巿民對義務工作意見調查 - 調查問卷Survey on Public's Reception and Perception of Volunteer Services - QuestionnaireBack
I. Experience & Motive of Participating in Volunteer Work: Organized Volunteering |
"First of all, let me briefly explain the meaning of organized volunteering. In short, organized volunteering generally refers to any services that are provided by aspiring individuals who are willing to contribute their time and effort for no material returns. Besides, these voluntary services, such as visiting, escorting, providing clerical work, homework tutoring as well as joining Kai Fong Association and Alumnus, aim at improving the community and are organized by voluntary organizations or groups." |
1. Using this definition, have you participated in any organized volunteering excluding donation before today? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q11) |
Forgotten (skip to Q11) |
2. (Only ask those who have participated in organized volunteering before) When was the last time that you participated in organized volunteering? |
<= 1 month |
<=2 months (but >1 month) |
<=3 months (but > 2 months) |
<=6 months (but > 3 months) |
<=1 year (but > 6 months) |
<=2 years (but > 1 year) (skip to Q7) |
<=3 years (but > 2 years) (skip to Q7) |
> 3 years (please specify) (skip to Q7) |
Forgotten |
Refused to answer |
3. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in organized volunteering over the past 12 months) How many times have you participated in volunteering over the past 12 months? (Exact numbers) |
【91= Forgotten, 99= Refused to answer】 |
4. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in organized volunteering over the past 12 months) How many hours have you participated in volunteering over the past 12 months? (Exact numbers, but can be inferred from the no. of hours per week) |
【91= Forgotten, 99= Refused to answer】 |
5. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in organized volunteering over the past 12 months) Assuming that the volunteer work that you provided over the past 12 months are to be done by paid workers of a private organization, how much do you think each working hour is worth? By this, we want to estimate the contribution made by volunteers in Hong Kong. (Exact numbers) |
【91= Don't know / hard to say, 99= Refused to answer】 |
6. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in organized volunteering over the past 12 months) For which type of organization(s) have you participated in organized volunteering over the past 12 months? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses up to 10; answers classified by interviewers) |
Government departments |
Agency for Volunteer Service |
Social service organizations (please specify) |
Religious bodies (please specify) |
Uniform groups (please specify) |
Kai Fong Association |
Clanship associations |
Mutual Aid Committees |
Occupational unions |
Recreational and cultural organizations |
District Committees |
Social Service groups in school: students' association |
Social Service groups in school: parents-teachers' association |
Alumni associations |
Owners' corporations |
Health and medical associations / hospitals |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / forgotten |
Refused to answer |
7. (Only ask those who have participated in organized volunteering before) What kind of volunteering service have you participated in? (Do not read out answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Clerical work |
Skill coaching |
Escorting service |
