個開心熱鬧既聚會同一班好玩得既朋友吃緊飯。其間,你需要同人聯絡,您知道接收唔會有問題,而其他人亦唔介意您用手機。係呢個情景中,您會唔會你個手機出黎用呢? |
一定不會 |
多數不會 |
多數會 |
一定會 |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
24B-假設您真係用左您既手機,您估計係呢個情景中,您對你既手機會有幾滿意? (請以0-100分作答,0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分為中等。)
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
25-如果你宜家要買一部新既手機而不需要考慮價錢同網絡既話,您會最主要考慮乜野因素呢?(不讀答案) |
款式新穎 |
價錢合理 |
有想要的功能 |
功能較多 |
流行的牌子及型號 |
同事/朋友大多用它 |
其他(請註明) |
拒絕回答 |
26-假設您已經買左上述既一部新手機,同之前一樣,我想您將所揀既手機人物化,即係將佢諗到好似一個人一樣,有佢既性格和特徵。我會讀出頭先果兩個形容詞,您只需要話俾我聽您所揀既手機係每一個形容詞上得到幾多分 (0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分為中等)
。請你記著係回答問題時,盡量嘗試將您所揀既手機當做人物黎聯想。 〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
28-假設您真係出左了您頭先所揀既手機,您估計您會對佢有幾滿意呢? (請以0-100分作答,0分代表最低分,100分代表最高分,50分為中等。)
〔191 = 唔知道/難講;192 = 拒絕回答〕 |
29-性別 |
男 |
女 |
30-年齡 (準確數字)[99 = 唔肯講] |
31-教育程度 |
小學以下 |
中學 |
預科 |
專上非學位 |
專上學位 |
研究院或以上 |
拒絕回答 |
32-職業 |
經理及行政人員 |
專業人員 |
輔助專業人員 |
文員 |
服務工作及商店銷售人員 |
漁農業熟練工人 |
手工藝及有關人員 |
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 |
非技術工人 |
學生 |
家庭主婦 |
不能辨別 |
其他(包括失業、巳退休、及其他非在職者) |
拒絕回答 |
33-請問你住緊既單位係: |
自置,定係 |
租住既呢? |
拒絕回答 |
34-居住房屋 |
公營租住房屋 |
房屋委員會補助出售單位 |
房屋協會補助出售單位 |
私人住宅單位 |
村屋:別墅/平房/新型村屋 |
村屋:簡單磚石蓋搭建築物/傳統村屋 |
公營臨時房屋 |
私人臨時房屋 |
員工宿舍 |
其他 |
拒絕回答 |