香港人對本地大專院校印象調查 - 調查問卷Opinion Survey on the Public Perception of Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong - QuestionnaireBack
Section I : Self Introduction
Good morning/evening, I am an interviewer from the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong. We would like to ask for your opinion regarding the local universities in Hong Kong. It would take you a couple of minutes and the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. |
Section II : Selection of Respondent
1) Is there any member of your family who is 18 or above? If there is more than one, may I speak to the one will have his/ her birthday next? (if none, terminate the interview) |
- Yes
- No (terminate)
Section III : General Questions
Interviewer: We are an independent research team. You should simply report honestly what you feel regardless of the fact that we belong to The University of Hong Kong, otherwise, the result would not be meaningful. |
2) Please use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate the overall performance of each university in Hong Kong while taking
its reputation, quality of teaching staff, research performance, facilities, performance of alumni and students into
consideration, with 0 representing the worst, 10 representing the best and 5 being half-half. How would you rate (eight
universities in rotation)?
〔97 = Don't know the university;98 = Don't know/ Hard to say;99 = Refused to answer〕 |
3) Please use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate the international recognition of each university, with 0 representing
absolutely not famous, 10 representing absolutely famous and 5 being half-half. How would you rate the international
recognition of (eight universities in rotation)?
〔97 = Don't know the university;98 = Don't know/ Hard to say;99 = Refused to answer〕 |
4) Please use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate the quality of teaching staff of each university, with 0 representing the
worst, 10 representing the best and 5 being half-half. How would you rate the quality of teaching staff of (eight
universities in rotation)?
〔97 = Don't know the university;98 = Don't know/ Hard to say;99 = Refused to answer〕 |
5) Please use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate the research performance of each university, with 0 representing the
worst, 10 representing the best and 5 being half-half. How would you rate the research performance of (eight universities
in rotation)?
〔97 = Don't know the university;98 = Don't know/ Hard to say;99 = Refused to answer〕 |
6) Please use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate the facilities of each university, with 0 representing the worst, 10
representing the best and 5 being half-half. How would you rate the facilities of (eight universities in rotation)?
〔97 = Don't know the university;98 = Don't know/ Hard to say;99 = Refused to answer〕 |
7) Please use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate the behavior, conduct and quality of students of each university, with
0 representing the worst, 10 representing the best and 5 being half-half. How would you rate the quality of the students
of (eight universities in rotation)?
〔97 = Don't know the university;98 = Don't know/ Hard to say;99 = Refused to answer〕 |
8) With respect to the scenery, design and comfort of the campus, which university do you think has the best campus environment? |
- The Baptist University (BU)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- The City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd)
- The Lingnan University (Lingnan)
- The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong (PolyU)
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- The University of Science and Technology (UST)
- Don't know/ Hard to say
9) Which university do you think has the best learning atmosphere? |
- The Baptist University (BU)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- The City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd)
- The Lingnan University (Lingnan)
- The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong (PolyU)
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- The University of Science and Technology (UST)
- Don't know/ Hard to say
10) Which university do you think has the highest level of transparency in dealing with the external parties? |
- The Baptist University (BU)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- The City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd)
- The Lingnan University (Lingnan)
- The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong (PolyU)
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- The University of Science and Technology (UST)
- Don't know/ Hard to say
11) Which university's graduates do you think are the most popular among local employers? |
- The Baptist University (BU)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- The City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd)
- The Lingnan University (Lingnan)
- The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong (PolyU)
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- The University of Science and Technology (UST)
- Don't know/ Hard to say
12) Which university's Vice-Chancellor/President do you think is the most approachable? |
- The Baptist University (BU) - Dr. Daniel C.W. Tse
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - Prof Arthur K.C. Li
- The City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - Prof. H.K. Chang
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) - Prof. Ruth Hayhoe
- The Lingnan University (Lingnan) - Prof. Edward K.Y. Chen
- The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong (PolyU) - Prof. Chung-kwong Poon
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU) - Prof. W. I. R. Davies
- The University of Science and Technology (UST) - Prof. Chia-Wei Woo
- Don't know/ Hard to say
13) Do you have interest in studying overseas? |
- Yes
- No (Skip to Section IV)
14) [Only ask those who have interest in overseas studies] Which country do you prefer most for overseas studies? |
- China
- U.S.A.
- England
- Australia
- Japan
- Canada
- New Zealand
- Others
- Don't know/ Hard to say
Section IV : Personal Particulars
15) Gender |
- Male
- Female
16) Age (Exact number) |
17) Education Attainment |
- Primary or below
- Secondary
- Matriculated
- Tertiary, non-degree course
- Tertiary, degree course
- Refused to answer
18) The type of ownership of your house is: |
- Self-purchased, or
- Rent?
- Refused to answer
19) House type |
- Public housing estate
- Housing Authority subsidized sale flats
- Housing Society subsidized sale flats
- Private housing
- Village: villas/ bungalows/ modern village houses
- Villages: simple stone structures/ traditional village houses
- Public temporary housing
- Private temporary housing
- Staff quarters
- Others
- Refused to answer
20) Occupation |
- Managers and administrators
- Professionals
- Associate professionals
- Clerks
- Service workers and shop sales workers
- Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
- Craft and related workers
- Plant and machine operators and assemblers
- Non-skilled workers
- Students
- Housewives
- Unclassified
- Others (unemployed, retired, etc.)
