Frequency TablesBack

  Table 1 How does your company deal with its internal management, e.g. human resources and accounting, by computer, manually or by outsourcing?
  Frequency Percentage
 Computer 286  56.9% 
 Manually 150  29.8% 
 Outsourcing 39  7.8% 
 Don't know / Hard to say 28  5.6% 
Total  503  100.0% 
Missing case(s)   
  Table 2 Does your company make use of "e-banking" or "e-commerce" in managing its running capital? If yes, is such service supported by companies in Hong Kong, Mainland or other place(s)?
  Frequency Percentage
 Yes, in Hong Kong 271  54.2%   )
 Yes, in Mainland 1.4%   )
 Yes, other place(s) 0.4%   )
 Yes, with no details provided 1.0%   ) 57.0%
 No 187  37.4%   
 Don't know / Hard to say 28  5.6%   
Total  500  100.0%   
Missing case(s)     
  Table 3 Is IT involved when dealing with your company's external relations, e.g. business development and marketing? If yes, is such service supported by companies in Hong Kong, Mainland or other place(s)?
  Frequency Percentage
 Yes, in Hong Kong 353  70.6%   )
 Yes, in Mainland 17  3.4%   )
 Yes, both in Hong Kong and Mainland 12  2.4%   )
 Yes, other place(s) 1.2%   )
 Yes, with no details provided 10  2.0%   ) 79.6%
 No 92  18.4%   
 Don't know / Hard to say 10  2.0%   
Total  500  100.0%   
Missing case(s)     
  Table 4 Is IT involved when dealing with your company's customer service, e.g. enquires, product deliveries, after sale services, etc.? If yes, is such service supported by companies in Hong Kong, Mainland or other place(s)?
  Frequency Percentage
 Yes, in Hong Kong 328  66.0%   )
 Yes, in Mainland 14  2.8%   )
 Yes, both in Hong Kong and Mainland 1.2%   )
 Yes, other place(s) 0.2%   )
 Yes, with no details provided 1.4%   ) 71.6%
 No 134  27.0%   
 Don't know / Hard to say 1.4%   
Total  497  100.0%   
Missing case(s)     
  Table 5 What is the major mode of communication used by your company when dealing with Mainland business?
  Frequency Percentage
 Telephone 252  50.6% 
 Computer (Internet and emails) 147  29.5% 
 Fax 57  11.4% 
 Telephone, computer and fax 14  2.8% 
 Others 14  2.8% 
Total  498  100.0% 
Missing case(s)   
  Table 6 [Excluding those with no regional office/factory in the Mainland] Is there a computer system that links up your branches in Hong Kong and Mainland China, meaning that you can have instant access of information on product source, orders, stocks or cash flow?
  Frequency Percentage
 Yes 103  31.1% 
 No 223  67.4% 
 Don't know / Hard to say 1.5% 
Total  331  100.0% 
Missing case(s)  172*   
  * Including 170 enterprises with no regional office in Mainland
  Table 7 Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate Hong Kong's proficiency level in applying information technology in business, with 0 indicating absolutely not proficient, 100 indicating absolutely proficient, and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate Hong Kong's IT proficiency?
  Frequency Percentage
 0-9 0.7% 
 10-19 0.0% 
 20-29 0.5% 
 30-39 1.5% 
 40-49 1.7% 
 50 52  12.8% 
 51-60 54  13.3% 
 61-70 103  25.4% 
 71-80 115  28.3% 
 81-90 48  11.8% 
 91-100 16  3.9% 
Total  406  100.0% 
Mean  70.2   
Standard error  0.78   
Missing cases(including 36 "Don't know / Hard to say")  97   
  Table 8 Using the same scale of 0-100, how would you rate China's IT proficiency in business?
  Frequency Percentage
 0-9 1.1% 
 10-19 0.6% 
 20-29 1.4% 
 30-39 34  9.4% 
 40-49 35  9.6% 
 50 106  29.2% 
 51-60 74  20.4% 
 61-70 64  17.6% 
 71-80 29  8.0% 
 81-90 1.9% 
 91-100 0.8% 
Total  363  100.0% 
Mean  55.0   
Standard error  0.86   
Missing cases(including 87 "Don't know / Hard to say")  140   
  Table 9 Apart from IT, what do you think is Hong Kong's edge over Mainland China in doing business?
  Frequency % of total responses (Base=542) % of total sample (Base=503)
 Open trade policy / Free market 93  17.2%  18.5% 
 Availability of management talents 87  16.1%  17.3% 
 Compatibility with international business, accounting and legal practices 39  7.2%  7.8% 
 Hong Kong people are productive / efficient / responsible / diligent 39  7.2%  7.8% 
 Fast and convenient information flow 36  6.6%  7.2% 
 High English proficiency 25  4.6%  5.0% 
 Strategic location in the Asia-Pacific region 21  3.9%  4.2% 
 Experienced in doing business / Good reputations 18  3.3%  3.6% 
 Highly developed financial / banking system 11  2.0%  2.2% 
 Others 41  7.6%  8.2% 
 No edge at all 85  15.7%  16.9% 
 Don't know / Hard to say 47  8.7%  9.3% 
Total  542  100.0%   
Missing case(s)  37     
  Table 10 Which of the following strengths do you consider the most crucial for Hong Kong to maintain its competitiveness in the region?
  Frequency Percentage
 Independent and reliable legal system 171  34.3% 
 International business environment 156  31.3% 
 Open trade policy 97  19.5% 
 Availability of management talents 43  8.6% 
 Don't know / Hard to say 31  6.2% 
Total  498  100.0% 
Missing case(s)