Befriending service |
Homework tutoring |
Visiting |
Recreational activities |
Labour work |
Survey service |
Art and design |
Counseling |
Promotion and community-education |
Medical service |
Editing and publishing service |
Housework assistance |
Baby-sitting / day care service |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
8. (Only ask those who have participated in organized volunteering before) Through what channels do you learn about ways to participate in volunteering? |
Radio |
Television |
Newspapers |
Magazines |
Internet |
Referral by friends |
Referral by relatives |
Referral by family members |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
9. (Only ask those who have participated in organized volunteering before) Why do you participate in volunteer work? |
To kill time |
To make friends |
To gain skills and knowledge |
To gain work/social experience |
To help others |
To improve the community |
Citizen responsibility |
Self-actualization |
Religion |
Encouraged/influenced by others |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
10. (Only ask those who have participated in organized volunteering before) Do you think it is necessary to receive training before participating in volunteer work? |
Yes |
No |
Doesn't matter |
Refused to answer |
II. Experience of Participating in Volunteer Work: Mutual Aid |
"Now, let me briefly explain the meaning of mutual aid. Simply speaking, mutual aid refers to the spontaneous behaviors aiming to help others that are not organized and would happen from time to time. For example, helping the elderly cross the roads, helping your elderly neighbor shop for daily necessity and taking care of neighbor's children." |
11. Using this definition, have you participated in any mutual aid excluding donation before today? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q16 or 18) |
Forgotten (skip to Q16 or Q18) |
[If respondents have participated in any form of volunteering (organized or mutual aid), skip to Q16; if not, then skip to Q18] |
12. (Only ask those who have participated in mutual aid before) When was the last time that you participated in mutual aid? |
<= 1 month |
<=2 months (but >1 month) |
<=3 months (but > 2 months) |
<=6 months (but > 3 months) |
<=1 year (but > 6 months) |
<=2 years (but > 1 year) (skip to Q16) |
<=3 years (but > 2 years) (skip to Q16) |
> 3 years (please specify) (skip to Q16) |
Forgotten |
Refused to answer |
13. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in mutual aid over the past 12 months) How many times have you participated in mutual aid over the past 12 months? (Exact numbers)【91= Forgotten, 99= Refused to answer】 |
14. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in mutual aid over the past 12 months) How many hours have you participated in mutual aid over the past 12 months? (Exact numbers, but can be inferred from the no. of hours per week)【91= Forgotten, 99= Refused to answer】 |
15. (Excluding those who are certain that they have not participated in mutual aid over the past 12 months) Assuming that the volunteer work that you provided over the past 12 months are to be done by paid workers of a private organization, how much do you think each working hour is worth? By this, we want to estimate the contribution made by volunteers in Hong Kong.(Exact numbers) |
【91= Don't know / hard to say, 99= Refused to answer】 |
16. (Only ask those who have participated in volunteer work) Will you continue to volunteer in the future? |
Yes (skip to Q21) |
