HKU Releases Survey on Public's Reception & Perception of Volunteer ServicesBack

發稿日期:2001年11月4日 Date of Release : 4 November 2001
Survey on Public's Reception & Perception of Volunteer Services
AVS provides various Volunteering Activities for Participation

In 2001 IYV, the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS) appointed the University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme (HKUPOP) to conduct a survey on "Public's Reception & Perception of Volunteer Services" with aims to have a better understanding on the experience, motivation, contribution, values, facilitators and obstacles of the people in Hong Kong participating in volunteer services.


Dr Chung Ting-yiu, Programme Director of the HKUPOP reported that, according to the findings, about 62% respondents participated in organized volunteer service and mutual aid activities ("not organized volunteer service"). Using the latest statistics of the Hong Kong population aged 15 or above (approximately 5.6 millions), it is estimated that the total number of volunteers falls between 3.3 and 3.6 millions. Findings indicate that participants of organized volunteer service and mutual aid activities provided an average of 35 and 22 hours of services respectively in the past 12 months, and self-rated the economic value of such services at HK$76 and HK$32 respectively. Besides, about 45% respondents indicated that they participated in volunteering mainly through social service organizations, religious bodies and schools. In addition, most respondents thought that the best way to promote local volunteer service is to improve the economic condition (12%), to inject more resources (8%) and to cultivate the atmosphere for volunteering (7%) in Hong Kong.


In the press conference , Mr Lee Jark-pui, Chairman of the AVS announced a series of development plans of the Agency to facilitate and encourage more volunteer participation. The volunteering activities includes : "Cultural Services Volunteers Scheme", "Happy China Tour for Home Elderly", "Community Service Project", "Caring the Seniors Movement", "V-Walk for Volunteering-A Walk at Sun-set", "Tuition on Volunteers" and free "Volunteer e-card", etc.


As a partnership with the corporate sector, to sustain the development of volunteer service, the AVS and the Hong Kong Chinese Bank (HKCB) will launch a "AVS VISA Card" at the press conference. Mr Simon Chau, Assistant General Manager of the HKCB officiated at the launching.


For more details of the volunteering activities, please visit the Homepage of the Agency for Volunteer Service at or contact them at 2527-3825.







香港大學民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀博士於發佈會中公佈,調查結果顯示,有62% 受訪者曾參與有組織及非組織性的義務工作,以最近公佈十五歲或以上的香港人口統計數字計(約為560萬人),即曾志願地幫助有需要人士的香港人介乎330-360萬人之間。調查結果指出,在過去12個月曾經參與有組織義工服務的受訪者,平均提供35小時服務,自我估計的經濟價值平均為每小時76港元;曾經提供非組織義工服務的受訪者,平均服務22小時,自我估計的經濟價值平均為每小時32港元。45%受訪者回覆其參與義務工作的途徑主要是透過社會服務機構、宗教團體及學校。另外,受訪者認為改善社會經濟(12%),投放更多資源(8%)及培養做義工的社會氣氛(7%)對發展義務工作是重要。






各項服務及活動的詳情,歡迎瀏覽義務工作發展局網頁 或 致電該局 2527-3825 查詢。