Profile of EnterprisesBack

Table 1 Number of years of running business in Mainland China
   Frequency  Percentage
 1-9 191 47.2%
 10-19 159 39.3%
 20-29 45 11.1%
 30 or above 10 2.5%
 Base 405 100.0%
 Missing case(s) 98  
 Mean 10.2  
 Standard error 0.37  
 Maximum 88  
 Minimum 1  

Table 2 Number of staff in Mainland China
   Frequency  Percentage
 1-10 69 26.8%
 11-50 67 26.1%
 51-100 41 16.0%
 101-1000 72 28.0%
 1001 or above 8 3.1%
 Base 257 100.0%
 Missing case(s) 246*  
 Mean 236  
 Standard error 42.91  
 Maximum 8000  
 Minimum 1  
*Including 170 companies with no regional office/factory in Mainland

Table 3 Nature of business
   Frequency  Percentage
 Import/Export Trades 156 31.9%
 Manufacturing 138 28.2%
 Community, social and personal services 38 7.8%
 Financing, insurance, real estates and business services 35 7.2%
 Transport, storage and communications 34 7.0%
 Wholesale and retail trades, restaurants and hotels 33 6.7%
 Mining and quarrying, electricity, gas and construction 25 5.1%
 Others 29 5.9%
 Don't know / Hard to say 1 0.2%
 Base 489 100.0%
 Missing case(s) 14