No |
Don't know / hard to say (skip to Q21) |
Refused to answer |
17. (Only ask those who will not continue to volunteer in the future) Why not? |
Disappointed (skip to Q21) |
Unhappy experience caused by the arrangement of the agency (skip to Q21) |
Unhappy experience caused by the service recipient (skip to Q21) |
Not interested (skip to Q21) |
Avoidance of the crowd (skip to Q21) |
No companionship (skip to Q21) |
Physically unfit (skip to Q21) |
Lack of time (skip to Q21) |
No monetary returns (skip to Q21) |
Afraid to get in touch with gangs (skip to Q21) |
Forbidden by family (skip to Q21) |
Others (please specify) (skip to Q21) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
(Skip from Q11, those who have never participated in volunteer work) |
18. (Only ask those who have never participated in volunteer work) Why don't you participate in volunteer work? |
Not knowing the way to join |
Not knowing what it is about |
Not interested |
Avoidance of the crowd |
No companionship |
Physically unfit |
Lack of time |
No monetary returns |
Afraid to get in touch with gangs |
Forbidden by family |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
19. (Only ask those who have never participated in volunteer work) Would you consider to volunteer in the future? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q21) |
Don't know / hard to say |
20. (Only ask those who would consider to volunteer in the future) Why? |
To kill time |
To make friends |
To gain skills and knowledge |
To gain work/social experience |
To help others |
To improve the community |
Citizen responsibility |
Self-actualization |
Religion |
Encouraged/influenced by others |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
21. What do you think are the main reasons for those who participate in volunteering? (Read out answers, multiple responses allowed) |
To serve the community |
To help others |
To enrich knowledge |
To kill time |
To gain work/social experience |
To make friends |
For self-promotion |
To reveal hidden potential |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
22. What do you think are the main hindrances for those who do not volunteer? (Read out answers, multiple responses allowed) |
A waste of time / lack of time |
A waste of money |
Care less for homework/work |
Care less for family |
Afraid of being exploited |
Making bad friends |
Not knowing what volunteer work is |
Inadequate publicity |
Troublesome / need to attend meetings |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
III. Social Influence |
23. Have you ever encouraged others to participate in volunteering, which include organized volunteering and mutual aid? |
Yes |
No |
24. Have other people ever encouraged you to participate in volunteering? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q26) |
25. (Only ask those who have been encouraged to participate in volunteering) Then what is the main source of that encouragement? |
Family member |
Relatives |
Friends |
Teachers |
Schoolmates |
Colleagues |
Neighbors |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
IV. Evaluation of the Barriers and Expectations of Volunteering |
26. What do you think is the main barrier to the local development of volunteering (including organized volunteering and mutual aid) nowadays? (Do not read out answers, single response allowed) |
Poor economic condition |
Lack of atmosphere for volunteering |
Non-respect for volunteers |
Lack of care for others of HK people |
Lack of time of HK people |