- Refused to answer
21) [Only ask those who are professionals] Are you working in the academy? |
- Yes-Teaching staff of primary school(including teachers and the principal)
- Yes-Teaching staff of secondary school(including teachers and the principal)
- Yes-Teaching staff of university
- Others
- No
- Refused to answer
第一部份: 自我介紹
『喂!你好,我地係香港大學民意研究計劃打電話黎既,想訪問你對一d大專院校的意見,我地只會阻你幾分鐘時間,而你提供的資料係會絕對保密既。』 |
第二部份: 選出被訪者
1) 『請問你夠唔夠 18 歲。因為我地要隨機抽樣,所以請你叫即將生日果位黎聽電話。』(如果接聽電話者不足18歲,則請問你家中有冇18歲或以上的人呢?戶中冇成年人,訪問告終;多謝合作,收線。) |
- 有
- 冇 (訪問告終)
第三部份: 問卷題目
『我地係一個立場絕對中立既研究小組,你回答問題時唔好因為我地屬於香港大學而影響你原本既意見,請你務須如實作答,否則就冇參考價值。』 |
2) 請你用0-10分形容你對香港每間大專院校的整體評價,0分代表極差,10分代表極佳,5分代表一半半。請你綜合有關學校既名氣、教職員資歷、研究表現、設備、校友名氣及學生表現等然後作出評分。請問你會俾(八間大專院校輪流轉換次序)幾多分呢?
〔97 = 不認識該院校;98 = 唔知道/難講;99 = 拒答〕 |
3) 請你用0-10分評價各院校既國際知名度,0分代表知明度極低,10分代表知明度極高,5分代表一半半。請問你會俾(八間大專院校輪流轉換次序)既國際知名度幾多分呢?
〔97 = 不認識該院校;98 = 唔知道/難講;99 = 拒答〕 |
4) 請你用0-10分評價各院校既師資,0分代表質素極差,10分代表極佳,5分代表一半半。請問你會俾(八間大專院校輪流轉換次序)既師資幾多分呢?
〔97 = 不認識該院校;98 = 唔知道/難講;99 = 拒答〕 |
5) 請你用0-10分評價各院校既研究表現,0分代表極差,10分代表極佳,5分代表一半半。請問你會俾(八間大專院校輪流轉換次序)既研究表現幾多分呢?
〔97 = 不認識該院校;98 = 唔知道/難講;99 = 拒答〕 |
6) 請你用0-10分評價各院校既設備,0分代表極差,10分代表極佳,5分代表一半半。請問你會俾(八間大專院校輪流轉換次序)既設備幾多分呢?
〔97 = 不認識該院校;98 = 唔知道/難講;99 = 拒答〕 |
7) 請你用0-10分評價各院校學生既行為、品格、同埋質素,0分代表極差,10分代表極佳,5分代表一半半。請問你會俾(八間大專院校輪流轉換次序)既學生幾多分呢?
〔97 = 不認識該院校;98 = 唔知道/難講;99 = 拒答〕 |
8) 以校園風景、校舍設計及舒適度為準則,請問你認為全港邊間大專院校既校園環境最好呢? |
- 中文大學
- 城市大學
- 科技大學
- 香港大學
- 浸會大學
- 教育學院
- 理工大學
- 嶺南大學
- 唔知道/難講
9) 咁你認為邊間院校既學習氣氛最好呢? |
- 中文大學
- 城市大學
- 科技大學
- 香港大學
- 浸會大學
- 教育學院
- 理工大學
- 嶺南大學
- 唔知道/難講
10) 咁你認為邊間院校既對外政策最開放呢? |
- 中文大學
- 城市大學
- 科技大學
- 香港大學
- 浸會大學
- 教育學院
- 理工大學
- 嶺南大學
- 唔知道/難講
11) 咁你認為邊間院校既畢業生最受香港僱主歡迎呢? |
- 中文大學
- 城市大學
- 科技大學
- 香港大學
- 浸會大學
- 教育學院
- 理工大學
- 嶺南大學
- 唔知道/難講
12) 咁你認為邊間院校既校長最親民呢? |
- 中文大學 李國章教授
- 城市大學 張信剛教授
- 科技大學 吳家瑋教授
- 香港大學 戴義安教授
- 浸會大學 謝志偉博士
- 教育學院 許美德教授
- 理工大學 潘宗光教授
- 嶺南大學 陳坤耀教授
- 唔知道/難講
13) 請問你有冇興趣往海外升學或者留學? |
- 有
- 冇 (跳至第四部份)
14) 〔只問有興趣往海外升學者〕請問你最想去邊個國家升學或者留學? |
- 中國
- 美國
- 英國
- 澳洲
- 日本
- 加拿大
- 紐西蘭
- 其他
- 唔知道/難講
第四部份: 個人資料
15) 性別 |
- 男
- 女
16) 年齡 (準確數字) 【99 = 唔肯講 】 |
17) 教育程度 |
- 小學以下
- 中學
- 預科
- 專上非學位
- 專上學位
- 拒絕回答
18) 請問你住緊既單位係: |
- 自置,定係
- 租住既呢?
- 拒絕回答
19) 咁係咩類型既房屋呢? |
- 公營租住房屋
- 房屋委員會補助出售單位
- 房屋協會補助出售單位
- 私人住宅單位
- 村屋:別墅/平房/新型村屋
- 村屋:簡單磚石蓋搭建築物/傳統村屋
- 公營臨時房屋
- 私人臨時房屋
- 員工宿舍
- 其他
- 拒絕回答
20) 職業 |
- 經理及行政人員
- 專業人員
- 輔助專業人員
- 文員
- 服務工作及商店銷售人員
- 漁農業熟練工人
- 手工藝及有關人員
- 機台及機器操作員及裝配員
- 非技術工人
- 學生
- 家庭主婦
- 不能辨別
- 其他(包括失業、巳退休、及其他非在職者)
- 拒絕回答
21) 〔只問職業為專業人員者〕請問你係唔係教育界人士? |
- 係-小學教職員(包括老師及校長)
- 係-中學教職員(包括老師及校長)
- 係-大專院校教職員
- 其他
- 唔係
- 拒絕回答