Lack of resources |
Insufficient assistance from the government |
Influence of the mass media |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
27. Then do you have any suggestion to improve the situation? (Do not read out answers, single response allowed) |
Better social welfare |
To improve the economic condition |
More compliments to the volunteers |
To cultivate the atmosphere for volunteering |
To cultivate the care for others among HK people |
To inject more resources |
More governmental assistance |
To improve the conduct of the mass media |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
28. In your opinion, local volunteering should ideally be organized by….… (Read out the first three answers, single response allowed) |
The government |
Non-government organizations |
People in Hong Kong |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
29. How would you describe the social status of volunteers in Hong Kong? |
Respectable |
Not respected |
Non-essential |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refused to answer |
V. Personal Particulars |
D1. Gender |
Male |
Female |
D2. Age (Exact numbers) |
【99= Refused to answer】 |
D3. Education Attainment |
Primary or below |
Secondary |
Matriculated |
Tertiary, non-degree course |
Tertiary, degree course |
Postgraduate or above |
Refused to answer |
D4. House type |
Public housing estate |
Housing Authority subsidized sale flats |
Housing Society subsidized sale flats |
Private housing |
Villages: villas/ bungalows/ modern village houses |
Villages: simple stone structures/ traditional village houses |
Public temporary housing |
Private temporary housing |
Staff quarters |
Others |
Refused to answer |
D5. Occupation |
Managers and administrators |
Professionals |
Associate professionals |
Clerks |
Service workers and shop sales workers |
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers |
Craft and related workers |
Plant and machine operators and assemblers |
Non-skilled workers |
Students |
Housewives |
Unclassified |
Others (unemployed, retired, etc.) |
Refused to answer |
I. 參加義務工作的經驗及動機:有組織的義務工作 |
『首先,我想用小小時間解釋一下乜野叫做有組織既義務工作:簡單黎講,有組織既義務工作泛指任何志願貢獻個人既時間及精神,係唔為任何物質報酬既情況下為改進社會而提供既服務,而有關既服務係透過志願機構或者團體策劃既,例如:探訪、護送、提供文書協助、功課輔導等等;參加街坊福利會同校友會等都計。』 |
1. 用呢個定義,請問你係今日之前有冇做過有組織既義務工作,捐獻唔計? |
有 |
冇 (跳至Q11) |
唔記得 (跳至Q11) |
2. [只問曾參與有組織義務工作者] 請問你最後一次幾時做過呢d有組織既義工,即係幾耐之前? |
一個月或以下 |
二個月或以下(但超過一個月) |
三個月或以下(但超過二個月) |
半年或以下(但超過三個月) |
一年或以下(但超過半年) |
二年或以下(但超過一年)(跳至Q7) |
三年或以下(但超過二年)(跳至Q7) |
超過三年以上(請註明)(跳至Q7) |
唔記得 |
拒絕回答 |
3. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與有組織義工者] 請問你係過去十二個月之內大概做過幾多次義工?(實數) |
【91=唔記得,99=拒答】 |
4. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與有組織義工者] 請問你係過去十二個月之內大概做左幾多個鐘頭義工?(實數,但可由每週工時推算) |
【91=唔記得,99=拒答】 |
5. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與有組織義工者] 假設你係過去十二個月之內做既義務工作全部改由受薪人士替私人工作,你認為每個工作小時應該值幾多錢?我地想統計一下香港人係義務工作方面既貢獻。(實數) |
【91=唔知/難講,99=拒答】 |
6. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與有組織義工者] 請你話俾我聽你係過去十二個月為邊d團體做過有組織既義務工作?(不讀答案,可選多項,最多十個,由訪員先記錄再分類) |
香港政府部門 |
義務工作發展局 |
社會服務團體(請註明) |
宗教團體(請註明) |
制服團體(請註明) |
街坊會 |
宗親/同鄉會 |
互助委員會 |
同業職工會 |
康體文化機構 |
地區委員會 |
學校社會服務團體:學生組織 |
學校社會服務團體:家長教師組織 |
同學會/舊生會 |
業主立案法團 |
健康醫療機構/醫院 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/唔記得 |
拒絕回答 |
7. [只問曾經參與有組織義務工作者] 請問你參加過既義務工作主要屬於乜野性質?(不讀答案,但追問清楚,可選多項) |
文書服務 |
技能指導服務 |
護送服務 |
大哥哥/大姐姐服務 |
功課輔導服務 |
探訪服務 |
康樂性服務 |
勞動服務 |
調查服務 |
美術設計服務 |
輔導服務 |
宣傳及社會教育服務 |
醫療護理服務 |
編輯及出版服務 |
家務助理服務 |
幼兒照顧服務 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
8. [只問曾經參與有組織義務工作者] 請問你係透過乜野途徑得知參加義工既方法? |
電台 |
電視 |
報章 |
雜誌 |
互聯網 |
朋友介紹 |
親戚介紹 |
家人介紹 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
9. [只問曾經參與有組織義務工作者] 點解你會參加呢d義務工作? |
消磨時間 |
結交朋友 |
增加知識/技能 |
獲取工作/社會經驗 |
幫助他人 |
改善社會 |
市民應有的責任 |
自我發展 |
信仰 |
其他人鼓勵(別人影響) |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
10. [只問曾經參與有組織義務工作者] 你覺得參加呢d義務工作之前有無需要接受訓練? |
有 |
無 |
無所謂 |
拒絕回答 |
II. 參加義務工作的經驗:非組織性的義務工作 |
『宜家,我想再用小小時間解釋一下乜野叫做非組織性義務工作:簡單黎講,非組織性義務工作係指冇經過策劃既自發性助人行為,而呢d行為會久唔久發生既,例如:扶長者過馬路、幫助隔鄰既婆婆買東西、幫助鄰居照顧小朋友等。』 |
11. 用呢個定義,請問你係今日之前有冇做過非組織性既義務工作,捐獻唔計? |
有 |
冇 (跳至Q16 or 18) |
唔記得 (跳至Q16 or Q18) |
[若被訪者曾參與某種形式的義務工作(有組織或非組織義務工作),跳至Q16;否則跳至Q18。] |
12. [只問曾經參與非組織性義務工作者] 請問你最後一次幾時做過呢d非組織性既義工,即係幾耐之前? |
一個月或以下 |
二個月或以下(但超過一個月) |
三個月或以下(但超過二個月) |
半年或以下(但超過三個月) |
一年或以下(但超過半年) |
二年或以下(但超過一年)(跳至Q16) |
三年或以下(但超過二年)(跳至Q16) |
超過三年以上(請註明)(跳至Q16) |
唔記得 |
拒絕回答 |
13. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與非組織性義務工作者] 請問你係過去十二個月之內大概做過幾多次非組織性既義工?(實數) |
【91=唔記得,99=拒答】 |
14. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與非組織性義務工作者] 請問你係過去十二個月之內大概做過左幾多個鐘頭非組織性既義工?(實數,但可由每週工時推算) |
【91=唔記得,99=拒答】 |
15. [撇除過去十二個月內肯定沒有參與非組織性義務工作者] 假設你係過去十二個月之內做既義務工作全部改由受薪人士替私人工作,你認為每個工作小時應該值幾多錢?我地想統計一下香港人係義務工作方面既貢獻。(實數) |
【91=唔知/難講,99=拒答】 |
16. [只問曾經參與義務工作者] 你將來會唔會繼續做義工? |
會 (跳至Q21) |
唔會 |
唔知/難講 (跳至Q21) |
拒絕回答 |
17. [只問曾經參與義務工作但將來不會繼續者] 點解唔會? |
失望(跳至Q21) |
不愉快經驗:機構安排方面(跳至Q21) |
不愉快經驗:服務對像方面(跳至Q21) |
無興趣(跳至Q21) |
怕人多(跳至Q21) |
無人陪(跳至Q21) |
身體唔好(跳至Q21) |
無時間(跳至Q21) |
無錢的工作唔做(跳至Q21) |
怕學壞(跳至Q21) |
家人不允許(跳至Q21) |
其他(請註明)(跳至Q21) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
(由Q11跳至,從未參與義務工作者) |
18. [只問從未參與義務工作者] 點解你唔做義工? |
唔知點樣參加 |
唔知係什?東西 |
無興趣 |
怕人多 |
無人陪 |
身體唔好 |
無時間 |
無錢的工作唔做 |
怕學壞 |
家人不允許 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
19. [只問從未參與義務工作者] 你將來會唔會做義工? |
會 |
唔會 (跳至Q21) |
唔知/難講 |
20. [只問從未參與義務工作但表示將來會參與者] 點解會? |
消磨時間 |
結交朋友 |
增加知識/技能 |
獲取工作/社會經驗 |
幫助他人 |
改善社會 |
市民應有的責任 |
自我發展 |
信仰 |
其他人鼓勵(別人影響) |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
21. 照你所知,點解有d人會做義工?你認為佢地既主要目的係乜野?(讀出答案,可選多項) |
熱心公益 |
有同情心去幫助別人 |
想學多東西 |
得閑無事做 |
想增加工作/社會經驗 |
想結識多些朋友 |
出風頭 |
發掘自己既潛能 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
22. 照你所知,點解有d人唔做義工?(讀出答案,可選多項) |
怕浪費時間 |
怕浪費金錢 |
怕忽略功課/工作 |
怕忽略家庭 |
怕?人利用作廉價勞工 |
怕結識壞朋友 |
唔知系D什?東西 |
唔知有得參加/宣傳不足 |
怕麻煩/要開會 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
III. 社群影響 |
23. 請問你有冇鼓勵過其他人做義工,包括有組織或者非組織性既義務工作? |
有 |
冇 |
24. 咁其他人有冇鼓勵過你做義工? |
有 |
冇 (跳至Q26) |
25. [只問曾被鼓勵做義工者] 咁果d鼓勵主要黎自邊d人? |
家人 |
親戚 |
朋友 |
老師 |
同學 |
同事 |
鄰居 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
IV. 檢討義務工作的障礙及展望 |
26. 請問你認為發展本地義務工作(包括有組織及非組織性)目前面對既最大障礙係乜野?(不讀答案,只選一項) |
社會經濟唔好 |
欠缺做義工既社會氣氛 |
義工得不到尊重 |
香港人冇愛心 |
香港人冇時間 |
欠缺資源 |
政府協助不足 |
傳媒影響 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
27. 咁你認為有乜野既改善方法?(不讀答案,只選一項) |
增加社會福利 |
改善社會經濟 |
增加對義工既嘉許 |
培養做義工既社會氣氛 |
培養香港人既愛心 |
投放更多資源 |
增加政府協助 |
改善傳媒操守 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
28. 你認為發展本地義務工作最好係靠……(讀出首三答案,只選一項) |
政府 |
民間組織 |
巿民自己 |
其他(請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
29. 你會點樣形容義工係香港社會既地位? |
受到重視/尊重 |
受到排斥 |
可有可冇 |
唔知/難講 |
拒絕回答 |
V. 背景資料 |
D1 性別 |
男 |
女 |
D2 年齡(實數) |
【99=拒答】 |
D3 教育程度 |
小學或以下 |
中學 |
預科 |
專上非學位 |
專上學位 |
研究院或以上 |
拒絕回答 |
D4 居住房屋 |
公營租住房屋 |
房屋委員會補助出售單位 |
房屋協會補助出售單位 |
私人住宅單位 |
村屋:別墅/平房/新型村屋 |
村屋:簡單磚石蓋搭建築物/傳統村屋 |
公營臨時房屋 |
私人臨時房屋 |
員工宿舍 |
其他 |
拒絕回答 |
D5 職業 |
經理及行政人員 |
專業人員 |
輔助專業人員 |
文員 |
服務工作及商店銷售人員 |
漁農業熟練工人 |
手工藝及有關人員 |
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 |
非技術工人 |
學生 |
家庭主婦 |
不能辨別 |
其他(包括失業、已退休、及其他非在職者) |
拒絕回答 |